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Play some golf перевод на португальский

34 параллельный перевод
Come to my place for eggnogs and breakfast... and maybe later we can duck the women and play some golf.
Vem a minha casa para uma gemada e pequeno-almoço... e, mais tarde, talvez possamos fugir às mulheres e jogar golfe.
I'm merely trying to play some golf.
Minha cara senhora, não estou enervado.
Perhaps he'd like to play some golf.
Talvez ele queira ir jogar golfe.
I may want to get up in the morning and play some golf.
talvez queira Ievantar-me de manhã e jogar golfe.
Play some golf, redecorate the country house.
Jogar golfe, redecorar a casa de campo.
You could hang around the retreat, play some golf...
Pode ficar connosco no retiro, jogar golfe...
Let's play some golf.
Vamos jogar golfe.
Let's just play some golf.
Vamos jogar.
Play some golf.
Jogue golfe.
Wanna go play some golf?
Queres ir jogar golfe?
You play some golf, you tell a joke- - nobody's offended or you don't even have to talk at all, nobody cares.
Jogamos golfe, contamos uma anedota e ninguém fica ofendido. Ou nem precisamos de falar. Ninguém se importa.
We're gonna drink a lot of good wine, play some golf eat some great food, enjoy the scenery and we're gonna send you off in style, mon frère.
Vamos beber muito bom vinho, jogar golfe, comer uns pratos porreiros, desfrutar da vista, e então tu vais ter uma despedida de primeira, "mon frère".
Want to play some golf?
Queres jogar golfe?
Why don't you go play some golf?
Porque não vais jogar golfe?
Now its time to play some golf
É hora de jogar um pouco de golfe.
Wish I had time to play some golf.
Quem me dera ter tempo para jogar golfe.
Play some golf with some people.
Jogar um pouco de golfe com algumas pessoas.
l`ll go and play some golf
Vou jogar golfe.
- Play some golf, maybe.
- Podia até jogar golfe...
We're gonna play some golf, but maybe we could all just hang out?
Íamos jogar golfe, mas podíamos ir dar um passeio?
You boys ready to play some golf or what?
Vamos jogar golfe, ou quê?
Fine. I'm gonna play some golf.
Vou jogar golfe.
How about we just play some golf?
- Que tal irmos jogar golfe?
You guys off to play some golf?
Vão sair para jogar golfe?
- Now can I please play some golf?
- Agora, podemos jogar golfe?
Yes, and maybe you'd like to play some tennis and golf with us.
Talvez queiras jogar ténis e golfe connosco.
Tomorrow we can play some miniature golf!
Amanhã podemos jogar mini golfe.
Some like to play golf, some like horse-racing.
Algumas pessoas gostam de golfe, outras de corridas de cavalos.
So while I'm here we should play some frisbee golf, maybe give Dad a call, and make sure I sleep with that Elliot chick.
Enquanto estou por cá podíamos jogar frisbee golf, talvez ligar ao pai, e fazer com que eu durma com aquela Elliot.
Give us some golf clubs and we'll play a few holes.
Mas dê-nos uns tacos de golfe e jogamos uns buracos...
Hey, Uncle Charlie, you want to play some sock golf?
Tio Charlie, queres jogar golfe de meia?
Some men play golf, some collect egg cups.
Alguns homens praticam golfe, uns coleccionam chávenas...
Let's play some mini-golf.
Vamos jogar minigolfe.
Maybe play some miniature golf or colossal tennis?
Talvez para jogar mini-golfe ou mega-ténis?

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