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She knew that перевод на португальский

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If he / she knew that will change gifts...
Se soubesse que íamos trocar prendas...
- He / she knew that this was to come.
- Sabia que isto estava para vir.
What would your Pam say if she knew that you were in here talking like that to me?
O que diria a tua Pam se soubesse que estavas aqui a falar assim comigo?
Tank, this girl... This girl is my soul mate and it's time she knew that.
Tank, esta rapariga... esta rapariga é a minha alma gémea.
She knew that wasn't it.
Ela sabia que não era isso.
And somehow she knew that I was the Librarian and I just have to ask you straight out : did you send her?
Ela sabia que sou bibliotecário e preciso de saber... Foste tu que a enviaste?
She knew that I thought it was sort of silly.
Ela sabia, que eu achava isso um bocado parvo.
She knew that rosemary was in danger.
Ela sabia que Rosemary corria perigo.
Well I've got a tumor that's been compared to a baseball, a grapefruit, and an alien living inside my head, and... my wife, who was ready to divorce me even before she knew that I was damaged goods,
Bom tenho um tumor que foi comparado a uma bola de basebol, a uma toranja e a um extraterrestre dentro da minha cabeça e... a minha mulher, que estava a pedir o divórcio antes de saber que eu não estava bem,
Lynette Scavo Knew That She Was Not The World's Greatest Mother.
Apesar das canecas de café dizerem o contrário, a Lynette Scavo sabia que não era a melhor mãe do mundo.
In That Moment, Katherine Knew Exactly What She Had To Do...
Naquele instante, a Katherine soube exactamente o que tinha a fazer...
In that moment, Katherine knew exactly what she had to do again.
Nesse momento, a Katherine soube exactamente o que tinha de fazer outra vez.
'I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she wouldn't.
Sabia, para além de qualquer sombra de dúvida, que não o faria.
But she says that hearing you admit that you knew what your boyfriend was doing, well that's a start.
Mas ela disse que ouvir-te admitir... que sabias o que o teu namorado estava a fazer, bem isso é um começo.
I mean, I guess I knew that she was getting attached.
Acho que sabia que ela estava a ficar apanhada.
Honey, they knew you were special. That's why she came for you.
Querida, ela sabia que eras especial por isso veio ter contigo.
And once I noticed her it got to be so that I would only go in when I knew she was working.
E mal reparei nela, passei a só ir lá quando sabia que ela estava a trabalhar.
Look, all due respect, Agent Kester, the woman that I knew, Sarah Reese, she blew herself up in a bank eight years ago.
Com o devido respeito, Agente... Kester. A mulher que conheci, Sarah Reese, foi pelos ares num banco há oito anos.
And when push came to shove, almost every one of those men--every one- - stuck up for his wife, even though he knew that she had betrayed him.
E quando chegou a hora, quase todos esses homens, todos, defenderam a sua esposa, mesmo sabendo que elas os tinham traído.
Well, well, well, I would like to share with everyone that Miss Rachel, before she had her license or knew anything about how to drive, managed to out-maneuver an irate, screaming cab driver all the way across 96th Street to the East River,
Bom, bom gostaria de informar as pessoas que a menina Rachel, Antes de ter carta ou mesmo saber conduzir, Conseguiu escapar-se de um taxista pela rua 96 até East River, por pouco não acertando em dois paramédicos que ajudavam uma velhinha a subir a uma coisa qualquer.
I told Penny that you would be embarrassed if you knew that she found out that you had lied, so she's agreed to operate as if the original lie is still in force.
Eu disse à Penny que ficarias envergonhado Se soubesses que ela descobriu que tu mentiste, Por isso ela concordou em agir como se a mentira inicial ainda estivesse em vigor.
Is it her winning smile or the fact that she's the one person on campus you knew would drive me crazy?
É do sorriso triunfante dela ou do facto de ela ser a única pessoa no campus que tu sabias que me enlouqueceria?
When I found out Fiona was gone and no one else knew that she'd fired me...
Quando descobri que a Fiona morreu e mais ninguém sabia que ela me tinha despedido...
She was high, but then, you knew that, didn't you?
Ela estava pedrada mas isso tu já sabias não é?
That's how she knew me.
Era daí que ela me conhecia.
If she knew, I was afraid she would find excuses to withhold you so that I couldn't see you.
Se soubesse, eu tinha medo ela iria encontrar desculpas a retirar-lhe para que eu não poderia vê-lo.
But with Hannah... Look, I just knew that she meant it.
Mas com a Hannah... sabia que era verdadeiro.
She's the person that knew him best, and never once -
Ela conhecia-o. E nunca disse...
The person that i thought i knew isn't who she says she is.
A pessoa que eu pensava que conhecia, não é quem ela diz ser.
Uh, i-I just got a weird e-Mail from mia Saying she met this guy out on tour that Said he knew ellie.
Recebi um email esquisito da Mia a dizer que conheceu um tipo na tournée que disse que conhecia a Ellie.
I knew she'd never go back out with that douche bag.
Sabia que ela nunca voltaria para aquele idiota.
- My mother once knew a girl who - she was at a party, and she overdosed on drugs, and her friends thought that she just passed out because she had drank too much, and so they took her to the school,
A minha mãe uma vez conheceu uma rapariga que estava numa festa, e morreu de overdose, e os amigos dela pensaram que ela tinha desmaiado porque tinha bebido demais, e levaram-na para a escola, para o estacionamento, e deitaram-na à chuva,
- I would say that she was the best person that I ever knew in my entire life.
Eu diria que elas eram as melhores pessoas que conheci em toda a minha vida.
There was no sign of forced entry, suggesting that she knew the killer.
Não havia sinais de entrada forçada, sugerindo que conhecia o assassino.
I mean, from the moment I learned that Angie was trying to kill my brother, I knew she would do it.
Desde que soube que a Angie estava a tentar matar o meu irmão, sabia que o faria.
You burdened her mind with so much shame and guilt that, given the opportunity, you knew that she would do harm to herself.
Sobrecarregou-lhe a cabeça com tanta vergonha e culpa que dadas as circunstâncias, sabia que seria um perigo para ela mesma.
See, I knew she was gonna say that.
Viu, sabia que ela ia dizer isso!
Look, there's no way the guy on that answering machine knew that he... she... he... knew that she... he... was transgender.
Não é possível que o tipo no atendedor soubesse que ele, ela, ele soubesse que ela, ele, - era transgénero.
He knew that she used to be a man.
Ele sabia que ela era um homem.
If I knew that she would...
Se soubesse que ela...
That's how she knew to look in those files.
Foi assim que ela soube em que registos ver.
So when I got into work this morning, before I knew that she was missing I wrote "Sorry," and I put it in her locker.
Então, quando cheguei ao trabalho, antes de saber que desaparecera, escrevi "Desculpa", e pu-lo no cacifo dela.
You let that dealer, Alexandra Yee, run her scam because she knew about you and Mrs. Meier, isn't that so?
Permitiu que a Alexandra Yee continuasse com o esquema porque ela sabia do seu caso com a Mrs. Meier, não foi?
So even though you took off, you knew where she'd be that night
Mesmo tendo ido embora, sabias onde é que ela estava nessa noite.
Kristina told us she knew in advance That rosemary was in danger.
Kristina contou-nos que já sabia que Rosemary corria perigo.
You knew that's who she was.
Sabias quem ela era.
Hoped that she could scare me into giving up something about a crime that I knew nothing about.
Na esperança de me assustar para que eu desse algo sobre um crime do qual não sei nada.
- You knew that she was your sister?
- Sabia que ela era sua irmã.
Yes. Every year, Ms. Elenora Butters would ask her class to draw a picture of their families, even though she knew the portraits might not be that flattering.
Todos os anos, a Professora Elenora Butters pedia à turma para fazer um desenho das famílias, embora soubesse que os desenhos poderiam não as favorecer lá muito.
So, when Juanita thought that I might be hurting her mother, we decided it was best that she knew the truth.
Quando a Juanita pensou que eu estava a magoar a mãe, achámos melhor ela saber a verdade.
Doesn't change the fact that she knew the guy who tried to kill you.
Não muda o facto de ela conhecer o tipo que te tentou matar.

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