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Pacemakers перевод на португальский

60 параллельный перевод
Peter Thorndyke in the Special has regained his relief driver... and is rapidly making up lost ground as the two Pacemakers... near the famous old mining community of Chinese Camp.
Peter Thorndyke, no Special, recuperou o seu piloto auxiliar estando rápidamente a ganhar terreno estando agora nos dois Pacemakers... perto do antigo acampamento de mineiros.
Remember, I deal in pacemakers.
Não se esqueça que eu coloco pacemakers.
They got pacemakers that'll short-circuit when you charge through the door.
Têm pacemakers que fazem curto-circuito quando entramos.
- Any of you have pacemakers on?
- Alguma de vocês usa pacemakers?
Neither do BioNorm pacemakers.
E os pacemakers da Bionorm também não.
But if she goes on Geraldo and starts talking about how her boy died with one of my pacemakers in his chest, well, my whole company goes down the crapper.
Mas se vai à televisão dizer que o filho morreu com um dos meus pacemakers, a empresa vai por água abaixo.
Cleary said he never had any problems with his pacemakers, not that he never got sued.
O Cleary disse que nunca teve problemas com os pacemakers, não com a Lei.
Sure, I've heard of them. They make pacemakers, insulin regulators.
Já ouvi falar deles, fazem pacemakers e reguladores de insulina.
Any problems with those pacemakers?
Os pacemakers deram problemas?
How about malfunctioning pacemakers?
E avarias de pacemakers?
Six pacemakers failed, and you never followed up?
Seis pacemakers avariam e não investigam?
Six pacemakers that may have malfunctioned, that's not a high priority.
Seis pacemakers que podem ter avariado não são prioridade.
All of their patients died with BioNorm pacemakers in their chests.
Todos os pacientes morreram com pacemakers Bionorm.
Medical schools are always looking for pacemakers as teaching devices.
As faculdades procuram sempre pacemakers para ensinar nas aulas.
What about pacemakers?
E pacemakers?
Used pacemakers.
Pacemakers usados...
We require expiration dates on pacemakers to prevent overuse of batteries.
Exigimos a data de validade para evitar uso excessivo das pilhas.
All the pacemakers were purchased around the same time. They all failed.
Os pacemakers foram comprados na mesma altura e avariaram todos.
You didn't always make pacemakers?
- Nem sempre fizeram pacemakers?
A far cry from pacemakers.
- Muito longe dos pacemakers.
We may not be the biggest, but there isn't one medical journal that doesn't rate our pacemakers the best.
FARMACÊUTICA ALDEN SEGUNDA-FEIRA, 8 DE JUNHO Podemos não ser os maiores, mas todos os jornais de Medicina dão nota máxima aos nossos pacemakers.
People make mistakes. People make mistakes. Even some kid working on an assembly line in a pacemaker factory.
As pessoas cometem erros, até um miúdo a trabalhar numa linha de montagem numa fábrica de pacemakers.
We've been in the pacemaker business for over 20 years.
Estamos no ramo dos pacemakers há mais de 20 anos.
Uh, did you use these wire leads in your pacemakers?
Usou esses terminais nos seus pacemakers?
Your Honor, six other pacemakers manufactured at the same time all failed.
Outros seis pacemakers feitos na mesma altura avariaram.
After the first person died, we ran conductivity tests on all the pacemakers remaining in stock.
Quando a primeira pessoa morreu, fizemos testes de condutividade nos pacemakers do stock.
We... we begged my father to recall all the pacemakers that used Asian Pacific leads.
Pedimos ao meu pai para resgatar todos os pacemakers com terminais da Asian Pacific.
Gerry and the Pacemakers.
Gerry e os Pacemakers.
I bet those guys actually have pacemakers by now.
Aposto que os gajos agora usam mesmo pacemakers.
Watches, jewelry and glasses. Also purses. But the weirdest thing is, there's stuff that we're pretty sure came from inside of people.
Relógios, jóias, óculos, até carteiras, mas... o mais estranho, é que há coisas tiradas de dentro das pessoas... pinos cirúrgicos, pacemakers.
We usually check for the pacemaker, but this guy was, Iike, 20.
Geralmente vemos se têm pacemakers, mas este tipo tinha uns vinte anos.
They all had pacemakers.
Tinham todos pacemakers.
So... excuse me. Then they brought me in when the pacemakers quit, and boom, you know, I'm Apocalypse Boy. Yeah.
Por isso se me dá licença.
Gerry and the Pacemakers!
Gerry e os Pacemakers!
Pacemakers, synthetic tissues, artificial hearts.
Pacemakers, tecidos sintéticos, corações artificiais.
Cameras, laser systems, pacemakers.
Câmaras, sistemas de laser, pacemakers.
Both martins wore pacemakers.
Ambos os Martins usavam pacemaker.
Thing is... the martins pacemakers are still ticking.
O problema é que os pacemaker dos Martins ainda funcionam.
Permanent pacemakers need precision.
Os pacemakers permanentes exigem precisão.
I've seen cases of pacemaker failure, Sid, but they're not exactly known for exploding.
Já vi casos de pacemakers falharem, Sid... mas não chegaram a explodir.
You should see what happens around pacemakers.
Devia ver o que acontece perto de pacemakers.
From 1964, here's Gerry and the Pacemakers on New York's Big Apple Oldies.
De 1964, aqui está Gerry e os Pacemakers no New York's Big Apple Oldies.
* She likes a pacemaker She's a hip-breaker
Ela gosta de pacemakers Ela dá-lhes cabo do coiro
Guests with pacemakers may want to retire to the drawing room.
Convidados com pacemakers poderão querer retirar-se para a sala de visitas.
Any metal inside your body, pacemakers, pins, bullets?
Algum metal dentro do corpo?
I don't get it. The brothers get pacemakers.
Os irmãos conseguiram o pacemaker.
Gerry and the Pacemakers.
Gerry and the Pacemakers.
I interfere with pacemakers.
Faço interferência com pacemakers!
I basically deal with pacemakers.
Basicamente trabalho com pacemakers.
First engineering, then studied medicine at London.. .. make pacemakers.
Primeiro engenharia, depois medicina, para fazer pacemakers.
- QED pacemakers.
Daí, pacemakers.

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