Try to get some rest перевод на португальский
94 параллельный перевод
Why don't you try to get some rest?
Porque não descansas um pouco?
Why don't you go along home and try to get some rest, Mrs. Pryor.
Por que não vai para casa e tenta descansar um pouco, Sra. Pryor.
Now, let's try to get some rest. How about it?
E se fôssemos dormir?
Please, try to get some rest.
Tente dormir, por favor.
Try to get some rest, kid.
Tente descansar, miúdo.
Try to get some rest :
Tenta descansar.
Just try to get some rest.
Tente descansar.
You all try to get some rest.
Vocês todos tentam descansar.
You better try to get some rest.
É melhor descansares.
Try to get some rest.
Vê se descansas.
In the meantime, try to get some rest.
Nesse meio tempo, tente descansar um pouco.
Try to get some rest.
Tente descansar.
Why don't you try to get some rest?
Por que não procuras descansar?
Your body's been through quite a shock so try to get some rest.
Seu corpo foi muito muito sacrificado pelo choque então deve tentar descansar.
Just try to get some rest and some hot chow.
Procurem descansar e comer algo quente.
- Try to get some rest.
- Tente descansar um pouco.
- Just try to get some rest, okay?
- Procure descansar, certo?
Just try to get some rest.
Tenta apenas descansar.
You should try to get some rest.
Devia tentar descansar.
You know what, you should try to get some rest before the artists get there!
Devias descansar um pouco antes dos artistas chegarem.
You know what, you should try to get some rest before the artists get there!
Adeus. Estás linda! Obrigada!
When I get home, we will figure this out together. But, for now, please, please try to get some rest.
Quando eu chegar a casa vimos sito juntas mas por agora por favor tenta descansar.
Try to get some rest, and we'll meet again... in 3 days.
Tente descansar, e voltaremos a encontrar-nos... - dentro de 3 dias.
Try to get some rest or at least try not to do anything too stupid.
Tenta descansar um pouco. Ou pelo menos tenta não fazer nada demasiado estúpido.
- You should try to get some rest.
- Devia tentar descansar.
I should try to get some rest.
Devia tentar descansar.
I should probably try to get some rest myself.
Certo. Provavelmente eu deveria tentar descansar.
Try to get some rest.
Tenta descansar.
Try to get some rest.
Tentem descansar um pouco.
Just try to get some rest, okay?
Tenta descansar, está bem?
And try to get some rest.
E tente descansar.
You should try to get some rest, too.
Também devias tentar descansar.
Sir, please, go back Upstairs and try To get some rest.
Por favor, volte lá para cima e tente descansar.
- so try to get some rest.
Devia ir descansar.
Just try to get some rest.
Apenas tente descansar.
Try to get some rest, okay?
Tente descansar, está bem?
Would you try to get some rest?
Porque não tenta descansar?
I want everybody to go back to the hotel and try to get some rest.
Quero toda a gente de volta ao hotel... E que tentem descansar.
- Try to get some rest before the ball. I will.
Tentai descansar um pouco antes do baile.
Try to get some rest.
Tenta descansar um bocado.
Artie, we thought you would recuperate better here. But you got to promise that you're going to try to get some rest.
Artie, achámos que recuperavas melhor aqui, mas tens de prometer que vais tentar descansar.
We should try to get some rest.
Devemos tentar descansar um pouco.
Let's try to get some rest, hmm?
Vamos tentar descansar.
Meantime, some of us can go out and try to get the gas, then we can come back for the rest of the people.
Dois de nós podem tentar ir buscar gasolina e depois vêm buscar os restantes.
Get some rest, Bruno : try to build your strength up.
Descansa, Bruno. Procura recuperar as forças.
You're going to be very busy so try and get some rest.
Vão estar muito atarefados por isso tentem descansar um pouco.
Try to get some rest.
- Fica aí, descansa.
Well, for now why don't you try to get some more rest.
Por enquanto, tente descansar mais um pouco.
Try to get some rest.
Tente descansar um pouco.
Look, why don't you go back to the hotel or home... try and get some rest.
Porque não voltas para o hotel ou para casa... e tentas descansar?
I thought you were going to try and get some rest.
Pensei que estavas a tentar descansar.