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I told you i would перевод на португальский

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I told you I would destroy you.
Eu disse-te que te ia destruir.
I told you I would always take care of you.
Eu disse que cuidaria sempre de ti.
I told you I would take care of it.
Eu disse-te que tratava disso.
I told you I would help you find Dearing, and I meant it.
Disse-vos que ajudava a encontrar o Dearing, a sério.
I told you I would.
Disse-te que o faria.
I told you I would take care of it.
Eu disse-te que ia tratar disso.
I told you I would do everything possible... to make sure that your skeleton ends up in a science class at a women's college.
Já te disse que farei todos os possíveis para o teu esqueleto acabar numa aula de Ciências, numa faculdade de mulheres.
I told you I would handle it.
Eu disse-te que tratava do assunto.
It's just, she's short on the financing, and so I told her that I would be her partner and, you know, help her out with the balance of the loan.
É que ela não tem o dinheiro todo e eu disse-lhe que seria sua sócia, que a ajudaria com o empréstimo.
If I told the police that you mowed me down with your car, you would not be here getting a slice of peach pie every day to wash down your meds.
Se dissesse à Polícia que me abalroaste de carro, não estarias aqui a comer uma fatia de tarte de pêssego todos os dias para empurrar os medicamentos.
I was told to find you - - that you were the only one who would understand.
Disseram-me para o encontrar... Que era o único que iria compreender.
I told you, I would have seen this system if it existed.
Já disse, eu tinha visto esse sistema se existisse.
I always told you that mommy would take care of everything.
Sempre te disse, que a mamã tomava conta de tudo.
I told you he overruled me, and then you blabbed to the chief, and now Flanigan blames me. Well, I didn't think it would come back at you. Yeah, that's right.
- Eu disse-te o que ele fez, e tu falaste com o chefe, agora o Flanigan culpa-me.
You told me if I was honest, everything would work out.
Disseste-me que se fosse honesto tudo iria ficar bem.
If you would have consulted with me first, like I offered, I could have told you Garvin Steiner was never going to grant an injunction.
Se me tivesses consultado primeiro, tal como eu propus, podia ter-te dito que o Garvin Steiner nunca iria conceder um processo cautelar.
If I told you it was a yaw drive, would that mean anything to you?
Se lhe dissesse que é um aerogerador, faria sentido para si?
That I told you so? I would never say that.
Até aguentaste bastante, tendo em conta que ela é louca.
I would never have told you to come all this way.
Por isso é que não pediste.
Because if I wanted to hurt you, I would have told you.
Porque se te quisesse magoar, ter-te-ia contado!
Would it help if I told you I didn't have a choice?
- Ajudaria se te dissesse que não tive outra escolha?
If I did, I would have told you to give it back.
Se soubesse, dir-te-ia para devolveres o dinheiro.
I told him I would rather you have it to build a hospice.
Eu disse-lhe que preferia que vós construísseis uma casa de doentes.
If I told you, your life would be endangered.
Se te contasse a tua vida correria perigo.
This is exactly what I told you would happen.
Isto é exactamente o que eu te disse que ia acontecer.
'You would come back and asked me.. .. what truth am I hiding from you.''but, brother, I couldn't have told you the truth..
Você gostaria de voltar e perguntar qual é a verdade que eu estou escondendo de si.
How would you like it if I told your mother right on the other side of that door how you boys were in here disrespecting us?
E se eu contasse à vossa mãe, que está do lado de lá dessa porta, o modo como nos faltaram ao respeito?
You found out about it and told her that the price for your silence was a closet full of fancy duds. But why would I kill her?
Você descobriu e disse-lhe que o preço pelo seu silêncio era uma armário cheio.
- If you thought I'd be happy, you would've told me when it happened. - I thought you'd be happy.
- Pensei que ficarias feliz.
What would you say if I told you your fiancé hasn't changed?
O que diria se lhe dissesse que o seu noivo não mudou?
I told them you would need some new toys.
Eu disse-lhes que ias precisar de alguns brinquedos novos.
Don't you think I would've told you if I had?
Não acha que lhe teria dito se tivesse visto?
I told you this would never work.
Eu disse que não ia resultar.
But Wells, he told me I would find you here.
O Wells disse-me que vos encontraria aqui.
You told me to focus on the future. On the knowledge that I would get out.
Disseste-me para me concentrar no futuro, no conhecimento de que eu ia sair.
But what if I told you something about dad and Jane that would make you very happy?
E se te contasse algo sobre pai e Jane que te deixaria feliz?
I hoped it wouldn't come to this, but, uh, maybe it would be helpful if I told you my sexual secrets first.
Eu esperava não ter que fazer isso, mas talvez ajudaria se eu contasse os meus segredos.
Told you I was coming, didn't I? Sure, but I figured you'd shy away once you thought about how it would look, you know, being here without Kyle.
Claro, mas pensei ias fugir uma vez que pensasses como ia parecer, percebes, vir aqui sem o Kyle.
And if I told you he was right, what would you do with that information?
E se lhe disser que ele estava correcto, o que faria com essa informação?
I don't know what lies he told you, but you would do well to remember that there are three sides to every story.
Eu não sei que mentiras ele te contou, mas seria bom lembrares-te que existem três versões de cada história.
Would you believe me if I told you that I don't share their methods?
Acreditarias se te dissesse que não uso os métodos deles? - Não.
If I told you to jump off the bridge of the Enterprise, would you do it?
Se te dissesse para saltar da ponte da Enterprise, será que o farias?
I told you this would happen.
Eu disse-te que isto ia acontecer.
I told you, it would always remind you that our love was real.
Eu disse-te, que me lembraria sempre de ti que o nosso amor era verdadeiro.
Do you know how awesome it would be if I called them up and told them that James was doing a reunion show?
Sabes quão incrível seria se eu lhes ligasse e dissesse que o James ia fazer uma nova temporada?
Well, I told her that if she handed over those videos, Wilden and his cronies would be watching you change into a bikini on a loop.
Disse-lhe que se ela entregasse aqueles vídeos, o Wilden e a sua gangue ver-te-iam a mudar de biquíni.
So perhaps you can explain why you would fund a Web site that could expose your own illegal activity. I told you...
E infelizmente temos interesses em comum nesse momento.
I told you what would happen if you came back.
Eu disse-te o que aconteceria se voltasses.
I told you it would be all right. Yeah.
Eu disse-te que ia correr bem.
If I'd known you were gonna go to that party, I never would have told Connor about Rebekah.
Se eu soubesse que ias àquela festa, nunca teria falado da Rebekah ao Connor.
Well, if you told Riley about Kyle back when it happened, you and I both know that poor excuse of a man would have still walked out on my daughter.
Se tivesses contado à Riley sobre o Kyle quando isso aconteceu ambas sabemos que esse triste ainda teria abandonado a minha filha.

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