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Vanderwaal перевод на португальский

54 параллельный перевод
Ben Vanderwaal was killed in Commack, Long Island, last night, shot at close range, once in the heart, once in the head,
Ben Vanderwaal foi morto em Commack, Long Island, ontem à noite, baleado à queima roupa. Uma vez no coração, outra na cabeça,
They found hair and blood traces from Ben Vanderwaal's wife, Heather.
Encontraram vestígios de cabelo e de sangue da Heather, mulher do Ben Vanderwaal.
One in the heart, one in the head... same as Vanderwaal.
Uma no coração, outra na cabeça, tal como o Vanderwaal.
Then why cut off Vanderwaal's hands, postmortem?
E porquê cortar as mãos do Vanderwaal depois de morto?
In the Ben Vanderwaal case, his hands were taken.
No caso do Ben Vanderwaal, as mãos foram tiradas.
Why would he take Heather Vanderwaal and not simply kill her?
Porque levaria ele a Heather Vanderwaal e não simplesmente matá-la?
It says in the file that Heather Vanderwaal has a daughter.
Diz no processo que a Heather Vanderwaal tem uma filha.
Ben and Heather Vanderwaal have only been married a couple of years.
O Ben e a Heather Vanderwaal só estiveram casados um par de anos.
Heather Vanderwaal was just found wandering the streets, half hour ago.
A Heather Vanderwaal foi encontrada a vaguear nas ruas há meia hora.
We've been getting to know Heather Vanderwaal.
Estive a conhecer a Heather Vanderwaal.
Mrs. Vanderwaal...
Mrs. Vanderwaal...
Well, if anyone had a motive to kill Ben Vanderwaal, it was Heather's ex-husband.
Bem, se alguém tem motivo para matar o Ben Vanderwaal, esse é o ex-marido da Heather.
The Ali D needs something from Mona Vanderwaal.
A popular Ali D precisa de uma coisa da Mona Vanderwaal.
Mona vanderwaal?
- A Mona Vanderwaal?
Yeah, the patient's name was Mona Vanderwaal. Do you remember her?
Sim, a doente chamava-se Mona Vanderwaal.
Mona Vanderwaal.
A Mona Vanderwaal.
Mona Vanderwaal is at the police station.
A Mona Vanderwaal está na esquadra.
Okay. Next up, we have jamie demayo, Hanna marin, ronni high
A seguir, temos a Jamie Demayo, a Hanna Marin, a Ronni High e a Mona Vanderwaal.
Mona Vanderwaal was murdered.
A Mona Vanderwaal foi assassinada. Não!
Told you. Mona Vanderwaal retained me to handle her affairs in the event of her demise.
A Mona Vanderwaal contratou-me para tratar dos seus assuntos em caso de óbito.
"And the same monster who attacked Mona Vanderwaal " and framed us for her murder.
O mesmo monstro que atacou Mona Vanderwaal e nos incriminou pelo homicídio dela.
_ _
De : Mona Vanderwaal Ativado às 10 : 48
Mona Vanderwaal was murdered.
A Mona Vanderwaal foi assassinada.
Mrs. Vanderwaal?
Sra. Vanderwaal?
And even if she could tell you, how are you going to explain to Mrs. Vanderwaal where you got the information, or the police?
E mesmo que ela te dissesse, como ias explicar à Sra. Vanderwaal onde arranjaste a informação? Ou à Polícia?
Mrs. Vanderwaal asked us to search the house again, and we found this.
A Sra. Vanderwaal pediu-nos para voltarmos a revistar a casa e encontramos isto.
You're saying that Alison wasn't with you when Mona Vanderwaal was killed?
Estas a dizer-me que a Alison não estava convosco, quando a Mona Vanderwaal foi assassinada?
Alison DiLaurentis, you are under arrest for the murder of Mona Vanderwaal.
Alison DiLaurentis, estás presa pelo homicídio da Mona Vanderwaal.
We have been reviewing all of the evidence, and we now believe that Mona Vanderwaal was not Alison's first victim.
Estamos a rever todas as provas, e agora acreditamos que a Mona Vanderwaal não é a primeira vitima da Alison.
Mrs. Vanderwaal said I might find her here.
A Sra. Vanderwaal disse-me que talvez eu a encontrasse aqui.
With that awful girl's trial coming up, Mrs. Vanderwaal needs all the support she can get.
Com o julgamento daquela rapariga horrível a aproximar-se, a Mrs. Vanderwaal precisa de todo o apoio que conseguir.
Mrs. Vanderwaal said that you were trying to find me.
A Mrs. Vanderwaal disse-me que estavas à minha procura.
She's staying with Mrs. Vanderwaal.
Mike, é tão bom conhecer-te.
You can?
- Ela está com a Mrs. Vanderwaal.
I'm going to help Mrs. Vanderwaal with her tea.
Vou ajudar a Mrs. Vanderwaal com o chá.
Mona vanderwaal retained me to handle her affairs In the event of her demise.
A Mona Vanderwaal contratou-me para tratar dos seus assuntos em caso de óbito.
No, actually, i have a few questions
Não. Para dizer a verdade, tenho perguntas sobre Mona Vanderwaal.
Someone's framing me and alison dilaurentis For mona vanderwaal's murder.
Alguém me está a incriminar e à Alison DiLaurentis pelo homicídio da Mona Vanderwaal.
And that is what Alison DiLaurentis did to Mona Vanderwaal.
E foi o que Alison DiLaurentis fez com a Mona Vanderwaal.
Mona Vanderwaal knew the truth.
Mona Vanderwaal sabia a verdade.
And that is why Alison DiLaurentis planned and carried out the murder of Mona Vanderwaal, consigning her to a cruel, anonymous end.
Esse é o porquê de Alison DiLaurentis ter planeado e executado o homicídio de Mona Vanderwaal. Enviando-a a um cruel e desconhecido final.
Yes. After you saw it, did you tell the police of your sister Alison's whereabouts on the day that Mona Vanderwaal was attacked?
Depois de o ver, disse à Polícia onde a sua irmã Alison estava no dia em que Mona Vanderwaal foi atacada?
Do you think she's in there?
Acham que ela está aí? Mrs. Vanderwaal!
Mrs. Van der Wall said you were trying to find me.
A Mrs. Vanderwaal disse-me que estavas à minha procura.
Alison DiLaurentis planned and carried out the murder of Mona Vanderwaal.
Alison DiLaurentis planeou e executou a morte de Mona Vanderwaal.
"by a faceless, nameless coward'the same monster who attacked Mona Vanderwaal."'
O mesmo monstro que atacou Mona Vanderwaal.
Then why are you playing phone tag with Mona Vanderwaal?
Então, porque falas ao telefone com a Mona Vanderwaal?
"Recursos M. Vanderwaal"
This social worker and the suspected rape case, those were matters of record. Wait. Ben Vanderwaal's relationship with his stepdaughter is not.
A relação do Ben Vanderwaal com a enteada, não.
"A" set me up.
Alison DiLaurentis, estás presa pelo homicídio da Mona Vanderwaal.

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