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Rodrick перевод на португальский

98 параллельный перевод
This is Professor Sir Roderick Logan.
Este é o professor Sir Rodrick Logan.
Do Rodrick?
- Rodrick.
- Rodrick.
That leaves Rose and Rodrick.
Sobra a Rose e o Rodrick.
Rodrick, in literature, the author of Lucky was Jackie who?
Rodrick, na literatura, o autor de "Lucky" é Jackie quê?
Rodrick, in history who was the President of the Red Velvets?
Rodrick, em história, quem foi o presidente dos Red Velvets?
Rodrick, which measurement of length is said to have been defined by the Emperor Jate as the distance from his nose to his fingertip?
Rodrick, que unidade de medida se diz ter sido definida pelo Imperador Jate como sendo a distância da ponta do seu nariz à ponta dos dedos?
Game Room 6, which one is it?
- Rodrick... - Sala de Jogo 6, qual é?
- Rodrick, you are the Strongest Link.
- Rodrick, és o Elo Mais Forte.
Listen, my name's Rodrick.
Oiça, chamo-me Rodrick.
It was Rodrick!
Foi o Rodrick!
Let me go, Rodrick!
Larga-me, Rodrick!
I didn't know Rodrick was into motorcycles.
Não sabia que o Rodrick gostava de motas.
Rodrick's middle school yearbook.
O anuário do secundário do Rodrick.
Time out, Rodrick.
Faz uma pausa, Rodrick.
Thank you, Rodrick, for those words of motivational wisdom, but perhaps a better way to look at it is that it's a chance to learn to excel at something.
Obrigado, Rodrick, por essas palavras motivadas de sabedoria, mas, talvez a melhor maneira de olhar para isso, seja a chance de aprender a destacar-se em alguma coisa.
You know, maybe Rodrick was right about Rowley.
Sabem, talvez o Rodrick tivesse razão quanto ao Rowley.
Hey, Rodrick.
Olha, Rodrick.
Give it back, Rodrick!
Devolve-me, Rodrick!
Okay, Manny, I'm putting this Tootsie Roll in Rodrick's backpack.
Pois, Manny, estou a ver este chocolate na mochila do Rodrick.
It's for Rodrick, so whatever you do, don't touch the Tootsie Roll.
É para o Rodrick, portanto, faças o que fizeres, não mexas no chocolate.
They're the brand of a street pharmacist in SoHo named Chad Rodrick.
São a marca dum farmacêutico ilegal em SoHo chamado Chad Rodrick.
Chad Rodrick.
Chad Rodrick.
According to Rodrick, a woman named Jolene bought those capsules that we found in Lockwood's corporate suite.
Segundo o Rodrick, a Jolene comprou as cápsulas que encontrámos na suite do Lockwood.
Because, Rodrick, this is a family event, and like it or not, you're part of the Heffley family.
Porque, Rodrick, é um evento familiar e, quer gostes quer não, fazes parte da família Heffley.
And Rodrick is the king of laziness.
E o Rodrick é o rei da preguiça.
I mean, one day you're gonna be Uncle Greg and Uncle Rodrick to each other's kids.
Um dia vão ser o tio Greg e o tio Rodrick dos vossos filhos.
Well, Rodrick, if you save...
- Rodrick, se os poupares...
Would you be related to Rodrick Heffley?
És da família do Rodrick Heffley?
Even at school, Rodrick is ruining my life.
Até na escola o Rodrick me dá cabo da vida.
Rodrick says he's a professional musician, but as far as I know the only money he's made, is when Dad gave him five bucks once to stop playing.
O Rodrick diz que é um músico profissional, mas, tanto quanto sei, o único dinheiro que fez foi quando o pai lhe deu cinco dólares para parar de tocar.
I have Rodrick making my life a misery on one side, and Manny attacking me from the other.
De um lado, o Rodrick faz-me a vida negra, e, do outro, o Manny ataca-me.
Now Rodrick can get paid for beating me up.
Agora o Rodrick pode ser pago por me dar uma tareia.
Rodrick, help!
Rodrick, ajuda-me!
Rodrick, it's Mom.
- Rodrick, é a mãe.
Hey, Rodrick.
- Olá, Rodrick.
Yeah, I would, Rodrick.
Claro que sim, Rodrick.
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah Maybe we can paint over it.
O Rodrick é o Maior
Rodrick isn't beating me up anymore.
O Rodrick já não me dá sovas.
So, Bill, Rodrick tells me that you're a professional musician.
Então, Bill, o Rodrick disse-me que és músico profissional.
Why don't you tell Rodrick?
Porque não contas ao Rodrick?
Rodrick, could you come here, please?
Rodrick, podes vir aqui, por favor?
Rodrick, I've lived in this house for 10 years.
Rodrick, vivo nesta casa há 10 anos.
Yeah, but, Mom, if you punish him, Rodrick's gonna know I told on him.
Sim, mas, mãe, se o castigares, ele vai saber que te contei.
But if you do this, Rodrick and I will never, ever be friends again.
Mas se fizeres isto, eu e o Rodrick nunca mais vamos voltar a ser amigos.
The idea that one day my kids won't get to know their Uncle Rodrick?
Os meus filhos nunca vão conhecer o tio Rodrick?
Rodrick was actually trying to be nice to me.
O Rodrick estava a tentar ser simpático comigo.
The thing was, Rodrick had managed to get my dad to do all his homework for the past five years.
A parte fixe era que o Rodrick conseguiu que o meu pai fizesse os trabalhos dele nos últimos cinco anos.
I would never actually hand in a paper Rodrick wrote.
Eu nunca entregaria um trabalho feito pelo Rodrick.

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