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Trumpets перевод на португальский

167 параллельный перевод
When you " ve taken up these positions tomorrow the trumpets will sound.
Quando tomarem esses lugares amanhã, as cornetas tocarão.
The trumpets, the angels?
As cornetas, os anjos?
The basses thump to thousands of trumpets
Os baixos calam-se para milhares de trombetas
- Yeah. - The trumpets are trumpeting. - Yeah.
As trompetas estão a trompetar!
Some people likes to hear them. I like trumpets better.
Voce gosta de algum, eu prefiro as trombetas.
Oh, by the way, trumpets, two bars before figure two -
A propósito, clarins... Duas barras antes do acorde 2.
You will hear the trumpets, commander.
Ouvirá as trompetas, comandante.
Trompetas! Capitão!
As trumpets blare and bass drums boom
Ao som das cornetas E do ribombar dos bombos
Trumpets, sound every man to post!
Trompetes, cada homem ao seu posto!
The trumpets shall blare. The crowds shall gather.
As trombetas soarão, as pessoas se reunirão.
- Trumpets welcoming Harry.
- Trombetas a dar as boas-vindas ao Harry.
Sound drums and trumpets!
Que toquem os tambores e trombetas!
The trumpets tell all the world he's come back to me.
As trombetas anunciam ao mundo que ele voltou para mim.
Let the trumpets sound!
Toquem as trombetas!
" And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets...
"E os sete anjos que tinham as sete trompetas..."
" which had the seven trumpets...
"... que tinham as sete trompetas... "
When you've taken up these positions tomorrow the trumpets will sound.
Quando assumirem estas posições amanhã, soarão as trombetas.
The trumpets, the angels?
Ás trompetas, aos anjos?
You'll see the glitter of crashing cymbals and hear the thunder of rolling drums and the shimmer of trumpets. Tam-tada!
Verão o brilho dos pratos colidindo e ouvirão o rufo dos tambores e a luz trémula dos clarins.
The trumpets will soon sound..... and then...
Em breve, soarão as cornetas... ... e depois...
He believes that if we blow our trumpets, it may cause the walls of the imperial city to collapse. Like the walls of Jericho.
Acredita que se cantarmos vitória, podemos provocar a queda das muralhas da cidade imperial, como as muralhas de Jericó.
How many trumpets do we have, Major?
Como é que podemos fazer isso, major?
Unless some angelic trumpets will chase away the Kiowas to the happy hunting ground.
- Temos que correr com estes Kiowas. - Devíamos render-nos.
And all the trumpets of Paris are sounding reveille.
Todas as trompetas de Paris soam a alvorada.
The trumpets segue into the inevitable title song.
As trompetas levam-nos á inevitável cançao do tema.
# Blow the trumpets and beat on the drum
"Toquem as trombetas" "e golpeiem os tambores"
Loud'larums, neighing steeds, and trumpets'clang?
Gritos de alarme, relinchos, o clangor das trombetas?
# # In every foreign strand I land, the royal trumpets toot me
# # Em cada praia estrangeira em que aterro, os trompetes reais tocam para mim
I felt that I tottered upon the brink. Then suddenly... there was a discordant hum of human voices. There was a loud blast as of many trumpets.
Senti que oscilava sobre a borda, quando, repentinamente, houve um ruído discordante de vozes humanas, um som alto de várias trombetas.
Hear angel trumpets and devil trombones.
Trombetas de anjos e tambores do diabo.
Make all our trumpets speak.
Fazei soar todas as nossas trombetas.
"The trumpets of joy did not let me sleep"
As trombetas da alegria não me deixam dormir
Tomorrow the President will come to inaugurate a statue. Trumpets, fanfares, some music, would be good.
Clarins, fanfarras, um pouco de música, era bom.
I will march to the sound Of the trumpets of glory
Partirei ao som das trombetas da glória
Oh, the trumpets of glory
Ah, as trombetas da glória
Yes, the trumpets are calling to me
Sim, as trombetas me chamam
That the tambores rufem That the trumpets sound
Que rufem os tambores Que soem as trombetas
♪ I hear the trumpets blow again
♪ Here I go again I hear the trumpets blow again
Cá vou eu outra vez Ouço de novo a música
Now don't forget to start on the trumpets.
Não se esqueçam que começam com o trompete!
Trumpets and cornets, to the front!
Trombetas e estandartes à frente!
The Seraphs will come! With their trumpets!
E que os serafins toquem os clarins!
True. lndeed, I'm from a race that no longer listens to the sound of trumpets.
É verdade. Descendo de uma raça que já não ouve o som das trombetas.
I was hot, I opened my collar and I lay down. The trumpets sounded. A light pierced my eyelids.
Sentei no degrau procurando o calor e sinto-me estremecer com os arrepios.
Trumpets and timpani.
Trompetes e tímpanos.
Trumpets in "D."
Trompetes em "ré".
Trumpets in "D," tonic and dominant.
Trompetes em "ré", tónica e dominante.
Sound the trumpets
Soem as trompetas
And I'm sure in your mind you hear trumpets sound and angels sing a fargin', and I shit my goddam breeches!
Acho que na tua cabeça ouves trompetes e anjos a cantar! ... Mas eu cago-me na merda das minhas próprias calças.

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