Sure you do перевод на португальский
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Oh, sure you do, Trey.
Claro que sabes, Trey.
I'm sure you do a very good lunch trade.
Tenho a certeza que vendem muitos almoços.
Oh, sure you do.
- Claro que sabe.
Are you sure you don't want to go to the crime scene? No.
Tens a certeza que não queres ir à cena do crime?
In either event, you should make sure that Ms. Harper doesn't leave your side.
Seja lá o que for, garanta que a Mna. Harper não sai do seu lado.
Wass : I'm sure you think you did. Traumatic Stress works that way.
Estas coisas acontecem na sequência do pós-stress traumático.
You sure you wanna do this?
Tem a certeza de que quer fazer isto?
Got it. Are you sure that you want to do this?
De certeza que queres fazer isto?
I'm sure it doesn't contain a treasure. What do you mean?
Não consigo fazer isto.
Of course. I am sure, you know the five must dos for Muslims.
Tenho ligações à família real do reino de Junagadh.
And when they do and the bureaucrats decide that the loss of innocent lives trumps their career prospects you be sure to give me a call.
E quando morrerem e os burocratas decidirem que a perda de vidas humanas é um trunfo para as suas carreiras, não te esqueças de me ligar.
As a member of the black-ops intelligence community I'm sure you're familiar with the damage such a device can do.
Como membro da comunidade de inteligência, sei que sabe o que tal dispositivo pode fazer.
You know, after their last go-around, Coughlin's way too smart to go after Chin without knowing for sure that he has an airtight case.
Sabes, depois da última vez, o Coughlin é demasiado inteligente para ir atrás do Chin sem ter a certeza que tinha um caso infalível.
You sure you want to do this?
Tens a certeza que queres fazer isto?
You sure you guys want to do this?
De certeza que querem fazer isto?
Look, I'm sure there are a lot of things that you do better than me, but this... This one thing, this twisted chess game with real stakes, I am better at than you.
Estou certa que existem muitas coisas que fazes melhor do que eu, mas esta única coisa, esta partida de xadrez retorcida, é a minha especialidade.
Hey. Sure you do.
Claro que queres.
Are you sure you know Jim as well as you think you do?
De certeza que conheces o Jim tão bem como julgas?
But then again, Cat, when it comes to you and Vincent, I'm never sure, so...
Mas, Cat, tratando-se de ti e do Vincent, nunca tenho a certeza, então...
Are you sure you can handle it?
- Dás mesmo conta do recado?
And you're never quite sure what made the difference.
E tu nunca tens a certeza do que fez a diferença.
Sure, do what you gotta do.
Claro, faz aquilo que tiveres que fazer.
I don't think there's anything you'd rather do less than watch me hurt this girl. And anyway we'll know by the third finger for sure.
Não me parece que queiras magoar esta miúda, mas, de qualquer forma, sabê-lo-ás ao terceiro dedo.
We've got nothing to lose, but you sure as hell do.
Nós não temos nada a perder, mas tu, seguramente, tens.
Cause if you don't do something about him, I sure as hell will.
Porque se não fizeres alguma coisa... eu com certeza farei.
You hate sororities and you hate Kappa Kappa Tau, and when you couldn't just kick us off campus, you made sure no one pledged but losers, and then started removing us from school the only way you could : murder.
Odeia as irmandades e odeia a Kappa Kappa Tau, e quando não nos conseguiu expulsar do campus, assegurou que apenas falhadas seriam candidatas este ano e depois começou a remover-nos da escola da única maneira possivel. Por assassinato.
You know how at the beginning of the year, I was always secretly following you so I could just keep an eye on you, make sure you were safe?
Sabes, no inicio do ano, já te andava a seguir em segredo, para manter um olho em ti, e saber que estavas em segurança?
I don't think you do, maybe, I'm not sure.
Acho que não se vê. Talvez, não sei.
You sure sound like you do, which makes you worse than an idiot. It makes you a jackass.
Parece que estás, o que faz de ti pior que idiota, um cretino.
Are you sure it's not because you're worried they'll find out that you failed Professor Gerard's legal ethics class?
Não será por temer que descubram que chumbou em Ética Legal, do Professor Gerard?
All it means is you'll come here a little more frequently than you would have otherwise, so we can take a look-see at your cervix and make sure it remains in the cancer-free state it's currently in.
Isso quer dizer é que vai vir aqui com um pouco mais de frequência do que tinha que ser, para que possamos dar uma olhada no seu colo do útero para garantir que permanece no estado livre do cancro.
I'll be sure to send you that recording of my bassoon solo.
Não vou esquecer-me de lhe enviar a gravação do meu solo de fagote.
Sure, I do. And look, if you really want to learn how to bang that thing, there's no better teacher than your old dad.
Se queres mesmo aprender a como pinocar essa coisa, não há melhor professor do que o teu velhote.
I promise you, Sir... I will do everything in my power to make sure we get her back.
Prometo, Senhor, que vou fazer tudo em meu poder para a trazer de volta.
Are you sure? She met with a friend of Renard's who knows about this.
Ela visitou uma amiga do Renard que sabe do assunto.
- So, are you sure about what you saw?
- Então, tem a certeza do que viu?
It sure is, Caroline, especially this carefully crafted good student routine, straight and narrow, anything to keep you from making a mistake you might regret one year from now when you flip your switch back on.
Claro que sim, Caroline, principalmente esta rotina perfeita da boa estudante, sempre nos eixos, tudo para não cometeres um erro do qual te possas arrepender daqui a um ano quando voltares a ligar a tua humanidade.
I'm quite sure I don't know what you're talking about.
Não sei do que estás a falar.
And I hope to hell you're good at something else, because you sure as shit are not gonna make it in show business.
Espero que tenhas jeito para outra coisa, porque não vais singrar no mundo do espetáculo.
Now you may not have heard of me, but I'm pretty sure you've heard of Rock Roll World magazine.
Podem não ter ouvido falar de mim, mas devem conhecer a revista Mundo do Rock amp ; Roll.
I'm sure you're better than you think.
Tenho a certeza que é melhor do que pensa.
Well, I'm sure next time mom and dad have business out of the country and they get a free extra ticket, it'll go to you.
Bom, sei que da próxima vez que os nossos pais tiverem negócios fora do País e ganharem uma passagem extra grátis, ela vai para ti.
What the hell do you think they're up to? I'm not sure.
- O que raio é que achas que eles andam a tramar?
I'm sure we could clear the courtyard of the volunteers so you won't have to worry about getting mobbed again, right, fellas?
Tenho a certeza que podemos retirar os voluntários do pátio, para não ter que se preocupar em ser, novamente, engolido pela multidão. Certo, rapazes?
Making sure you stay out of my way.
A certificar-me que ficar fora do meu caminho.
H'you do that, again, I'll make sure you pack up!
Se voltar a fazer isso, pode ter a certeza de que o expulso daqui!
Are you sure, he was driving Sam's car'?
- Vijay Salgaonkar. De certeza que era ele no carro do Sam?
Are you sure there's nothing I can do Or say to change your mind, lana?
- Não há nada que possa fazer ou dizer para mudar a tua opinião?
Well, I'm sure some of them are, but Washington could probably use a few more people that think the way you do.
Bem, tenho a certeza de que alguns deles são, mas Washington provavelmente precisa de mais algumas pessoas que pensem como tu.
You're sure car crash girl was there?
Tens a certeza que a rapariga do acidente estava lá?
Well when it comes to magic I'm sure you'll figure it out.
Bem, no que toca a magia, tu dás sempre conta do recado.
sure you were 30
sure you can 218
sure you will 57
sure you are 144
sure you have 26
sure you're okay 18
sure you would 16
sure you did 80
sure you want to do this 18
sure you could 16
sure you can 218
sure you will 57
sure you are 144
sure you have 26
sure you're okay 18
sure you would 16
sure you did 80
sure you want to do this 18
sure you could 16
you don't want to talk to me 24
you don 159
you don't 4631
you do 5232
you don't have to 1176
you don't understand 2732
you don't have to worry 197
you don't understand me 29
you don't know me 657
you don't remember me 206
you don 159
you don't 4631
you do 5232
you don't have to 1176
you don't understand 2732
you don't have to worry 197
you don't understand me 29
you don't know me 657
you don't remember me 206
you don't know nothing 35
you don't know anything 267
you don't mean that 235
you don't believe me 569
you don't want to 180
you don't know what love is 17
you don't trust me 261
you don't have to be sorry 41
you don't say 567
you don't want to do that 169
you don't know anything 267
you don't mean that 235
you don't believe me 569
you don't want to 180
you don't know what love is 17
you don't trust me 261
you don't have to be sorry 41
you don't say 567
you don't want to do that 169