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Rainier перевод на португальский

100 параллельный перевод
Esther! Bring down the suit we made for Prince Rainier's wedding.
Esther, traz-me o fato que fizemos para o casamento do príncipe Rainier.
I was only telling the raniers the other day- -
Ainda no outro dia eu disse aos Rainier...
I'm on my way to Port Rainier, this officer's training school over there.
Vou para Port Rainier, para a Escola de Oficiais.
Rainy, Raingy, Rainier.
Rainy ( chuvoso ), Raingy, Rainier.
When she married Prince Rainier.
Grace Kelly! Quando casou com o Príncipe Rainier.
I'll take Rainier Wolfcastle to block.
- eu escolho Rainier Wolfcastle para bloquear.
- Ah, Rainier Wolfcastle... star of McBain and the upcoming film... Help, My Son is a Nerd!
- Ah, Rainier Wolfcastle... estrela de McBain o ultimo filme... socorro, o meu filho é um piegas!
The 21st test conducted during the operation Plumbbob the event was "Rainier."
O 21º teste conduzido durante a Operação Plumbbob foi o evento RAINIER.
The device exploded three kilotons 240m to under Mount Rainier, spraying of the powder of rock within 30 meters.
O dispositivo de 3 quilotons foi detonado 790 pés abaixo do monte Rainier. Vaporizando pedras em poeira por um raio de 100 pés.
But first we have a special guest, Rainier Wolfcastle star of the reprehensible McBain movies.
Mas primeiro temos um convidado especial, Rainier Wolfcastle estrela dos repreensíveis filmes de McBain.
Yeah, I don't see why Rainier Wolfcastle should be the star.
Não sei por que há-de o Rainier Wolfcastle ser a estrela.
We all know Rainier Wolfcastle as the star of the McBain movies.
Conhecem Rainier Wolfcastle como estrela dos filmes McBain.
- [Gasps] Rainier Wolfcastle!
Rainer Wolfcastle.
You know Rainier Wolfcastle?
Conheces o Rainer Wolfcastle? Sim.
[Grunting] Yo, yo, Rainier, my man.
Então, então, Rainer, meu irmão.
[Woman On P.A.] And on you left... you'll see Rainier Wolfcastle filming his latest movie, Saving Irene Ryan.
E à vossa esquerda... vão ver Rainier Wolfcastle a filmar o seu último filme, O Resgate de Irene Ryan.
- Mmm. Mmm. - Is that Rainier Wolfcastle?
- É o Rainer Wolfcastle?
Now before we begin... fitness buff Rainier Wolfcastle would like to say a few words about the Springfield YMCA.
Agora, antes de começarmos, o rei do fitness, Ranier Wolfcastle, gostaria de falar um pouco sobre a ACM de Springfield.
So turn left and take the South by Rainier.
Virarmos à esquerda e seguirmos para sul pela Reinier.
Would you care to meet my new best friend? Rainier Wolfcastle?
Querem conhecer o meu novo melhor amigo Rainer Wolfcastle?
We've met Rainier Wolfcastle, actor, novelist, barbecue sauce spokesman. Now can we meet McBain?
Conhecemos o Rainer Wolfcastle, actor, romancista, porta-voz do molho de churrasco, será que podemos conhecer McBain?
They're on Rainier Avenue.
É na Rainier Avenue.
His minivan left the road on Mount Rainier.
Uma carrinha saiu fora de uma estrada em Mount Rainier.
I'm here with actor Rainier Wolfcastle who surprisingly has filed for bankruptcy.
Tenho comigo o actor Rainier Wolfcastle, que surpreendentemente deu-se como falido.
Oh, Rainier, I really don't think it's right to sell these Playdude centerfolds.
Rainier, não acho correcto vender estas páginas centrais da Playdude.
My dad broke his leg 700ft from the summit of Mount Rainier.
O meu pai partiu a perna a 200m do cume do Monte Rainier.
That's by Mount Rainier.
É no Monte Rainier.
We're at Mount Rainier.
Estamos junto ao Monte Rainier.
Rainier here thinks you have supernatural powers.
Eles aqui acham que você tem poderes sobrenaturais
When we were climbing Rainier yesterday.
Ontem, fomos escalar o Rainier.
Oh, because search and rescue found those lost climbers who were up on mount rainier. - People, the climbers are on their way.
Porque as Buscas encontraram os montanhistas desaparecidos em Mount Rainier.
60 ways to get up mount rainier, and I had to pick liberty ridg it wasn't the route.It was the storm.
Há 60 maneiras de subir Mount Rainier e eu tinha de escolher a Liberty Ridge? Não foi do caminho, foi da tempestade.
Do you, Rainier
Tu, Rainier
Say, Rainier, you're in show business.
Diz-me, Reinier, estás no mundo do espetáculo.
"Climb Mount Rainier."
"Escalar o Monte Rainier."
Who does he think I am? Prince Rainier of Monaco?
Ele acha que sou o Príncipe Rainer do Mónaco?
Mount Rainier.
O Monte Rainier.
Mrs. Rainier?
Sra Rainier...?
No, Mrs. Rainier is my mother.
Não, a minha mãe é que é a senhora Rainier.
Registration in Rainier Valley's through the roof.
Há imensos eleitores recenseados em Rainier Valley.
Just that we were going to see Uncle Rainier.
Só que íamos encontrar-nos com o tio Rainier.
When I was with Uncle Ranier, he spoke on the phone to someone about a Max.
Quando eu estava com o tio Rainier, ele falou ao telemóvel com alguem sobre um Max.
I need us to check out this mosque in rainier valley.
Nós temos de investigar a mesquita que fica em Rainier Valley. "Nós"?
The string of race-related incidents is believed to have been triggered... by a recent F.B.I. raid on a Rainier Valley mosque.
Uma corrente de incidentes de cariz racial foi, recentemente, despoletada por uma rusga do FBI a uma mesquita de Rainier Valley.
These events, along with incidents of vandalism, have made many residents of the Rainier Valley afraid to leave their homes.
Estes acontecimentos, bem como incidentes de vandalismo, fizeram com que muitos residentes de Rainier Valley tivessem medo de sair de casa.
Bastard had more snow than Mount Rainier.
O canalha tinha mais "neve" do que o Mount Rainier.
I don't care about the Hajis in Rainier Valley.
- E ajuda-me a ganhar as eleições. Os muçulmanos de Rainier Valley não me interessam.
Hey, you need to keep blanketing downtown and Rainier Valley with those things.
Precisam de cobrir a baixa e Rainier Valley com essas coisas.
Isn't Mount Rainier beautiful?
- Obrigada.
O Monte Rainier não é lindo?
Rainier, what went wrong?
Rainier, o que correu mal?

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