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What have you got to say перевод на португальский

92 параллельный перевод
- What have you got to say for yourself?
Quer dizer alguma coisa em sua defesa?
- What have you got to say to that?
- Que tem a dizer a isto?
What have you got to say for yourself?
O que tem a dizer?
What have you got to say to that?
Que tens tu a dizer a isso?
Well, what have you got to say?
O que tem a dizer?
Now, Bébert, what have you got to say? e
Agora, Bébert, que tens a dizer?
What have you got to say for yourself?
Que tens a dizer em tua defesa?
Lucy, what have you got to say for yourself?
Lucy, o que tem para dizer por si mesmo?
Well, what have you got to say?
Bem, o que me dizem?
- What have you got to say?
- Que tem a dizer? - Gosto de estar aqui.
What have you got to say?
Que tens a dizer disto?
What have you got to say for yourself?
Que tem a dizer em tua defesa?
What have you got to say to that?
- O que tem a dizer sobre isto?
Well, what have you got to say for yourself, hmm?
O que tem a dizer em sua defesa?
Well, Chief, what have you got to say now?
Bem, chefe, o que tem a dizer agora?
What have you got to say to that?
Que dizes a isso?
Exactly what have you got to say for yourself?
O que você tem a dizer a seu favor?
Yes, yes, what have you got to say?
- Sim. O que tem a dizer?
What have you got to say about it?
- O que me diz em relação a isso?
What have you got to say about that?
O que tem a dizer sobre isso?
- What have you got to say about that?
- Que tens a dizer em relação a isso?
Now that I'm commander in chief, what have you got to say for yourself?
Agora que sou Comandante Supremo da Marinha, Pug Henry, o que tem a dizer em sua defesa?
What have you got to say for yourselves?
O que têm a dizer em vossa defesa?
rene, what have you got to say for yourself?
René, o que tens a dizer em tua defesa?
What have you got to say for yourself this time?
Que tens a dizer por ti desta vez?
Mm-hmm. So, what have you got to say there...
Então, o que é que tu tens a dizer...?
What have you got to say?
O que tens a dizer?
What have you got to say?
O que é que tens a dizer?
What have you got to say about that?
O que tens a dizer quanto a isso?
Now what have you got to say for yourself?
E agora, que tens a dizer em tua defesa? !
What have you got to say to Mr. Gillespie, Kenny?
Que tens a dizer ao Sr. Gillespie, Kenny?
What have you got to say about that, Andrew?
O que tens a dizer, Andrew?
What have you got to say for yourself?
Que achas que significa?
What have you got to say to them?
O que tens para lhes dizer?
- What have you got to say, Father?
O que é que você diz, Padre Vasalo?
Now, what else have you got to say?
Que mais tem para dizer?
What right have you got to say a thing like that?
Com que direito dizes uma coisa dessas?
What have you got to say for yourself?
O que tens a dizer em tua defesa?
What have you got to say?
Que me dizes?
What right have you got to say a terrible thing like that?
- Não precisa falar alto. - Como pode dizer algo assim?
Well, what have you got to say for yourself?
Então? O que tem a dizer a seu favor?
Well, Rizzo, so what have you got to say about this?
Então, Rizzo. Que me diz disto?
What the hell have you got to say for yourself?
Tem algo a dizer em sua defesa?
What have you got, besides one scared woman, to back up anything you say?
Só tem uma mulher apavorada para corroborar o que diz.
What have you got to say for yourself?
Une-as com um alfinete antes de eu as lavar.
ALF, you have got to think, what did you say in those letters?
Sou eu que vos processo? Ou são vocês a processar-me a mim?
What have you got to say for yourself.
O que tem a dizer?
You got to have good aim, and no matter what else you can say about me you can't say that I don't have good aim.
É preciso ter boa pontaria e digas o que disseres sobre mim, não podes dizer que tenho má pontaria.
That's what they have to say, right? " What have you got against profit?
"O que é que tem contra os lucros?"
So what have you got to say to people who say...
É assim...
They got computers so you don't have to say what room you're in.
Eles têm computadores, daí não ser preciso dizer o número do quarto.

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