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Stains перевод на португальский

772 параллельный перевод
Did you check it for blood stains or saliva?
Viste se tinha nódoas de sangue, ou saliva?
Holes are to be burned in and stains made with candle wax.
Os buracos são queimados e as manchas feitas com parafina.
But be careful not to do such a good job that they can't analyse the stains.
Mas não limpe bem demais, para eles poderem analisar as manchas.
I saw some stains on the floor, turned out to be the place where the roof leaked
Vi a casa toda. Viste alguma coisa fora do normal? Não.
Miss Deverich, instead of writing household hints... about how to remove chili stains from blue jeans... get yourself involved in a trunk murder.
Srta Deverich, em vez de escrever os seus concelhos às donas de casa sobre como remover nódoas de chilli de gangas azuis, envolva-se num caso de assassinato nas estradas.
- You have examined these stains?
- Examinou estas manchas?
If he stains his hands with this blood, he's a murderer.
Se Pilatos manchar as mãos com o sangue dele, é um assassino.
He killed her in there, he has to clean up those stains before he leaves.
Ele matou-a ali e tem de limpar as manchas antes de ir embora.
Your sister-in-law says that you had dirt stains on your clothes.
Sua cunhada diz que você tinha manchas de terra na roupa.
But there were dirt stains.
- Mas havia manchas de terra.
What are those stains?
- E ali é o quê?
Though I have waded through endless mires of battle dead, these blood stains never fail to chill my spine.
Apesar de ter percorrido pântanos infindáveis de moribundos estas manchas de sangue causam-me sempre arrepios.
First to determine if the stains were human blood, then to classify it by group or type.
Primeiro para determinar se os vestígios eram de sangue humano, depois para classificá-lo por grupo ou tipo.
Inspector, when you questioned the prisoner as to the stains on his jacket, did he not show you a recently-healed scar on his wrist,
Inspector, quando inquiriu o acusado sobre os vestígios no seu casaco, ele não lhe mostrou uma cicatriz recente no seu pulso,
- However, if the prisoner's blood were also of this same group, then the stains on his jacket may well have resulted from the household accident he described to you.
- Entretanto, se o sangue do acusado fosse também do mesmo grupo, então, os vestígios na sua jaqueta poderiam resultar... do acidente doméstico descrito a si?
Well, I took that other room and I tried to wash out the stains.
Bem, eu peguei aquele outro quarto e eu tentei lavar as manchas.
I'll show you the stains.
Vou vos mostrar as manchas.
I gotta do something besides sit at a desk and count the ink stains on the blotter.
Tenho de fazer alguma coisa, além de estar atrás de uma secretária e contar as manchas de tinta no mata-borrão.
Also those semen stains on the sheets.
Também há manchas de sémen nos lençóis.
Chocolate ice cream stains. That's a stain.
O sorvete de chocolate mancha.
And no sweat stains.
E sem manchas de suor.
On the ground floor an irregulartrail ofblood stains from the service door at the rear to within 10 feet the front window.
No piso térreo, há um rasto irregular de manchas de sangue, da porta de serviço, nas traseiras, até cerca de 3 metros da montra.
The blood stains are of the same group as Monica Ranieri's from which we deduce the murder was wearing it at the time.
As manchas de sangue são do mesmo grupo sanguíneo de Monica Ranieri portanto, o assassino trazia-as.
Your statue spouting blood in many pipes, in which so many smiling Romans bathed, signifies that from you great Rome shall suck reviving blood, and that great men shall press for tinctures, stains, relics and cognizance.
Vossa estátua vertendo sangue por muitas bocas... significa que Roma receberá de vós o sangue vivificador... onde os grandes homens virão tingir suas relíquias e brasões.
I'm so worried about my nicotine stains.
Estou tão preocupada com minhas manchas de nicotina.
Never get tea stains out.
As manchas de chá nunca saiem.
The German culture would be purged of it stains Jewish and bolchevista.
A cultura alemã seria purgada da mácula judaica e bolchevista.
- Yes for washing away the stains of the past, and for bringing new life.
- Sim... para lavar as dores do passado e para trazer uma nova vida.
We started checking out French restaurants... because we found garlic stains on Mr. Dudek's shirt.
Começámos a investigar restaurantes franceses porque encontrámos nódoas de alho na camisa do Sr. Dudek.
I hope there won't be any stains on the carpet.
Espero que não tenha manchado a carpete.
Had coffee stains on it.
Cheia de mancha de café.
Careful. It stains.
Cuidado que mancha!
How is it with stains?
Como resulta com as nódoas?
Some stains don't come out.
Estas nódoas näo saem.
It's dirty. Stains won't wash off.
Vão ficar umas nódoas mesmo feias.
I am pissed off for the stains on my new jacket.
Vou ficar com nódos no meu casaco novo.
I should be able to tell soon enough. You can tell by the stains in the back seat.
Tem umas manchas no banco traseiro.
I've got nicotine stains on my fingers
Tenho manchas de nicotina nos meus dedos
You go to the Bench and you see him as the trains go by, he be going like this, you know, he have ink stains on his clothes.
Vais à "Bancada" e o vês enquanto os comboios passam, a fazer assim, sabes, e ele tem manchas de tinta na roupa.
Doug be getting shit stains on his collar.
O Doug tem manchas de merda no colarinho.
To take the stains out!
Para tirar as nódoas!
You always get stains on my clothes.
Tens sempre inveja das minhas roupas.
As reported by our correspondent, important blood stains have more or less obliged responsible authorities to have the house redecorated so as to erase all traces of this crime, certainly, the most terrible San Sebastian has ever known.
"Segundo o nosso correspondente, grandes manchas de sangue " obrigaram as autoridades responsáveis " a pintar a casa, para apagar os vestígios deste crime
It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning.
É pela essência de Safo que as ideias adquirem velocidade, os lábios, manchas ; as manchas se tornam num aviso.
He took his best girl out last night and he came home with these stains, all over his pants.
Saiu à noite com sua namorada e voltou com estas manchas na cueca!
Okay, Mrs. Haskel, let's see what we can do with these stains.
Bem, senhora Haskel, vejamos essas calças.
An examination of his room revealed a safe which was open, signs of a murderous struggle, and a heavy walking stick with stains of blood upon the handle.
"O exame ao seu quarto revelou um cofre aberto, " sinais de luta assassina, "e uma pesada bengala com manchas de sangue na pega."
You know how tobacco stains your teeth.
Sabes como o tabaco mancha os dentes.
" touched with crimson stains of poppies.
" tocado por manchas cremesim das papoilas.
This has stains of ink.
but when I see, Watson, no less than five, he never got candle stains from a gas jet, Watson.
Não fez estas nódoas num bico de gás.

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