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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ W ] / What'd you have

What'd you have перевод на португальский

1,097 параллельный перевод
It would have helped if we'd known what had become of you.
Bom teria sido sabermos o que era feito de ti.
What'd you have to kill him for?
- Porque tinhas de o matar?
If the chairman of the board of your company... had been running your business... the way Washington has been running our business, you'd be asking a lot of questions, and you would find out what you already know... we have some problems that money alone won't solve.
Se o presidente do conselho de sua companhia... levasse seu negócio... do modo em que em Washington levou nossos assuntos, você estaria fazendo muitas perguntas, e encontraria o que já sabe... Temos problemas que não se solucionam só com dinheiro.
At 3 o'cIock, you'd better be at the PoIonetto. Have a look around. See what they're doing to you.
Às três da tarde vai ao Pallonetto, e vê o que estão te a fazer...
If I had not met you, think what I'd have missed.
Se não te tivesse conhecido, pensa no que teria perdido.
I don't know what I'd have done if you hadn't been here today.
Não sei o que seria de nós se não estivesses aqui hoje.
I'm sure you'd have more volunteers than you'd know what to do with :
Haveria mais voluntários do que aqueles que trazem desta forma.
We don't have a lot of cash available, but... what I'd like to say to you is, I... we... think ofyou all as family.
Não temos muito dinheiro disponível, mas gostava de vos dizer,... vós sois família para nós.
If I'd known what sort you were I'd never have lowered myself by accepting your company. I'll show you.
E se eu soubesse de que laia tu és, não me teria rebaixado e aceitado a tua companhia.
What'd he have you doing?
O que pediu que fizesses?
Do you think they'd have tried what they did if it wasn't - if something bigger wasn't coming?
Achas que tentariam fazer o que fizeram se não fosse...
If you had children... you'd have done just what I did!
Se tivesse filhos... teria feito exactamente o mesmo que eu!
I think you have some very definite ideas about what should be done with Danny. And I'd like to know what they are.
Acho que tens ideias definidas sobre o assunto e gostaria de as ouvir!
What'd you have in mind?
O que tem em mente?
Who knows what kind of idiot they'd have sent you.
Sabe-se lá que idiota é que lhe teriam mandado,
What would you have done with the money if you'd won?
Que terias feito com o dinheiro, se tivesses ganho?
But the man seems to have some connection with you... and I think I'd like to know what it is.
Mas esse homem parece estar relacionado com você. E eu gostaria de saber o que isso significa.
Thank you, I don't know what I'd have done if I had to remain on those hot embers... burning my pretty flesh.
Obrigada. Não sei o que teria feito... se tivesse permanecido naqueles carvões quentes... a queimar a minha linda carne.
You see, sometimes I wonder what would have happened if we'd made love that night.
Às vezes pergunto-me o que teria acontecido se tivéssemos feito amor.
What'd you have in mind?
O que tens em mente?
What d'you know, he used the hyperbola. And now the respected people have to investigate on his report.
Tu, com a tua hipérbole, obrigaste camaradas eméritos a voar.
And if you'd known then what you now understand, that instead of being allies, those confederates of McCord's are probably trying to kill him, would you have acted differently?
E se já soubesses o que sabes agora, ou seja, que em vez de aliados, esses parceiros do McCord talvez o queiram matar, terias agido de outra forma?
What would you have done if you'd got it?
Que faria se ficasse com ele?
What would you have said if I'd asked you?
O que você diria se eu te pedisse?
I'd rather fight you than tell you what I have to tell you.
Prefiro lutar contra ti do que dizer o que tenho a dizer.
michael, if you don't mind I'd Iike to know what this plan of yours is, since I have a feeling I'm going to be involved.
Michael, se não te importas, gostava de saber qual é esse teu plano, uma vez que imagino que esteja envolvido.
You know what I'd like, now that we don't have to pretend anymore?
Sabes o que eu queria mesmo, agora que já não temos de fazer as coisas a fingir?
Now, if you'd have seen him, you'd know what I mean.
Se o tivesse visto saberia do que estou a falar.
Imagine what you would have done... if we'd actually had toxic waste in that drum.
Nada mau.
I'd have a little bit of trouble relaxing, you know what I mean?
Eu iria ter problemas em relaxar, sabe a que me refiro?
You said I'd have to decide what I really wanted.
Disseste que eu tinha de decidir o que queria realmente.
If I'd known what size shoe you wear, I'd have bought'em for you.
Se soubesse o teu número, tê-los-ia comprado.
You ask me what I want when I thought I'd made it clear Although I won't stop loving you you can never have me near Don't blame me
Perguntaste-me o que queria e eu pensava que já tinhas percebido apesar de te continuar a amar não posso ficar contigo não me censures não pedi para gostares de mim ninguém me vai impedir de ter tudo
I tell you what I would have done with that Gonzales. I'd have waited till he dropped his hands.
Com aquele Gonzalez, tinha esperado que ele baixasse as mãos.
This hand you'd be concentrating on, that hand you'd go, "What did I have there? I don't even remember."
Quanto a essa mão, diria " Que tinha eu aqui?
What'd you have in mind?
O que quer fazer?
It'd be a big help if you could send what you have as of now.
Seria uma grande ajuda se me pudesse enviar aquilo que tem.
l`d like, uh 12 bagels, a pound of graavlax and what kind of ice cream do you have?
Queria... 12 pãezinhos, meio quilo de salmão e... que tipo de gelados tem?
Do i have to remind you what you'd be doing tonight
Tenho de te lembrar o que estás a fazer esta noite?
I wouldn't have slept with you if I'd known what I was doing.
Eu não teria dormido contigo se soubesse o que estva a fazer.
We'd like to talk to you about what you may have seen or heard.
Gostariamos de falar contigo sobre o que podes ter visto ou ouvido.
I don't know what I'd have done if you hadn't come along.
Não sei o que teria feito sem si.
- What'd you have, a change of heart?
- O que fizeste, mudaste de coração?
- Any luck? - No. You know what I'd love to have for dinner tonight?
Talvez não me tenham ouvido, por isso vou dizê-lo novamente :
I ´ d have to tell you what happened.
Eu não tenho de contar o que houve!
You'd have heard of'em, except I kept what happened out ofthe papers.
Nunca ouviu falar deles, porque não fiz publicidade do caso.
What d'you have for your breakfast?
- O que comeste ao pequeno-almoço?
- I can have the gold anyway. - That's what I thought you'd say.
- Posso ficar com ele, de qualquer modo.
ALF, what do you want? Well, if you weren't such a priss, I'd have a career by now.
Só porque a arte não te dá dinheiro e fama, não é razão para desistir.
What'd you have told mother?
O que é que disse à minha mãe?
If you don't get off that ledge, do you have any idea what the D.A. will do to you?
Se não sais desse parapeito, tens alguma ideia do que o promotor público te fará?

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