Off with his head перевод на португальский
138 параллельный перевод
Off with his head!
Cortem-lhe a cabeça.
Off with his head. By order of the king.
Cortem-lhe a cabeça, por ordem do rei!
Off with his head!
Fora com a sua cabeça!
Off with his head.
Cortem-lhe a cabeça.
King! Off with his head!
Cortem-lhe a cabeça.
Off with his head!
Cortem sua cabeça!
As a matter of fact I was thinking how beautiful and peaceful everything was, and then suddenly this female started shouting, "Off with his head!"
Na verdade, eu pensava... na beleza e na calma de tudo por lá... e de repente esta mulher começou a gritar : "Cortem sua cabeça!"
Off with his head!
Off with his head!
Cortai-lhe a cabeça!
Off with his head!
Corta a cabeça fora!
- Off with his head!
Corta-se-lhe a cabeça!
- Off with his head! He's taking my money!
- Cortem-lhe a cabeca!
Off with his head!
Corte-lhe a cabeça.
- Off with his son George's head!
Fora com a cabeça de seu filho Jorge!
He wouldn't stay put with his head cut off.
ele não ficaria quieto mesmo se tivesse a cabeça cortada.
You all know that Rance Stoddard couldn't shoot the hat off his head with a gun in his hand.
Sabem bem que o Rance Stoddard nem acertava no próprio chapéu a disparar da cintura.
Forgetting the lousy money we made, what woman wants to sit around waiting for her husband to be brought home with his head shot off?
Além disso do miserável salário que mulher esperaria em casa que tragam para seu marido morto?
He said that one evening he forgot to put on his wooden wig... and that Paul cut his head off with his axe.
Disse que uma tarde esqueceu-se de colocar sua peruca de madeira... e que Paul feriu sua cabeça com um machado.
With a big knife they cut off his head.
Com uma grande faca eles arrancam a cabeça dele.
Once he was so sure his head was about to fall off, that he held onto it with his left hand and he conducted with his right. Alex.
Uma vez, tinha tanta certeza de que a sua cabeça lhe ia cair que a agarrou com a mão esquerda e conduziu o concerto com a direita.
Off with his head!
- Prendam-no.
I've got a dead man with his head twisted off, covered in some shit the pathologist can't even identify.
Eu tenho um homem morto com a cabeça arrancada... coberto por algo que os patologistas não conseguiram identificar!
And if any other man should, I would tear off his head with my bare hands and feed it to the cat!
E se outro homem o perder, arrancava-lhe a cabeça com as minhas mãos e dava-a ao gato!
Then, I will cover his real head with a cloak, and then, when I execute him, instead of cutting off his real head, I will cut off the pumpkin, and the King survives!
Então cobrirei a cabeça do rei com uma capa e então, quando o executar, ao invés de cortar a sua cabeça, cortarei a abóbora, e o Rei sobreviverá!
That was my friend laying in the mud with his fucking head blown off!
É o meu amigo estendido no lodo com a cabeça rebentada!
Enraged by the rejection, she waited for him to come home that night... and blew his head off with a shotgun.
Enfurecida pela rejeição, esperou que chegasse em casa essa noite... e arrancou-lhe a cabeça com uma espingarda.
And just recently, King Willie, the drug lord, the vicious drug lord found in an alley just around the corner with his head cut off and his spinal column torn from the body.
E recentemente Rei Willie, o barão da droga, achado num beco com sua cabeça decepada e a coluna vertebral arrancada do corpo.
I mean, throwing rocks is one thing, but I would never cut the head off of a guy... who iced a bear with his bare hands.
Atirar pedras é uma coisa, mas eu nunca cortava a cabeça a um gajo... que matou um urso com as próprias mãos.
It's like a chicken with his head cut off.
Como uma galinha sem cabeça.
"Off with his head!"
"Quem está contra!"
Then, on page 89, "I'd rather push a guy out the window or chop his head off with an axe than sock him in the jaw."
" Preferia empurrar um tipo pela janela ou cortar-lhe a cabeça com um machado do que dar-lhe um murro no maxilar.
That was a monkey with all of its hair singed off, His head swollen up like a melon from decompression.
Era um macaco com o pelo todo chamuscado, a cabeça inchou como um melão devido à descompressão.
In Franklin, you never have to pull off the road..... to make way for a celebrity driving with a gun to his head.
Em Franklin nunca tem de sair da estrada... para abrir caminho a uma celebridade a conduzir com uma arma apontada à cabeça.
Then he took it in turns, clicking it at each of us, until he blew the back of his head off... with the final click.
Apontou para cada um de nós e foi puxando o gatilho... até que estourou com a própria cabeça... com o último disparo.
Then off with his son George's head.
Fora com a cabeça de seu filho Jorge.
I reckon that didn't quite satisfy me. So I hit him again with it in the neck with the sharp edge and just plumb near cut his head off, killed him.
Suponho que isso não me deve ter satisfeito, portanto atingi-o outra vez no pescoço com a ponta afiada e quase lhe cortei a cabeça, matei-o.
If big Sep doesn't get those heads in his hands by noon tomorrow You might as well chop off your own head and put it in with the others, capish?
Se o Big Sep não tem aquelas cabeças nas suas mãos amanhã às 9, podes tirar a tua cabeça e juntá-la às outras, capish?
They found this guy in the trunk of a car with his head blown off. They said it was him who told them about me.
Apareceu um tipo morto na mala de um carro, que lhes falou de mim.
The man was covered in the dead guard's blood. He was carrying his wallet. He tried to cut his head off with an ax.
O homem estava cheio de sangue do morto, tinha a carteira dele, tentou cortar-lhe a cabeça com um machado...
Off... with his head.
Fora... com a cabeça dele.
I just found my partner with his head blown off.
Acabo de encontrar o meu parceiro morto!
I was buried... with my commanding officer's... half-shot-off head in my face... his blood running down my throat.
Fui enterrado... com pedaços da cabeça do meu oficial... em cima da minha cara... e o sangue dele a escorrer pela minha garganta.
Two and a half years ago, a police incursion found a 33 years old male with his head cut off. Victim's name was Phillip Weir.
Há 2 anos, a Polícia de Clarksdale encontrou um tipo de 33 anos a quem tinha sido arrancada a cabeça.
They chopped off his head with... his own sword.
Cortaram-lhe a cabeça com a própria espada.
So I should discuss men's fashions with him before I chop his head off?
Então devo discutir moda antes de o matar?
Next time I saw him, he was dead with his head blown off.
Quando voltei a vê-lo, já estava morto.
Cut his head off with the crown on it.
Cortem-lhe a cabeça com a coroa nela.
Tell him the one about the prick that gets his head chopped off with an ax!
Conta-lhe aquela do pirilau... que ficou com a cabeça decepada com um machado!
When he woke up, I held him down... while Frank cut his head off with a hacksaw.
Quando acordou, agarrei-o com força... para o Frank lhe cortar a cabeça com uma serra.
Took his head off with an AK-47.
Decapitaram-no com uma AK-47.
Then I'm gonna watch you run around here like a chicken with his head cut off, lighting all your little friends on fire.
Depois vou ficar a ver-te correr como uma galinha sem cabeça, e a ver-te pegar fogo a isto tudo.