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What's there to think about перевод на португальский

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What's there to think about?
E qué esperamos?
- There you are. Okay. Now that it's over, I think you ought to tell us what it's all about.
Agora que já passou, penso que nos deveria dizer de que se trata tudo isto.
If anything happened, it's nice to know there's somebody along that could do something about it. That's what you think?
Se acontecer algo, é bom saber... que nos acompanha alguém que faria algo sobre isso.
Think there's any truth to what he said about those girls, Puget Debs?
Acham que é verdade, aquilo que ele disse das raparigas?
What's there to think about?
Não há nada que pensar!
- What's there to think about?
- O que há para pensar?
- What's there to think about?
- Que há para pensar?
There's too much going on for me to give a damn about what you think is smart.
Hà demasiadas coisas em questão para eu me importar com aquilo que você acha inteligente.
I think that, that's what the Banshees were talking about- - that maybe that there's an evil in me- - and that they want to worship that?
Acho que é o que as Banshees estavam a dizer... que talvez haja um demónio em mim... e que elas querem venerá-lo?
- What are you talking about? There's more to her than you think.
Ela tem muito mais carácter do que tu pensas.
There's a lot about you, but I think what means the most to me... is that you're open.
Tem muito sobre ti, mas o que quero dizer é o que mais me importa... É que estás aberta... Sabes, eu olho para os teus olhos eu posso ver-te...
Do you ever think about what it's going to be like when we get there?
Alguma vez pensaram sobre como será aquilo quando lá chegarmos Quando lá chegarmos?
We think that although the mystery itself is genuine, there's a real question about where he got his money from and what kind of things sauniere was up to.
Achamos que, embora o mistério seja genuíno... há uma questão verdadeira sobre onde ele conseguiu o dinheiro... e que tipo de planos Saunière tinha.
We think that although the mystery itself is genuine, there's a real question about where he got his money from and what kind of things Sauniere was up to.
Achamos que, apesar de o mistério em si ser genuíno, há a questão real de onde ele arranjou o dinheiro e que tipo de coisas o Saunière andaria a tramar.
Sorry to interrupt, but I have one of those brain learning things pop up in my head that wasn't there a second ago. It's about time to think of me around that basically what is Christmas?
Desculpem interromper, mas acabei de ter um daqueles cliques cerebrais que surgem do nada de um momento para o outro e está mais do que na hora de pensar sobre o que é, basicamente, o Natal?
What's there to think about?
Vamos pensar bem. - Pensar no quê?
What's there to think about?
O que há para pensar sobre isso?
I get stuck in traffic, and I sit there and think about my life, about the world, about what's out there waiting to take me, to test me, to destroy me.
Fico preso no trânsito e sentado ponho-me a pensar na vida no mundo, no que está lá fora... à espera para me levar, para me testar, para me destruir.
- Yeah... but I just need to think about it. - What's there to think about?
Sim, mas tenho que pensar nisso.
What's there to think about?
Pensar o quê?
What do you think about that Mr. Mangus? I think when you're called to play music, there's not a lot you can do about this.
Acho que quando se sente um apelo para fazer música, não há muito a fazer.
What's there to think about?
Que há para pensar?
What's there to think about?
O que há para pensar?
So what is this I hear about taylor - walking out in the middle of opening statements? I think that's his right, sir. I don't think he's obligated to be there.
Posso enviar uma fotografia das impressões digitais para o meu laboratório, mas... vou precisar de um telemóvel.
While the Father's up there, here's what I want you to think about.
Enquanto o padre está ali quero que penses nisto :
Because I would like our perp to sit in there and think for a minute about what she's doing sitting in there.
- Porque eu quero que o nosso "delinquente" fique lá sentado e pense por uns instantes sobre o que está a fazer sentada lá dentro!
If it's a'yes'it's a'yes.'What's there to think about?
Se for um sim, é um sim. O que tens que pensar?
Yeah, I do care, but you know what - - when you're young and you look at how great your life's gonna be, you don't think about having a rimkus there to screw it all up with her written apologies and her stupid-ass policies,
Sim, eu preocupo-me, mas sabes uma coisa, quando eras novo e pensavas como a tua vida ia ser boa, não pensavas ter uma Rimkus para te arruinar tudo com as suas desculpas por escrito e as regras idiotas,
What's there to think about?
O que há a pensar?
Because, as every spy knows... there's plenty of time to think about what you've lost after the mission is over.
Porque, como sabem todos os espiões, há muito tempo para pensar no que se perdeu, depois da missão ter acabado.
- { \ Yeah, } But here's the funny thing. { \ By that point, } I didn't have time to think about what { \ kind of } teacher I was going to be. I just... got up there and talked about architecture.
- Sim, mas o mais engraçado é que, naquela altura, não tive tempo para pensar em que professor ia ser.
There's something to say about those roses, but I can't think what it would be.
Tinha de dizer-te algo sobre as rosas mas não me lembro o quê.
There's like a whole website devoted to what people think about Chrissica.
Há uma página inteiramente dedicada ao que se pensa de Chrissica.
That's all. And if chemistry is what you're worried about, I think there's a pretty clear way to test that out.
E se é a química que te preocupa, acho que há um jeito bem simples de testar isso.
I am very attached to what I think the songs are about and there are so many words in these songs that I've caught obviously many snippets. I know basically what's being said but I do not want to know actually what's being said.
Estou muito afeiçoada àquilo que julgo que as canções dizem, e as letras têm tantas palavras que, obviamente, já apanhei várias partes, sei, basicamente, aquilo que estão a dizer, mas não quero saber exactamente o que estão a dizer.
What's there to think about?
Por que ainda está pensando?
What's there to think about him?
Porque estás a pensar nele?
I don't think there's anything left to talk about after what you've done.
Acho que não há mais nada para falar, depois do que fizeste.
I think what Rick's trying to illustrate with that is there's still a heck of a lot of questions about this guy. What...
O que...
What do you think about going back to Charlie's place and whetting our whistles there?
E se fôssemos para casa do Charlie e molharmos as goelas lá?
Oh, what's there to think about?
O que há para se pensar?
No, that's not at all what we're about to do. Look, I understand that you guys are dealing with real and present dangers from the other side, but if we go over there and you get busted, there's no way that Walternate's not gonna think that I'm involved.
Compreendo que estejam a lidar com perigos reais do outro lado, mas se são apanhados, o Walternativo vai pensar que estou envolvido.
- What's there to think about?
- O que tens para pensar?
There's no time for yourself to sit down and think about what's going on with your life, and what's going on with what you're doing, with your art, with your creativity.
Não há tempo para nós próprios, para nos sentarmos e pensarmos sobre o que está a acontecer com a vida, e o que se está a passar com o que fazemos com a nossa arte, com a nossa criatividade.
I know what you want, but I just don't think that there's anything more to talk about, okay?
Eu sei o que queres, mas acho que não há mais nada a dizer, entendes?
Well, this is what always excites us, that we're talking about 2,000-years-old scrolls, and any 6th grader that learns to read can come and read this, and I think there's nothing more moving than being able to read your Bible from 2,000-years-old scrolls.
Bem, isso é o que sempre nos excita, Que estamos falando de rolos de 2.000 anos de idade, E qualquer estudante da 6ª série que aprenda a ler
What's there to think about?
O que é que há para pensar?
I think there's a lot of things going on around here that no one wants to tell me about, like what happened with Dylan, and what's going on with you and Norman.
Acho que acontecem muitas coisas por aqui que ninguém me conta, como o que se passou com o Dylan e o que se passa entre si e o Norman.
Half the city is out there looking for you right now... and since Gabe's not on our side anymore, I think that we have to think about what's best for you, not us.
Tens metade da cidade à tua procura e uma vez que o Gabe já não está do nosso lado, acho que devemos pensar no que é melhor para ti, e não para nós.
- What's there to think about, Milner?
- O que há para pensar, Milner?
What's there to think about?
- O que há para pensar?

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