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Jiaying перевод на португальский

53 параллельный перевод
Jiaying's out for blood, And there's no way in hell Skye will go along with that.
A Jiaying quer sangue, e a Skye nunca alinhará nisso.
Jiaying used Cal's distraction To take over that ship in minutes. Yeah.
A Jiaying usou a distração do Cal para tomar o navio em minutos.
What Jiaying did in there was...
- O que a Jiaying fez ali foi...
They have turned Jiaying's own daughter against us.
Eles viraram a filha da Jiaying contra nós.
Jiaying staged the whole thing.
A Jiaying encenou tudo.
And Jiaying couldn't risk her talking, so she cut her throat.
A Jiaying não a podia deixar falar e cortou-lhe a garganta.
Jiaying's not the only one who can set a trap.
Não é só a Jiaying que sabe montar armadilhas.
But now we have to stop Jiaying.
Mas agora temos de parar a Jiaying.
He's very emotional, Jiaying.
Ele está muito perturbado, Jiaying.
Jiaying, help me!
- Jiaying? Ajuda-me.
It's a blessing you age so slowly, Jiaying.
É uma benção que envelheças tão devagar, Jiaying.
My name is Jiaying.
- O meu nome é Jiaying.
My name is Jiaying.
O meu nome é Jiaying.
You know, it's really impressive For Jiaying to take anyone under her wing.
Impressionou-me muito o facto da Jiaying quer tratar assim de alguém.
I promised Jiaying I wouldn't use my Gift.
Prometi à Jiaying que não usaria o meu dom.
Jiaying, it was... What?
- Jiaying, é...
Did Jiaying tell you that she's sending Cal away?
A Jiaying disse-te que vai mandar o Cal embora?
Oh, I'm sorry. Jiaying said that you were going home. So, I just assumed that...
Desculpa, a Jiaying disse que ias a casa e eu presumi que...
Jiaying, she's responsible for all those people, and I...
A Jiaying é responsável por aquelas pessoas todas e eu...
Jiaying sent me to make sure everything was cool.
A Jiaying mandou-me para ver se está tudo bem.
After everything I did for Jiaying...
Depois de tudo o que fiz pela Jiaying?
- Jiaying wouldn't allow it if I...
- A Jiaying não permitia e eu...
I've envied you because Jiaying needs you.
Eu invejava-te. Porque a Jiaying precisa de ti.
He and Jiaying helped me.
Ele e a Jiaying ajudaram-me.
Jiaying told me the whole story.
A Jiaying contou-me tudo.
Which is why I'm proposing a sit-down with their leader, this woman Jiaying.
Por isso é que me proponho a falar com a sua líder, a Jiaying.
- Jiaying, this doesn't concern him. - Yes.
- Jiaying, isto não é da conta dele.
I'll talk to Jiaying, explain why you're coming, that you just want to help.
Eu falo com a Jiaying e explico que só querem ajudar.
This woman she keeps talking about, Jiaying... it's her mother.
A mulher de que ela tanto fala, a Jiaying, é mãe dela.
- We have to warn Jiaying.
- Temos de avisar a Jiaying.
- Jiaying can't meet with SHIELD.
Não pode encontrar-se com a SHIELD.
- If it's not Jiaying, then who?
Se não for a Jiaying, quem será?
Where did you take Jiaying?
Para onde levaste a Jiaying?
- Jiaying, I'm here.
Jiaying! Estou aqui!
Because he went to great lengths for me to get a gift for Jiaying, a peace offering.
Porque esforçou-se para levar uma oferenda de paz à Jiaying.
- It means Jiaying was right...
- Que a Jiaying tinha razão.
Why did Jiaying send you?
Porque é que a Jiaying o mandou?
Angels are guardians, Jiaying, but they're also heralds, sent to reveal the truth.
Os anjos são guardiões, Jiaying, mas também são arautos. Enviados para revelar a verdade.
It was Jiaying's idea to destroy that village, wasn't it?
A ideia de destruir a aldeia foi da Jiaying, não foi?
- This is Jiaying's plan, not yours.
- O plano é da Jiaying, não é seu.
Wanted to thank you for sending over Jiaying's things from Afterlife.
Queria agradecer-lhe pelo envio das coisas de Jiaying.
Now, Jiaying must have rigged it with a Terrigen crystal to keep out anyone who couldn't survive the mist.
Jiaying deve ter colocado um cristal terrígeno... para inibir qualquer um que não sobrevivesse à névoa.
That's how I knew Lash was using Jiaying's ledger to find us.
Sabia que Lash usava o livro de Jiaying para nos achar.
That's why Jiaying was so selective at afterlife.
Era por isso que Jiaying era tão seletiva no Pós-Vida.
Yes, but because of that, Daisy was able to stop Jiaying.
Sim, mas, por causa disso, a Daisy conseguiu parar a Jiaying.
Few weeks after I got there, Jiaying caught him breaking into her private archives and banished him.
Umas semanas depois de eu chegar, a Jiaying apanhou-o a entrar nos arquivos dela. - E baniu-o.
I've been waiting a long time for this day, for Jiaying to send out one of her little lapdogs to come after me.
Espero há muito tempo por este dia. Que a Jiaying mandasse um cão de colo atrás de mim.
Jiaying elected to give you powers? Oh, Lincoln.
A Jiaying decidiu dar-te poderes?
Why don't you leave me out of whatever little plan you and Jiaying- -
Porque não me deixas de fora do plano que tu e a Jiaying...
Jiaying's dead, and afterlife is a pile of ashes.
A Jiaying está morta. E o Pós-Vida é um monte de cinzas.
See, Jiaying was right about some things.
A Jiaying tinha razão em algumas coisas.

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