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Was i talking to you перевод на португальский

649 параллельный перевод
Ladies and Gentlemen, I apologise for my hesitation in rising... but to tell you the simple truth I'd entirely failed... while listening to the chairman's flattering description... to realise he was talking about me.
Senhoras e senhores, peço desculpas pela minha hesitação em levantar-me. Mas, na verdade... com tantos elogios que foram feitos... foi-me difícil aperceber que se estava a falar de mim!
I wondered why I was talking to you as I did.
Já me tinha interrogado porque é que falava contigo daquela forma.
I was talking to our Mr. Duffy about you this afternoon.
- O que é que quer dizer? Que precisamente, à bocado falei de si com o senhor Duffy.
you know, just the other da y, i was talking to myself about you, and we were wondering what had become of you.
Sabes, ainda no outro dia, Estava a falar comigo mesmo sobre ti, E perguntámo-nos o que era feito de ti.
When you were talking to the Monster, I was afraid you meant what you said.
Quando o ouvi a falar com o monstro... receei que o que estava a dizer era a sério.
Will you tell Mr. Strable I was talking to you?
Disse ao Sr. Strable que eu estava a falar era consigo?
You were about to say you thought it was a younger man, and you stopped talking because it suddenly occurred to you... that I might be that younger man.
- Você ia dizer que lhe parecia um homem jovem, e calou-se porque súbitamente lhe ocorreu... que eu poderia ser aquele homem jovem.
Just watching the little girl I was talking to you about.
Estava a olhar para a menina de quem lhe falei.
You know I was just talking to Max Yorkman in his office.
Acabo de falar com o Max Yorkman no seu escritório.
If you wanna know, I was talking to the vicar.
Se quiser saber, estive falando com o vigário.
I had to get so close to you it was like two sides of the same man talking to each other.
Tinha de chegar tão perto como duas metades de um só homem, a falar uma com a outra.
I was talking a lot to your husband, but not to you.
Estive a falar bastante com o seu marido, mas consigo ainda não.
You know, I was talking to Hilda on the phone Sunday, and she said that there was no chance of us...
Liguei à Hilda no domingo e ela disse que não havia...
Sorry to disturb you, Professor, but she was one of your students and I'm talking to all the teachers.
Desculpe incomodá-lo, Professor, mas ela foi uma das suas alunas e eu tenho de falar com todos os professores.
It seems I was talking to you on the phone just a minute ago.
Parece que ainda agora desliguei o telefone.
That's why I wouldn't agree to having you fired. So, that was me you were talking about when I came in.
- Era de mim que estava a falar!
When I was outside I thought I heard you talking to someone.
Quando vinha a entrar pareceu-me ouvir o senhor a falar com alguém.
If I was you, I'd watch out who I was talking to.
Se a fosse a si, tomava atenção com quem fala.
You'll never guess who I was talking to today.
Nem adivinha, com quem estive hoje a falar.
Look, it's all very well us talking like this, you know, like it was a game, but I wish you'd tell me what it's all about, because, honest to God, I just got out of bed,
Olhe, está muito bom isso de falar assim, sabe, como se fosse um jogo.
I wasn't talking with you, I was talking to my wife.
Não era consigo, estava a falar com a minha esposa.
I was talking to our architect about you.
Eu estava falando com nosso arquiteto sobre você.
That is to say, I was talking about you and our new chapel.
Quer dizer, eu estava falando sobre você e a nova capela.
But I tell you I was just talking to her less than an hour ago.
Digo-vos que estive a falar com ela à menos de uma hora.
By the way, who was that gentleman I saw you talking to outside?
Jà agora, quem era aquele senhor que falava consigo lá fora?
I was talking to you on the phone, remember?
Estava a falar consigo ao telefone, lembra-se?
What the hell are you talking about? I was asked to give spiritual comfort to one of the colonels who was dying of fever.
Pediram-me que reconfortasse um coronel que morria de febre.
I'd like you to hear a tune about, I guess about those discussions that I was talking about that I seem to have had in so many small circles of friends around living rooms, around pipes, when they weren't selling no papers on the street,
Quero que ouçam uma música sobre... as conversas que tive... com tantos círculos de amigos em salas... fumando cachimbo quando não havia mortalhas à venda...
I was talking to my aunt and she said that you think that maybe somebody killed my uncle.
Estive a falar com a minha tia, e ela disse que você acha que alguém pode ter matado o meu tio.
I was thinking in terms of, uh... maybe you talking to the prosecutor up there and having them drop a word to the judge... how I been helping my uncle like a bastard.
Talvez... poderias falar com o procurador para que ele dê uma palavra ao juiz... em como eu tenho ajudado o meu tio como um louco
She was burnt to death, as my lunch will be if I continue talking to you.
Foi queimada até morrer, Ficarei sem almoço se continuar a falar consigo.
I was looking at you, but I was talking to Polly.
- Olhei para si, mas era com a Polly.
- that I was looking at you but talking to her? - What?
Estava a olhar para si, mas falava com ela.
- I wasn't even talking to you, was I?
- Não estava a falar consigo, estava?
Do you remember what I was talking to you about last night?
Lembra-se daquilo de que lhe falei ontem à noite?
Did you see that good-looking girl that I was talking to leave here?
Viu uma rapariga bonita que falava comigo, sair daqui?
Just a couple of hours ago, do you know who I was talking to?
Há umas horas, sabes com quem estive a falar?
You're talking to me as if I was a dog.
Estás a falar comigo como se eu fosse um cão.
I don't mean to hurt your feelings or anything, but Myrna was talking about you at the diner today.
Não quero magoar os teus sentimentos nem nada mas a Myrna estava a falar de ti.
You know, Lana, I was talking to Superman the other day.
Lana, estive a falar com o Super-Homem.
I knew you was hiding something... and talking to things in your pockets again.
Eu sabia que estavas a esconder alguma coisa e que andavas outra vez a falar com o que tens nos bolsos.
You know, from talking to Devon, I got the idea this was a personal matter. But from what I can see, it seems much bigger.
Por aquilo que o Devon me disse, fiquei com a sensação de se tratava de um assunto pessoal mas, pelo que vejo, é bem mais do que isso.
I was in the bar when you were talking to Frank, the night before they found him dead.
Eu estava no bar quando estavas a falar com o Frank, na noite antes de o encontrarem morto.
Do you remember who you were speaking to? I was in the middle of the room, talking to Julia Simmons.
Quando o homem apontou a lanterna, acenou-a, ou manteve-a fixa?
I thought you was talking to me.
Eu pensei que estava falando comigo.
She said she was gonna leave me out there on the highway... unless I promised to show her why they call me Meat. Are you still talking?
Abandonava-me se não lhe mostrasse porque me chamam "Carne" ( Meat ).
And I told you I was talking to Erica and then I asked for your advice.
E eu disse que estava a falar com a Erica e depois pedi o teu conselho?
Michael, while you were playing cowboy in Madison Square Garden... I was stuck talking to that parking attendant.
Michael, enquanto fazias de cowboy no Madison Square Garden eu estava preso a falar com aquele empregado do estacionamento.
I mean, I didn't think I was talking to you.
Não pensei que estivesse a falar consigo.
Estava a falar contigo.
You see that dirtbag I was talking to down there?
Estás a ver aquele tipo com quem estive a falar?

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