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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ W ] / What were you thinking about

What were you thinking about перевод на португальский

164 параллельный перевод
And what were you thinking about me?
E o que esta pensando de mim?
What were you thinking about at the time?
Em que pensavas na ocasião? Em nada.
- What were you thinking about then?
- E o que pensaste, então?
What were you thinking about?
O que você estava pensando?
What were you thinking about?
E o que você estava pensando?
What were you thinking about?
Estavas a pensar no quê?
What were you thinking about earlier on?
Não te vou esquecer?
What were you thinking about while we were doing it?
Em que pensavas enquanto fazíamos aquilo?
What were you thinking about Pinky?
O que estavas a pensar sobre Pinky?
- What were you thinking about...
- Em que pensava...
What were you thinking about when that buzzer sounded off?
Em que pensava quando soou o sinal?
- So what were you thinking about?
No qce estava pensando?
Frankie, what were you thinking about?
Frankie, no que você estava a pensar?
When you stole the ball from Will and tried to make that Hail Mary shot... what were you thinking about?
Quando roubaste a bola ao Will e tentaste fazer aquele cesto desesperado, em que estavas a pensar?
What were you thinking about?
- O quê? - Em que pensava? Só por curiosidade.
What were you thinking about just now?
Em que estava agora mesmo a pensar?
Well, what were you thinking about... buying a drink for someone you don't even know?
E em que estava a senhora a pensar? Em pagar uma bebida a um desconhecido?
My God, what were you thinking about?
Meu Deus, em que estavas a pensar?
What were you thinking about so seriously, Shigure?
Em que pensavas à pouco tão seriamente, Shigure? Oh, não era nada.
- What were you thinking about?
- Em que estavas a pensar?
Wh... What were you thinking about?
Em que estavas a pensar?
- What were you thinking about?
- No que está pensando?
When you threw the ball, what were you thinking about?
Quando joga a bola, está pensando no quê?
What were you thinking about?
Em que é que estava a pensar?
What were you thinking about?
Em que estavas a pensar?
- Mel! What were you thinking about?
- Mel, o que você pensou?
Millicent, what were you thinking about?
Millicent, em que estava a pensar?
What were you thinking about?
Em que pensava?
What were you thinking about when we were making love, Jerry?
No que pensava quando fazíamos amor, Jerry?
Remember what you were saying about prison and the way you kept from going crazy by thinking about a crash-out?
Recorda que me disse que pensar em fugir o livrou de ficar louco?
I'm gonna report you for reckless driving, and damage to private property. Licence please. What were you thinking about, Sergeant?
Vou multá-los por condução perigosa e danos a propriedade privada.
What were you thinking about?
No que estavas a pensar?
What are you talking about? I was up all night thinking about Margaret. And you were right.
Talvez tenha conhecido outro dentista no caminho e está a ser atendida neste momento.
Hey, Charlie, I was thinking about what you were saying but I don't have to go to sleep after sex.
Charlie, estive a pensar no que disseste, mas não tenho de dormir após o sexo.
Well, now, what kind of a contribution to his foundation were you folks thinking about?
Que contribuição dá para a fundação dele?
Well, if you were worried about them, what are you thinking about our last and next team?
Bem, se estava preocupado com eles, o que acha da nossa próxima e última equipa?
Well I started thinking about what you were saying about how your movies need to make a profit.
Comecei a pensar no que você disse, do seu filme precisar de dar lucro.
Exactly what sort of investment were you thinking about making?
Que género de investimento pensavas fazer exactamente?
You were thinking about what was really important.
Estavas a pensar sobre o que era mesmo importante.
So I didn't know what you were thinking about me.
Por isso, não sabia o que estavas a pensar de mim.
So please, go ahead and tell me what you were thinking because I think about it every minute of every day.
Por isso por favor, vai em frente e diz-me em que estavas a pensar porque eu penso nisso todos os minutos de cada dia.
Come on, what the hell were you thinking about?
Que te passou pela cabeça?
I was thinking about what you were saying... about the orientation film being bullshit.
Pensei no que disse... sobre o filme de orientação ser mentira.
Funny thing. I was thinking about what you and chancellor Stevens were discussing this morning.
Uma coisa engraçada, eu estava a pensar no que tu e o Reitor Steven, falaram esta manhã, sabes em...
We were thinking about what you said.
Estávamos a pensar no que estavas a dizer.
- What were you just thinking about?
- Estava a pensar no quê?
I wanted to let you know that I've been thinking about what you said about Daryl yesterday and I realized that you were right.
Queria dizer-te que estive a pensar no que me disseste sobre o Darly ontem, e acho que tens razão.
But it is okay, because I've been thinking about it... and I think what happened is that you're my best friend and I love you... and I got jealous when you were spending so much time with Ryan... and then with you graduating. And then I think in a weird way...
- Não, não está, mas está, porque estive a pensar, e tu és a minha melhor amiga eu adoro-te e fiquei com ciúmes por passares tanto tempo com o Ryan e depois estás a formar-te e tudo
I mean, this is something... ... that you've been thinking about since you were, what, 1 4?
Isto é algo sobre o qual tens pensado desde o quê... os 14 anos?
Okay, important thing- - when you told Susan about the invitation, could she tell what you were thinking?
Pensa bem. Quando falaste com a Susan sobre o convite Ela adivinhou o que estavas a pensar?
I was thinking about what we were talking about last time you were here.
Estive a pensar no que falámos na última sessão.

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