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Tell him what you told me перевод на португальский

100 параллельный перевод
Tell him what you told me!
Diz-lhe o que me disseste a mim!
Tell him what you told me.
Diz-lhe o que me disseste.
Now, Tillet, tell him what you told me.
Agora, Tillet, diz-lhe o que me disseste a mim.
Tell him what you told me.
Diga-lhe o que você me disse.
Tell him what you told me.
Conta-lhe o que me contaste.
- Tell him what you told me.
Diz-lhe o que me disseste.
You tell him what you told me.
Conta-lhe o que me contaste a mim.
Now, tell him what you told me, Gary.
Diz-lhes o que me disseste, Gary.
Tell him what you told me, my dear.
Conte-lhe o que me contou, minha querida.
Just tell him what you told me.
Diga-lhe o que me contou.
- Tell him what you told me.
- Diz-lhe o que me disseste.
Arun, tell him what you told me about your great-grandfather's wedding day.
Arun, conte-lhe o que me contou do dia de casamento do seu bisavô.
Just tell him what you told me.
Diz-lhe o mesmo que me disseste.
Porque não lhe dizes o que me contaste.
Tell him what you told me, Shane.
Estás a pensar o quê? - Conta-lhe o que me contas-te.
I want you to tell him what you told me, about your customer.
Conta-lhe o que me contaste sobre o teu cliente.
Tell him what you told me about the research paper.
Diz-lhe o que me disseste sobre a investigação.
Tell him what you told me. Lathan's convinced this is some kind of elaborate lie.
Lathan acha que isso tudo é uma mentira.
Tell him what you told me.
Conta-lhe o que me contaste a mim.
- Tell him what you told me.
- Diz a ele o que me disseste.
Tell him what you told me.
Diga-lhe o que me disse.
Just tell him what you told me.
- Balbuciar? - Diz-lhe lá o que me contaste.
Leon, just tell him what you told me. Go.
Leon, diz a ele o que me contaste.
Tell him what you told me, Owen.
Não sei.
Michelle tell him what you told me when I got here.
Michelle... diz-lhe o que me disseste quando chegaste aqui.
Tell him what you told me.
Dizei-lhe o que me dissestes.
Kevin, tell him what you told me.
Kevin, diga-lhe o que me disse.
Ed, just tell him what you told me.
- Ed, conta-lhe o que me contaste.
Tell him what you told me before, okay?
Conta-lhe o que me contaste antes, está bem?
Tell him what you told me.
Diz-lhe o que me acabaste de dizer.
Go ahead, Myrtle. Tell him just what you told me.
Vamos, Myrtle, diga-lhe apenas o que me contou.
Now you tell him what you just told me.
Agora diga-lhe para ele o que você me disse.
And have him tell me what I have told you.
Para o entender, e poder dizer-lhe o que lhe disse a si.
Now, you tell them just exactly what you told me : That all they have to do is to ride into Quanah Parker's camp and tell him they want all the white prisoners his Comanches have captured in the last 15, 20 years.
Diga-lhes o que me disse a mim que só têm de entrar no acampamento de Quanah Parker e dizer-lhe que querem os prisioneiros brancos que os comanches dele capturaram nos últimos 15, 20 anos.
Would you kindly tell me, please what you said to him exactly and what he said to you? I told you.
Contas-me, por favor, exactamente o que lhe disseste e o que ele te disse?
Just tell Foltrigg what you told me and that'll be the last we hear from him.
Diga ao reverendo Roy o que me disse e não o verá mais.
Good. Yes. Now, you repeat what I told you, and you tell him you believe me.
Repete o que eu te disse e diz que acreditas em mim.
You have to tell me exactly what you told him.
Diz-me o que lhe disseste.
I know what you told him, now tell me.
Eu sei, agora diga-me a mim.
If I go to Wangler and tell him what you just told me, he's gonna deny it. His word against yours.
Se for ao Wangler e lhe digo o que acaba de me dizer, o vai negar, e será sua palavra contra a tua.
Tell him what you just told me.
Conte a ele o que você acabou de dizer.
You tell me who told you about it, we'll bring him in here. He corroborates what you're saying, I'll give you Ralph on a platter.
Dizes-me quem te contou, nós trazemos o gajo aqui... ele confirma o que dizes, e eu dou-te o Ralph numa bandeja.
And if you would just tell him exactly what you told me...
E se pudesses diz-lhe exactamente o que me disseste...
Hensley, tell him what you just told me.
Hensley, diz-lhe o que me contaste.
Tell him what you told me.
Diz-lhe o que me contaste.
What do yöu want me to tell him I haven't already told him 30 times?
- Que queres que lhe diga? Foi por isso que o deixei.
- I didn't tell him nothing... Just tell me exactly what you told him. Exactly.
Diz-me só exactamente o que lhe disseste, exactamente.
Felix, this is Special Agent Malone. Tell him what you just told me.
Felix, este é o Agente Especial Malone.
Ms. Sciuto, I don't care what you told him, as long as you tell me that those feathers were duck down... the ones that were discovered on Owens'body.
Gibbs... Menina Sciuto, não quero saber do que lhe contou, apenas diga-me se aquelas penas pertenciam a um pato. Aquelas que foram encontradas no corpo de Owens.
no saw him when I went to the jungle to meet my father thought I'd seen a ghost then later, people told me the whole story what did they tell you?
Não. Vi-o na floresta, quando fui ter com o meu pai. Pensei que era um fantasma.
Tell me, Monsieur Marillac : what did your King really say when you told him His Majesty had got rid of his last Queen?
Dizei-me, monsieur Marillac, o que disse realmente o vosso rei quando contastes que Sua Majestade se tinha livrado da sua última rainha?

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