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We had a good time перевод на португальский

226 параллельный перевод
We had a good time, too, two years ago when we were here on our honeymoon.
Nós também nos divertimos há dois anos atrás, na nossa lua-de-mel.
We had a good time together.
Passámos um bom tempo juntos.
We had a good time at Skeggy though, didn't we?
Mas tivemos bons momentos em Skeggy, não?
We had a good time.
Já passámos.
- Yeah, we had a good time. Nice talking to you.
- Divertimo-nos muito, foi um prazer.
We had a good time, you were nice and everything,
Ouça, você queria Bécaud, você tem Bécaud. Tivemos um bom tempo, você era bom e tudo mais,
- Look, we had a good time. - What?
- Passámos um bom bocado.
When was the last time we had a good time?
Quando foi a última vez que nos divertimos?
But we had a good time, didn't we?
- Mas divertimo-nos, não foi?
Do you remember last year, when we had fun, when we had a good time?
Lembras-te do ano passado, em que nos divertimos, foi porreiro?
So we had a good time, the four of us.
Bom, mas passámos um bom bocado, hã? Nós os quatro.
We had a good time... for a while.
Divertimo-nos... durante uns tempos.
No, I told you, we had a good time.
Não, já te disse que nos divertimos.
Now we had at that time in Brigadoon... an old minister of the kirk... named Mr. Forsythe... and a good man he was.
Nesses tempos tínhamos em Brigadoon... um velho padre na igreja... chamado Sr. Forsythe... e era um bom homem.
While I was there, these men... kind of guests, you might say... we'd get together and horse around a little bit and sing...'cause we were havin such a good time... and we always had a lot of fun with this one, "The Jailhouse Rock."
Aí, estes homens... poderíamos chamá-los convidados... reuníamo-nos para dançar e cantar... porque estávamos passando tão bem... e sempre nos divertiámos muito com esta canção : "Prisioneiro do Rock'n'Roll".
And we've had a good time.
Talvez nos encontremos novamente.
We haven't had anything really good to eat for a long time.
Não tínhamos nada bom para comer há muito tempo.
I can't tell you when we've had such a good time. We'll carry your memory in our hearts for a long while.
Recordaremos vossa Majestade por muito tempo.
- That's a good old time we had back at your place, wasn't it?
Bem... Passamos na sua casa, não foi?
We all had a good time and got our rocks off.
Todos nos divertimos hoje e saímos um pouco da realidade.
We come back there because we had a period of good time e because it was our target of bigger priority.
Voltámos lá porque tivemos um período de bom tempo e porque era o nosso alvo de maior prioridade.
But we had ourselves a good time, man.
Mas divertimo-nos à grande.
We climbed in the back seat We really had a good time
Subiste para o banco traseiro e passaste um bom bocado.
Last time I saw you we had a good talk.
Da ultima vez que te vi conversamos bastante.
We really had a good time.
E foi divertido.
Look, you both got something you badly needed... and we've had a good time.
Olhem, ambos tiveram uma coisa que precisavam desesperadamente. E nós passamos um bom tempo.
So stay tuned to this station... Next week, we'll be back. Hope you had a good time.
Fiquem sintonizados nesta estação... voltaremos na próxima semana.
I was thinking what a terrific time we would have had if that kid of yours had been good at games.
Estava a pensar que poderíamos ter passado uns bons momentos, se o teu filho fosse bom em desporto.
It was the first time in ages that we had all felt really good.
Era a primeira vez desde há muito em que todos nos sentimos mesmo bem.
We had such a good time.
Divertimo-nos tanto.
We had a really good time together.
Passámos um bom bocado juntos.
We were having such a good time and you had to go do this!
Estávamos nos divertindo e você tinha que fazer isso!
We knew we had a good story this time... because it had everything in it.
Sabíamos que era uma boa matéria... porque tinha de tudo :
And i just hope you had a good time. No, sam, i mean because you and i were about ready to... oh, yeah. And then we didn't.
Não, Sam, a sério porque estavamos prestes a e então não fizemos.
We had a awful good time.
Divertimo-nos muito.
- We had a damn good time, didn't we? - Yeah.
Divertimo-nos, não foi?
We had such a good time. Until November.
Tivemos tão bons tempos até Novembro.
We really had a good time.
Gostámos muito de aqui estar.
We always had a good time.
Sempre nos divertimos.
All we knew about Havana was the lights in the Prado never went out and you had a damned good chance of having the time of your life.
De Havana só sabíamos... que as luzes do Prado nunca se apagavam... e tínhamos grandes hipóteses de viver a oportunidade da nossa vida.
And second, I wanna thank you for all the good times that we almost had together. Seems like every time we try to get together, something would come up and off you'd go.
Por isso serei a nobre aqui, e graciosamente o venero, com uma vénia do bem.
We had such a good time by the time I got to the police garage, it was closed.
Estávamos a divertir-nos tanto que quando cheguei à oficina, estava fechada.
We had such a good time.
Estávamos nos divertindo tanto.
Well, that by allowing Baron Tempos to defeat the Fox we unwittingly allowed evil to defeat good in a time and place it had not done so before.
Assim ao deixar o Barão Tempos derrotar o Raposa... permitimos que o mal derrotasse o bem... num tempo e num lugar... onde isso não tinha acontecido.
We're just glad you had a good time, honey, and even happier you're home.
Aposto que foi o único pai que calculou... a média de arremessos de todo o time, instantâneamente, de cabeça. Estamos felizes que se tenha divertido e voltado.
We had such a good time by the time I got to the police garage, it was closed.
Estávamos a divertir-nos tanto que quando cheguei á oficina, estava fechada.
So we really had a good time...
Acho que nos divertimos bastante.
When was the last time we had a good double murder?
- Ou tivemos um duplo homicídio?
Ainda bem que te divertiste.
I thought it was time we got together and had a really good natter.
E achei que já era boa altura de nos sentarmos e de termos uma bela conversa.
When we get home tonight... you better tell your mother we had a damn good time.
Quando chegarmos a casa hoje à noite... é bom que digas à tua mãe que nos divertimos imenso mesmo.

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