Was that him перевод на португальский
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That was him.
É ele.
I assume that if you came in contact with him, It was during a crime Or an establishment full of fringe.
Presumo que, se entrou em contacto com ele, foi durante um crime ou num estabelecimento cheio de marginais.
Last person that saw him was the school bus driver.
A última pessoa a vê-lo foi o motorista do autocarro escolar.
That was him in my room.
Era ele que estava no meu quarto.
I stayed away because I knew that as long as I was alive, Mu Bai would not ask you to marry him.
Afastei-me por saber que enquanto vivesse, o Mu Bai não te pediria em casamento.
Part of that cutting down was where I got to the place where I could feel him kicking in my blood, and I knew the only thing that separated us was a matter of a few years.
Consegui parte desse controlo quando percebi que eu era muito parecido com ele, e eu sabia que a única diferença entre nós era a diferença de idades.
I was telling Renault that I'm not willing to sell him a single, solitary brownie, let alone my entire company.
Eu estava a dizer ao Renault que não lhe vendia um brownie sequer, muito menos a minha empresa inteira.
I was told that we can interview him... or her.
Disseram-me que podemos entrevistá-lo...
I was gonna put him on that back road, leave him to the boogeyman to rip him apart, or return him to whatever ungodly dirt he came from.
Eu ia colocá-lo de volta na estrada. Deixar para o bicho-papão decidir se acabaria com ele ou o faria retornar ao lugar imundo que veio.
I was sure that he- - you were gonna kill him anyway?
Eu acreditava que era. E mesmo assim irias matá-lo?
Legend says that after he was burned to death, the devil was so pleased with him that he offered him a job as a gate keeper.
A lenda diz que depois de ele ter morrido queimado, o diabo ficou tão satisfeito com ele que... ofereceu um emprego
Well, my point was that they'd actually blessed him with something to focus on, you know, something that he could potentially find meaning in.
Bem, o meu ponto de vista foi que eles na verdade o abençoaram com algo em que se focar, entendes, algo em que ele potencialmente encontrasse significado.
That was him.
Era ele.
I may have sold him a very expensive wool rug... that was made from the fur of a skunk...'s butt.
Talvez lhe tenha vendido um tapete de lã muito caro, que era feito de pelo de doninha do rabo.
Where Dante was infected with the disease that killed him.
Onde Dante foi infectado com a doença que o matou.
At first he observed Sir James with an attention not untinged with jealousy, but it was impossible to really torture him, for I had to finally reveal that his object was Frederica.
Primeiro, ele observou Sir James atentamente, sem afectação, mas foi impossível realmente torturá-lo, então revelei que a finalidade dele era Frederica.
So, that night, when he came into my room, I told him that I was going to go tell my mother what he had been doing to me.
Então, naquela noite, quando ele entrou no meu quarto, disse-lhe que ía contar, à minha mãe o que ele, me tinha feito.
Maybe you don't want that, but I'm telling you, Dan was in the park with him.
Bem, talvez não queiras isso, mas estou a dizer, Dan estava no parque com ele.
I just told you that was him out there on the floor, like, hours ago.
Ainda agora vos disse que era ele ali fora deitado no chão... há umas horas atrás.
It was here that he called us to follow him.
Foi aqui que ele nos chamou a segui-lo.
It was just that people had become used to not seeing him.
Mas as pessoas estavam habituadas a não o ver.
Now, you may hear, from the other side, that the victim, Mike's dad, wasn't such a good guy, that he was tough on his son, that he bullied him.
Agora, é possível que ouçam do outro lado, que a vítima, o pai de Mike, não era um homem tão bom, ele era duro com o seu filho, intimidava-o.
The only time I saw him look strange was that last day.
A única vez que o vi olhar estranho foi no último dia.
That's why the idea of dragging him around, well... - wasn't so bad, was it?
Daí a ideia de arrastá-lo contigo por todo o lado, bem... não foi assim tão mau, pois não?
He made everyone think that it was Mary so they wouldn't suspect him.
Ele fez toda a gente pensar que foi a Mary para que ninguém suspeitasse dele.
That's what I was playing for you before. Mom said that you always loved him.
A mãe disse que sempre gostaste dele.
The second-in-command was supposed to behead him at the culmination of the ritual but the poor chap was so bloody nervous that he missed.
O segundo em comando devia decapitá-lo quando chegasse ao fim, mas o pobre homem estava tão nervoso que falhou.
And he was like one of these little jewish boys crying That the world was taking advantage of him.
Ele era como os meninos judeus a chorar que o mundo estava a aproveitar-se dele.
I simply said to him, "look, carl, you are no friend of mine," and that was it. Icahn :
Eu disse-lhe, "Olha, Carl, não és meu amigo", e foi isto.
All I told him was that if you want me to do that, then don't eat the asparagus.
Tudo o que lhe disse foi : "Se queres que faça isso, não comas os espargos".
I thought long and hard as to what to do, but then it occurred to me that my husband was an acquaintance of your brother and that perhaps through him...
Pensei muito sobre o que fazer, mas então ocorreu-me que o meu marido conhece o seu irmão e que através dele...
I was very scientific in the beginning, I was even measuring him because I want to make sure that when it happens there is no doubt. At all.
Fui muito científica no começo, medi-o para ter a certeza que quando acontecesse não houvesse dúvidas.
We realized that was the only thing that was keeping Owen calm and making him happy, and so Owen and his older brother Walter would watch these together.
Percebemos que era a única coisa que mantinha o Owen calmo e o fazia feliz. Então, o Owen e o irmão mais velho, o Walter, viam-nos juntos.
And at that point, it was like a window opened, like a light went on, and we began to speak to him in Disney dialogue, the whole family.
Naquele momento, foi como uma janela aberta, uma luz acesa. Começámos a falar com ele em diálogo Disney, toda a família.
These kids basically just tormented him, and because he's so literal, he literally thought that our house was gonna be burned down, and his parents were gonna be killed.
Aqueles miúdos atormentavam-no. E como leva tudo à letra, ele pensou que a nossa casa seria incendiada e que os pais iriam morrer.
And then he was talking about opening up some sort of portal to another dimension, and then he... He took this purple ooze and he injected it into those two criminals that escaped with him.
Estava a falar de abrir um tipo portal para outra dimensão e depois injectou uma lama roxa nos dois criminosos que fugiram com ele.
Yeah, I tried to tell him, and he said that I was paranoid.
Sim, tentei dizer-lhe e ele disse que estava a ser paranoica.
That was him?
Era ele?
And if you knew him, you know that he was not one to leave anything to chance, including the toast for his own wake.
E, se o conheciam, sabem que ele não deixaria nada ao acaso, incluindo o brinde do próprio velório.
I never broke it to him that it was a tragedy.
Nunca lhe arruinei isso, que era uma tragédia.
He was worried, actually, I was coming to tell him that I wanna ask for another fight.
Ele estava preocupado que eu fosse pedir-lhe para lutar.
( Keely's voice ) I used to be one of those people that didn't really care about gay people, but then we had this teacher, and everyone was torrible to him, including me.
Eu era daquelas pessoas que não me ralava com os gays, até termos um professor e sermos "morrendos" com ele, incluindo eu.
Tell him that the other design was better.
Diz-lhe que o outro designer era melhor.
I think that's about how old my son was the last time I saw him.
Essa era a idade que o meu filho tinha da última vez que o vi.
I forgot that you guys were with him. - Yeah, he said he was really proud of you for all kinds of reasons.
Sim, ele disse que tinha muito orgulho em ti por uma série de razões.
Your father was a cunt and that's why you killed him.
O vosso pai era um coninhas e foi por isso que o matastes.
Mrs Turner telephoned him at the warehouse. Ah, that was nice of her.
Não falta, mas faz-me sentir que algo de errado se passa.
I first heard him say that when she was about four months old and I thought, " That's it,
Primeiro ouvi-lo dizer isso Quando ela era cerca de quatro meses de idade e eu pensei, " é isso,
Alex told me how you convinced him that leaving me in Paris was in my best interest.
- Eu sou tua amiga. O Alex contou-me que o convenceu de que deixar-me em Paris era o melhor para mim.
"And behold a pale horse... and he that sat upon him, his name was Death."
"Depois apareceu um cavalo esverdeado. O seu cavaleiro chamava-se Morte."
It wouldn't take a man to kill him in that state, just somebody who was angry... and passionate about seeing him dead.
Naquele estado, não teria de ser um homem a matá-lo, apenas alguém furioso e empenhado em vê-lo morto.
was that really necessary 35
was that so hard 56
was that necessary 32
was that a compliment 24
was that a 21
was that it 78
was that 195
was that okay 22
was that wrong 21
was that me 23
was that so hard 56
was that necessary 32
was that a compliment 24
was that a 21
was that it 78
was that 195
was that okay 22
was that wrong 21
was that me 23
was that you 135
was that a joke 26
was that true 17
was that good 22
was that a lie 17
was that her 20
that him 38
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
was that a joke 26
was that true 17
was that good 22
was that a lie 17
was that her 20
that him 38
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23