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Maybe you should go home перевод на португальский

83 параллельный перевод
Maybe you should go home again and think things over.
Talvez seja melhor regressares a casa e pensares bem no assunto.
Maybe you should go home and rest.
Talvez devesses ir para casa e descansar.
And if you think that it is, then maybe you should go home...'cause you're not welcome here.
E se achas que é, talvez devas ir para casa, porque não és bem-vindo aqui.
Maybe you should go home.
Talvez devesse ir para casa.
Alex... maybe you should go home.
Alex... Se calhar é melhor ires para casa.
I think maybe you should go home and call her tomorrow.
É melhor ires para casa e ligares para ela amanhã.
Maybe you should go home and working it out with your wife.
Talvez deva tentar ir para casa e tentar com a sua esposa.
Maybe you should go home. Let sleeping dogs lie.
Talvez deva ir embora e deixar as coisas em paz.
Maybe you should go home and log onto some kind of Cohen chat room, okay? I've had enough.
Talvez devas ir para casa e ligares-te a um chat sobre o Cohen.
Maybe you should go home.
- Talvez devesses ir para casa.
Maybe you should go home.
Talvez seja melhor ires para casa.
You know, maybe you should go home for a while, Victor. You know, get away from all of this.
Talvez devesse ir para casa por uns tempos, Victor.
Maybe you should go home, take the rest of the day.
Talvez devas ir para casa, tirares o resto do dia de folga.
So what I'm thinking is maybe you should go home.
Por isso, acho que talvez devesses ir para casa.
J.D., maybe you should go home.
J.D., talvez devesses ir para casa.
- Maybe you should go home.
- É melhor ires para casa.
Maybe you should go home and read it with your parent
Talvez devas ir para casa e lê-la com os teus pais.
This might take a while. Maybe you should go home.
Isto pode levar algum tempo.
Maybe you should go home and lie down for a little bit.
Talvez fosse melhor ires para casa e descansares um pouco.
You know, maybe--maybe you should go home one night and tuck your children in.
Sabes, talvez devesses ir a casa uma noite aconchegar os teus filhos.
Maybe you should go home, Sue. No, they'll take her.
- Eles vão tirar-ma, tens de ficar com ela.
Maybe you should go home and rest.
Talvez devesses ir para casa, descansar.
Maybe you should go home.
Se calhar, devias ir para casa.
Maybe you should go home.
Talvez devas ir para casa.
Maybe you should go home.
Devias ir para casa.
So maybe you should go home and work for a record eight, huh?
- Tenta bater o recorde de 8, sim?
Maybe you should go home at the end of the summer and I should stay here.
Talvez devas voltar a casa no fim do verão e eu deva ficar aqui.
Maybe you should go home, unless that's where you caught the virus.
Talvez você deveriar ir pra casa, A menos que aqui seja onde você pegou o vírus.
- Maybe you should go home and change.
Talvez devas ir a casa e trocar de calças.
Maybe you should go home, relax, returns to be a doctor on Monday.
Talvez devesse ir para casa, relaxar, volte a ser um médico na segunda.
Maybe you should go home, get some rest.
Se calhar devia ir para casa, descansar um pouco.
Maybe you should go home. You might be contagious.
É melhor ir para casa.
Maybe I should go home with you.
Talvez deva ir para casa com você.
I don't know what it is about you this evening, maybe it's the way the light hits your eyes, maybe it's the wine, but you look puffy.. you should go home and sleep.
Eu não sei o que se passa contigo esta noite. Talvez seja... a maneira como a luz te bate nos olhos. Talvez seja o vinho.
Maybe you should just go home.
Talvez devesse ir para casa.
Maybe you should go home.
Devia ir para casa.
Maybe you should just go back home.
Talvez deva voltar para casa.
It's not safe. Maybe you should just go home or something.
Não é seguro, o melhor é voltares para casa.
Maybe you should go home and log onto some kind of Cohen chat room, okay?
Acho que sim. Não sei.
Maybe you should just go home.
Talvez deva ir para casa.
Maybe she should go home with you, huh?
Talvez devesse levá-la para a sua casa?
Maybe you should "just" go home.
- Talvez devesses ir para casa.
So maybe I'll call you later, but right now I think you should just go home.
Talvez te ligue mais tarde, mas agora acho que devias ir para casa.
If you don't think you can handle it, maybe you should just go home.
Se achas que não consegues lidar é melhor ires para casa.
You look horrible, maybe we should just go home.
Talvez fosse melhor irmos para casa. Não.
Melody, don't you think you should go back home and finish high school, maybe even go to college?
Melody, não acha que deveria voltar para casa e terminar o segundo grau, talvez até mesmo ir para a faculdade?
Maybe you should take your toys and go home.
Talvez devesses pegar nos teus brinquedos e ir para casa.
I think maybe you should just go home...
Acho que devia ir para casa...
- Maybe you guys should go home.
- Talvez devessem ir para casa.
Maybe you should just go home.
Talvez seja melhor ires para casa.
Don't you think that maybe we should go home and, uh, "do the laundry"?
Não achas que talvez devêssemos ir para casa e lavar a roupa?

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