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We know you did it перевод на португальский

224 параллельный перевод
Oh, we know you did it.
Sabemos que foste tu.
We know you did it. You know we know.
Eu sei que foste tu.
Honest I did. We're gonna be in Salt Lake before you know it.
Estaremos em Salt Lake antes que se dê conta.
Did everybody know I was getting married, except me? We knew you'd find out about it in time.
Toda a gente sabia que eu ia casar-me, excepto eu?
We did think it writ down in our duty to let you know of it.
Cremos que era nosso dever revelar-vos.
Well, it was a little late to notify everyone about a change, and we did want to get to know you better, Mr. Anderson.
Era tarde demais para avisar toda a gente, e também queríamos conhecê-lo melhor.
Did you know we were gonna make it?
Sabia que iríamos transar?
We did think once of having it changed by deed-poll, you know - to Watson or something like that.
- Pensámos em mudá-lo para ficar melhor. Talvez para "Watson", ou coisa do género.
Did you know that when we reach it, I intend to be higher?
Sabe quando chegarmos lá, estarei mais alto ainda?
We tried to tell ya. I know you did. It's my fault.
Eu sei que tentaram.
I know we agreed about you having a lover but I did it because of you, to save you pain.
Eu sei que concordámos sobre teres um amante mas eu fiz isto por tua causa, para poupar o teu sofrimento.
We know it was Bent who did this to you.
Sabemos que foi o Bent que te fez isso.
It's strange. You know, the LP we did showed up an elevated protein in the spinal fluid, but the CAT scan showed no evidence of a stroke or tumor.
A punção lombar mostrou uma quantidade elevada de proteínas no fluxo raquiano... mas a tomografía não mostrou evidências de um derrame cerebral ou tumor.
Pete, nothin'we ever did amounted to shit, and you know it.
Pete, nada do que fizemos teve influência, e tu sabes.
We know that you are using the name it did before the war And has been extensive plastic surgery.
Sabemos que ele está a usar o nome que tinha antes da Guerra. Ele fez muitas operações plásticas
But, you know, this time we have to admit, Daddy did it.
Mas desta vez tenho que admitir, o pai conseguiu.
If such a device did exist, don't you think we'd know about it?
- Não, senhor, eu penso que não. Caso tal dispositivo não exista, tu não pensa que deseja saber sobre ele?
It's no good, and you know what we say... Every time something strange happens- - it's good that Bart did that.
E não foi bom, e vocês sabem o que nós dizemos... de cada vez que alguma coisa estranha acontece... ainda bem que o Bart fez aquilo.
You know what it did to Roscoe 1138... and he was the most advanced chimp we ever had!
Sabem o que houve com o Roscoe 1138... e ele era nosso chimpanzé mais avançado.
Some psychotic out there has killed two people that we know and has somehow made it look like you did it.
Um psicopata anda por aí e já matou duas pessoas que nós conhecemos... e fez parecer que, de alguma forma, foste tu que o fizeste.
Frasier... you know, what we almost did, I think it would have been real special, but... I think maybe it's better that we just remain good friends.
Frasier, sabes, o que estivemos quase a fazer, eu acho que seria realmente muito especial, mas eu acho que será melhor continuarmos a ser bons amigos.
You know, Bill, maybe if we did something for somebody else, it'd have a way of coming back around for us.
Sabes, Bill, talvez se nós fizéssemos alguma coisa boa por alguém... seria uma forma de voltar para nós.
How was I supposed to know you would pull it off in the clutch? - How much did we lose?
Como era suposto saber que te irias safar no meio da pressão?
And we did think it writ down in our duty to let you know of it.
Cremos que era nosso dever revelar-vos.
And even if I did know you and we talked and you got to know me... and you asked me if I wanted to kiss, I might've been into it.
E se te conhecesse, conversávamos e se me conhecesse... e me perguntasse se eu queria um beijo... talvez eu quisesse.
The night of Keane's execution, you know, what we did it was really fucked up.
O que fizemos na noite da execução do Keane foi um bocado marado.
Well, then we you know, did it.
Então, quando nós, você sabe... fizemos.
Look, I know we were teasing you earlier about being a virgin and all...,... but if nothing happened last night'cause you didn't want it to...,... then you did the right thing.
É que sinto que temos algo lindo entre nós... - Não quero estragar isso.
- You don't need to know how... only that we did... and we can do it again any time we need to.
- Não precisam de saber como... apenas que o fizemos... e que o podemos fazer de novo se precisarmos.
- Why not? Did it ever occur to you that we may know things that you could use to your advantage?
Já lhe ocorreu que podemos saber coisas que poderia usar em sua vantagem?
And we did think it writ down in our duty to let you know of it.
Achámos que o dever nos prescrevia, dar-vos conta de tudo.
I suppose you know our reputation the Barbarois serve the people of the night, and after five thousand years, I don't think we're about to change our stripes anytime soon, although if we did for anyone it would be for you
Suponho que conheças a nossa reputação. Os Barbarois servem as pessoas da noite, e depois de cinco mil anos, não temos ideias de mudar de lado. Contudo, se o fizermos tens a nossa preferência.
You know, you could have brought that up to us before we did it.
Podias ter dito isso antes da gente ter feito.
You know, set some goals, work on some stuff, and we did it.
Marcámos objectivos e conseguimos.
I mean, we used to have some good moves, you know, like, when we did it... so it would be like that... except for with lights and skates.
Quero dizer, costumávamos ter uns bons movimentos, sabes, como quando "fazíamo-lo"... por isso seria como... só que com luzes e skates.
You know, I knew you'd say that once we did it...
Sabes, eu sabia que ias dizer isso depois de o fazermos.
I'm really sorry. We just did it rather suddenly, you know.
Desculpem, mas foi uma coisa muito rápida.
We know why you did it, how you did it, the whole fucking lot.
Nós sabemos porque fez isso, como fez isso, o maldito buraco...
I mean, even if the bank did get robbed, which, you battling demons couldn't possibly know... You would think there would be some kind of reward. But no, they're like, "Oh, we're not gonna give you money unless you prove you don't need it."
Porque desde que voltastes, não tens sabido lidar muito bem com as emoções humanas.
Yeah, I know it did, and we all got a wonderful insight - into how you really feel.
Bem sei, e ficámos a conhecer a tua opinião.
You know, if we did change things, it is possible that we could improve the future.
Sabe, se nós mudássemos as coisas, poderíamos melhorar o futuro.
Look, Max, I know what we did is totally wrong and completely illegal but I just loved it, you know?
Eu sei que o que fizemos é totalmente errado e ilegal mas eu adorei, sabes?
You don't know what it's like to grow up where we did.
Não o conhecias como eu. Não sabes o que é crescer onde nós crescemos.
Well, it being that, you know, me and him, we did a lot of business together, right?
Bem, eu e ele fizemos negócio juntos.
He definitely did, but at the same time... you know, the nigga definitely did show me some love, so thinking'that, you know, it might be good... you know, maybe we could throw him in there somewhere,
Mas na mesma altura, o negro mostrou algum amor. Pareceu-me que podia ser bom, talvez o pudéssemos meter lá.
We... we did it together as a band. You know, we kind of had to.
Decidimos fazê-lo juntos como banda, teve de ser.
I just wanted you to know that we did it. We're in.
Só queria que soubesses que está no papo.
You know, when we fought the Cylons... we did it to save ourselves from extinction.
Sabem, quando lutámos contra os Cylons... fizemo-lo para salvarmo-nos da extinção.
I did it so we could start a life, you know.
Fi-lo para começarmos uma vida.
So do you know how we did it?
Então queres saber como o fizemos?
'Cause we did a thing... years ago... with this mouse in this microwave or whatever, to try about nuclear... to do a nuclear test to see if it could, you know, survive the nuclear thing, and it did survive.
Porque já pensei sobre isso ao longo da minha carreira mas nunca tinha ouvido mais ninguém falar deles para além de ti. - Obrigado. Isso é importante para mim.

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