If i were you перевод на португальский
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Then if I were you. I would stay indoors.
Então, se fosse a vós, não sairia de casa.
If I were you, I'd keep my distance from him.
Se fosse a ti, mantinha-me distante dele.
If I were you, I'd want him dead.
- Se fosse comigo, eu o mataria.
I look for a band that, if I were you.
Se eu fosse a ti, punha um penso rápido nisso.
And I wouldn't be gloating about being with them if I were you.
E eu não estaria todo exaltado em estar com eles, se eu fosse tu.
I'd take those odds if I were you, Doc.
Se fosse a si, aceitava essa aposta.
- I wouldn't if I were you.
Não dirias isso se fosses tu.
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
- Não faria isso se fosse tu.
I'd watch out if I were you.
Eu tomaria cuidado, se fosse você.
If I were you, I wouldn't issue threats.
Se eu fosse a si, não faria ameaças.
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Se eu fosse a ti não fazia isso.
I wouldn't be roaming'around anywhere if I were you.
Eu não sairia daqui se fosse a vocês.
I would stay away from there if I were you.
Eu ficaria longe daí se fosse a ti.
I'd be worried about myself if I were you.
Se fosse a si preocupava-me consigo.
If you were asleep, I certainly couldn't tell.
Se estava a dormir, eu não percebi.
Well, if you were my patient walking into my office, I would indulge this.
Se fosses meu paciente e entrasses no meu consultório, não permitiria isto.
What if I were to tell you that we have a copy of this email?
E se lhe dissesse que temos uma cópia desse email?
If I didn't know better, I'd say you were suffering from a serious medical condition.
Se eu não soubesse, diria que estava a sofrer de uma grave condição médica.
What if I were to tell you I could make you a dyad like me?
E se lhe dissesse que podia torná-lo num díade como eu?
If I didn't know better, I'd say you were suffering from a serious medical condition.
Se não soubesse, diria que estava a sofrer de uma grave condição médica.
Believe me, I'd be all about you if I were into women.
Acredite, estaria em cima de si se gostasse de mulheres.
Well, if you had talked to me, I would have told you that I thought you were dreaming a little too small.
Se tivesses falado comigo eu dizia-te que estavas a sonhar muito por baixo.
If I were to teach you a piece of music, if it were to strike you in your heart, and the sheets and the staves were burned, you might then play it from memory to a salon of a hundred.
Se vos ensinasse uma peça de música, se vos atingisse o coração, e as folhas e as pautas ardessem, seríeis capaz de tocá-la de cor perante um salão cheio.
If you told me then that I'd be getting my five-year chip now, I'd have thought you were high. Honestly.
Se me dissessem que eu ia ter a minha ficha de 5 anos agora eu ia pensar que estavam drogados.
I would escort you back if I were still welcome at court, But, sadly, I'm not.
Escoltar-vos-ia de volta, se ainda fosse bem-vindo na Corte, mas, infelizmente, não sou.
What if I were to tell you I could make you a dyad like me.
E se lhe dissesse que podia torná-lo num díade como eu?
Well, if I'd known you were gonna join me for lunch, I would have ordered you the salmon.
Bem, se soubesse que ia juntar-se a mim para o almoço eu tinha pedido para si o salmão.
I knew if you were alive you'd show up if the girls were in trouble.
Sabia que, se estivesses viva, aparecerias se as raparigas estivessem em sarilhos.
Well, if you were in my employ I would have to insist you not speak to anyone from the FBI or any other U.S. intelligence agency.
Se você se tornasse meu colaborador, teria de insistir que não falasse com ninguém do FBI nem de qualquer outra agência de informação americana.
- Yes. And if I were to give you my word of honour that nothing took place of which you would disapprove?
Se lhe der a minha palavra em como nada aconteceu, desaprovaria?
But did Tom tell you I stood there staring at a car in flames, wondering if it were him?
Mas o Tom contou-lhe que fiquei ali a olhar para um carro em chamas a perguntar-me se seria ele?
No, I saw what happened to that girl, and if it were my sister or my daughter or my mom, I'd want you to do exactly what you're doing right now.
Vi o que aconteceu com aquela miúda, se fosse minha irmã, minha filha ou mãe, gostava que fizessem exactamente isto.
If you could write down where you were the night of Victoria's murder, I would like a full statement.
Se puder escrever onde estava na noite do ataque à Victoria, passo a passo.
I mean, Jackson, if you were here, you'd know what I'm talking about.
Quero dizer, Jackson, se estivesses aqui, saberias do que estou a falar.
I knew if you were sleeping with her, you wouldn't see other things so clearly.
Eu sabia que, se dormisse com ela, não veria outras coisas tão claramente.
You know, if Dr. Winter were in less than comfortable circumstances, I would worry they may not improve after today's events.
Sabe, se o Dr. Winter estivesse numa situação desconfortável, ficaria preocupado que elas não pudessem melhorar depois daquilo que ocorreu hoje.
And yet if I were to tell you that your boyfriend was dead, you'd cry like a little girl.
Mas se eu dissesse que o seu namorado está morto, você chorava como uma miúda.
If I were a betting man, you'd make me rich.
Se eu fosse apostador, estaria rico.
I wanted the two of you to run that meeting yesterday to see if you were okay with each other.
Quis que dirigissem a reunião para ver se estavam bem um com o outro.
Did I ask you if you were kidding me when you called me that night?
Perguntei se estava a gozar quando me ligou naquela noite?
And another thing, what makes you think if I were ever to leave Louis that I would ever, ever come back to you? Donna...
- Donna...
I'd say, "Shouldn't you be at Louis's desk?" And what if I were?
- Não devias estar na secretária do Louis?
I wouldn't be surprised if you were the least messed-up kid in the whole joint.
Não ficaria surpreendido que fosses o miúdo menos problemático cá do sitio.
And I don't think they would say half the things they say if they knew they were hurting an actual person, do you?
E acho que não diriam as coisas que dizem... Se soubessem que estão a ferir uma pessoa real, não acha?
But if I were to give it to you... a clean succession, there'd be no question.
Mas se eu ta desse, uma sucessão clara, não haveria problemas.
Didn't I say that if you walked away, you were no longer a part of this?
Não disse que se te fosses embora já não fazias parte disto?
If it were up to me, I'd never let you go.
Se dependesse de mim, nunca te deixaria ir.
Well, if you were, I wouldn't have.
Bem se fosse eu não teria.
- I wondered if you were...
- Imaginava que tu... - Não.
If I were really like that, it'd be because I learned from you.
Se eu fosse mesmo assim seria por ter aprendido contigo.
And if I said that you were a fucking liar?
E se eu disser que é o raio de um mentiroso?
if it's meant to be 16
if i didn't know better 127
if it wasn't for you 99
if it is 191
if it's not too much trouble 48
if i knew 98
if i may ask 88
if i can 158
if it isn't 54
if i may 812
if i didn't know better 127
if it wasn't for you 99
if it is 191
if it's not too much trouble 48
if i knew 98
if i may ask 88
if i can 158
if it isn't 54
if i may 812
if it's a girl 43
if i do 197
if it wasn't 30
if it's any consolation 226
if it was 105
if i could 203
if it were up to me 123
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's all right 48
if i do 197
if it wasn't 30
if it's any consolation 226
if it was 105
if i could 203
if it were up to me 123
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's all right 48
if i did 272
if it's a boy 49
if i'm not mistaken 223
if i do say so myself 43
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if it's not 54
if i win 152
if it helps 159
if i don't 193
if it's a boy 49
if i'm not mistaken 223
if i do say so myself 43
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if it's not 54
if i win 152
if it helps 159
if i don't 193