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I wanted to be with you перевод на португальский

380 параллельный перевод
I came along tonight because I wanted to be with you more than anything else in the world.
Eu vim porque queria estar com você mais do que qualquer coisa.
I didn't have another way to express that I wanted to be with you.
Porque não sabia outra maneira de lhe dizer que me doi não estar com você.
The point is I wanted to be with you.
O tema é que eu queria estar contigo.
I wanted to be with you.
Queria estar contigo.
I wanted to be with you, I wanted to be safe.
Em segurança.
I wanted to be with you when I told you.
Queria estar contigo quando te dissesse.
- I wanted to be with you.
Queria estar contigo, Buck.
I wanted to be with you so much!
Eu queria tanto estar contigo.
I wanted to be with you.
Desejava estar contigo.
You see, Case, the trouble with me is that I never could decide whether I wanted to be Joan of Arc, Florence Nightingale or John L. Lewis.
O meu problema é que nunca soube decidir... se queria ser Joana de Arc, Florence Nightingale ou John L. Lewis.
I wanted you to be with your yearling.
Queria que estivesses com o teu cêrvo.
I wanted to be so sure I couldn't go out with you tonight, and here I am, cooking for you.
Queria estar tão certa de não poder sair hoje contigo. E aqui estou, a cozinhar para ti.
But you Christians set such a great store by conscience that I wanted to be conscientious with my Christian wife.
Mas os cristãos, dão tanta importância à rectidão e eu quis ser recto com a minha mulher cristã.
In your day, you were faster with a gun than I ever wanted to be.
Em tempos, você era o mais rápido com uma arma... como eu sempre quis ser.
Me? I only wanted to be with you, as we are now.
Eu só queria estar contigo, como estamos agora.
I should have phoned you, but I wanted to see you and be with you.
Devia ter telefonado, mas eu queria ver-te e estar contigo...
You said when we first met, if you ever wanted anything I had, you would be glad to deal with me?
Quando nos vimos a primeira vez, disse que se alguma vez quisesse algo que eu tinha que ia haver-se comigo com gosto?
All my life, all I wanted to do is to be friends with you.
Tudo o que eu queria era sermos amigos.
What I wanted to be! Now I'm supposed to go into the mill with you, what for?
Agora é suposto ir para a fábrica para agradar-lhe.
I just wanted to be with you.
Só queria estar contigo.
I told you to dance with him. Instead, you wanted to be the sophisticated lady.
Eu só te pedi que dançasse com eles... mas quiseste passar-te por boémia, com aqueles imbecis!
I wanted to die with that image of you with you in my heart, craving to make you mine. but that will never be, alas!
Quisera morrer naquele momento morrer assim com aquela imagem tua dentro da alma, com esse desejo imenso que tenho de te sentir minha e que a vida nunca me concederá!
You know... someone I wanted to be with.
Sabe, alguém com quem quisesse estar.
I just wanted to come up and be with you.
Só queria aparecer e estar consigo.
I really wanted to be with you up here.
Teria gostado muito de estar contigo hoje.
I wanted to be honest with you.
Eu pretendo ser honesto consigo.
Greta, you are too old to be doing this. I mean, if you really wanted to be... with women, I mean... shouldn't you have done it when you were in college... like everyone else? I mean, come on.
Greta, tu és muito velha para fazer isto. não o devias ter feito enquanto estavas no colégio... como toda a gente.. quero dizer...
And to think that for a moment I believed you really wanted to be with me :
E pensar que por um momento acreditei que querias estar comigo.
Well Sarge, I wanted to be alone with Evelyn, even though I know you don't approve. So I had everyone disappear. And there we were, Evelyn, Scardella and me.
Bem, Sargento, queria estar a sós com a Evelyn, embora saiba que não aprova, pelo que fiz toda a gente desaparecer.
I wanted to tell you but I knew if I met with you again... I wouldn't be able to go through with my plans to be a nun.
Eu queria contar-te mas sabia que, se voltasse a ver-te, não conseguia ir em frente com os meus planos de ser freira.
I thought you wanted to be with Ted.
Pensei que querias estar com o Ted.
So when I thought about who I wanted to be with... I knew it was you.
Por isso, quando pensei com quem gostaria de estar, percebi que era contigo.
I'd be with you if I wanted to be with anyone.
Estaria consigo se quisesse estar com alguém.
See, I just wanted to join the force to be with you.
Olha, só quis entrar para a Polícia para estar contigo.
Honey, if I wanted to go away, even with you, it wouldn't be this weekend.
Querida, se eu quisesse ir para fora contigo, não era este fim-de-semana.
And I wanted to tell you... why I couldn't be with you.
Queria dizer-te... por que não podia ficar contigo.
You may be the first attractive woman I've not wanted to sleep with in my entire life.
Pode ser que sejas a primeira mulher atraente com quem eu não quis dormir em toda a minha vida.
You sent me away because you knew I wanted to be with him.
Mandou-me embora porque sabia que eu queria estar com ele.
I know I'm probably not supposed to be talking on the tape recorder, but... I just wanted to say thank you for taking me and Early with you on your trip because me and Early's having a really good time.
Eu sei que, provavelmente, não devia estar falando no gravador, mas só queria dizer obrigada por levar eu e o Early com vocês na sua viagem porque eu e o Early estamos nos divertindo muito.
- I've wanted to be alone with you... since this boring party began.
- Apetece-me estar sozinha contigo... Desde que esta chatice começou.
"Yes, I am Daniel," and there starts out, "pleased to meet you," and there starts out what could turn into... well, as long as her name is Esther, if shes called Alice she keeps going, it doesnt register either, however much you say Esther to her....... once, one was coming, I said, "Esther" she turned around and said, "My name is José Luis," and nothing started out because I dont go for that sort, that sort of neither that guy nor any other guy, I mean, it isnt my thing, my parents brought me up in a certain manner and I have seen my way to responding to that education, honoring, honoring it, let us say, I was educated in the freedom to be able to think whatever I feel like, but yes, things were done in a certain manner ; it was also necessary to respect others, because each person could do what he or she wanted with her life, right?
"sim, eu sou Daniel", e começa, eh? , "muito prazer", e começa o que pode chegar a ser... bom, sempre e quando se chame Esther, se chama Alicia segue caminhando, tampouco percebe, por mais que lhe diga Esther....... uma vez vinha caminhando uma, lhe disse "Esther" se deu volta e me disse "eu me chamo José Luis", e não começou nada porque não me dou com esse tipo de, esse tipo de nem esse tipo nem nenhum tipo, quero dizer, não é o meu, meus padres me educaram de uma maneira e eu sempre soube responder a essa educação, honrando, honrando-a, digamos, me educaram com libertade de poder pensar em qualquer coisa,... .. mas se, as coisas eram de outra forma ; também tinhaa que respeitar os outros, porque cada um podía fazer de sua vida o que tivesse vontade, não?
And I wanted to be there with you. I'm not recording for a film.
É apenas uma música para um anúncio.
We're having a formal state dinner at the White House... and I was wondering... and you're under no obligation... but I thought it might be fun, and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go... with me.
Vamos ter um jantar de Estado na Casa Branca, e pensei, embora não seja obrigada a aceitar... pensei que talvez fosse divertido se quisesse ir comigo e...
I wanted to be here for her, you know, to help her with the breathing.
Queria estar aqui com ela. Ajudar com a respiração e isso.
I wanted to be with you.
- Queria estar contigo.
I know that you've suffered much because I've never had time to be with you, but now we are here, the two of us together, and we can do all we wanted. What we never did...
Sei que tu s0freste muit0 p0r eu nunca ter temp0 para estar c0ntig0, mas ag0ra estam0s aqui 0s d0is junt0s e podíamos fazer tudo 0 que nunca fizem0s...
I wanted to be here with you, Frank.
Queria estar contigo, Frank.
All I wanted... was to be with you.
Tudo o que eu queria era estar contigo.
I wanted to be alone with you.
Queria estar sozinha contigo.
Good,'cause, you know, I really wanted to be alone with you. Ooh, look.
Que bom, porque eu queria... ficar sózinho comsigo.
I just wanted to be honest with you.
Eu só queria ser honesto contigo.

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