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Who'd have thought it перевод на португальский

61 параллельный перевод
Who'd have thought of it?
Não. Quem é que ia pensar nisso?
Who'd have thought it?
Quem iria imaginar?
Who'd have thought it of Johann?
Quem diria isto do Johann?
- Well, well, who'd have thought it?
- Passa depressa nesta idade.
Uhhh, " Send my love to Uncle Rupert, who'd have thought it, mad Uncle Rupert, Minister of War with power of life and death over every bally soldier in the army.
Uhhh, " Dá os meus cumprimentos ao tio Rupert, quem havia de pensar, o doido do tio Rupert, Ministro da Guerra com poder de vida ou morte sobre qualquer soldado no exercito.
Who'd have thought it, eh?
Quem havia de pensar, eh?
- Who'd have thought it?
- Quem havia de dizer?
Shit, Thelma, who'd have thought it?
Porra, Thelma, quem diria?
Who'd have thought it?
Quem pensaria ser possivel?
Who'd have thought it?
Quem poderia imaginar?
Who'd have thought it?
Quem haveria de pensar?
Who'd have thought it?
É bastante agradável.
Who'd have thought it?
Quem diria?
Who'd have thought it, eh?
Quem o pensaria, hã?
Ah, who'd have ruddy thought it, eh?
Quem é que ia pensar?
Today I am king, and I have one of the loveliest of noblewomen. Who'd have thought it?
Hoje sou um REI, e tenho uma lista de amores nobres. quem pensava isto?
Who would have thought he'd put it in a diary? But he did. Look at this.
Quem imaginaria que ele escrevia tudo num diário?
It was fun to play Career Opporunities in Shea Stadium cos who'd have thought four years previously when we'd written it that we'd be playing it at Shea Stadium?
Foi divertido tocar'Career 0pportunities'no Shea Stadium porque, quem se o houvesse imaginado 4 anos antes, que estaríamos tocando no Shea Stadium?
Who'd ever have thought I would get to see it in person.
Quem diria que a veria em pessoa?
Well, who'd have thought it?
Quem diria?
Who'd have thought... the night I walked into that convenience store... it would all turn out like this?
Quem ia a pensar que aquela noite que entrei na loja ia acabar nisto?
Todd Downey thought a woman who'd steal your love... - What does Todd have to do with it?
Ele achava que uma mulher que rouba o seu amor...
- Who'd have thought it?
- Quem é que podia imaginar?
Who'd have thought it'd come in handy in the halls of Smallville High?
Quem diria que ia dar muito jeito nos corredores do Liceu de Smallville?
Who'd have thought it, Torrente?
Quem o viu e quem o vê, Torrente!
But you could call me A.D.D on account of the fact that I have A.D.D which is Attention Deficit Disorder and you know everyone used to think it was just an addiction to sugar when I was six and my mom used to cry because she thought I would never be like, a fully functioning member of society like my neighbor who has Legionnaire's Disease.
Mas podes tratar-me por A.D.D., porque de facto eu sofro de A.D.D., que é um Distúrbio no Déficit de Atenção. Todos pensavam que eu era apenas viciado em açucar aos seis anos, e a minha mãe costumava chorar porque pensava que eu nunca viria a ser um normal membro da sociedade, como o meu vizinho que tinha a Doença do Legionário.
Who would have thought we'd make it this long, huh?
Quem diria que iríamos sobreviver tanto tempo?
The Washington Monument, who'd have thought it'd be so tough to find?
O Monumento à Washington, quem imaginava que fosse tão difícil de encontrar?
Who'd have thought it?
Quem teria pensado isso?
And since we have visitors here who've never heard it, I thought we'd tell it again.
E como temos visitantes que não ouviram, acho que devemos contar novamente.
Who'd have thought it was sitting here right underneath my very nose.
Quem iria pensar que ele estava aqui tão perto.
Well, who'd have thought it?
Bem, quem diria?
I mean, who'd have thought it?
Quer dizer, quem o pensaria?
Who'd have thought it, eh? That you can love someone too much?
Quem ia imaginar que eu podia amar tanto alguém?
Who'd have thought it'd take two days to get to Dublin?
Quem teria pensado que levaria dois dias para chegar a Dublin, uh?
[normal voice] Who'd have thought that would catch on, eh? Got an iPhone app with that on it now.
Tenho um aplicativo no meu iPhone com isso.
Who'd have thought she had it in her?
Quem diria que tinha coragem para tanto?
Who'd have thought it?
Quem imaginaria?
I thought it'd be romantic. Who are you, and what have you done with Ted Vanderway?
Por falar em romântico, nunca te imaginei de braço dado com um republicano.
Who'd have thought it'd be so easy?
Quem diria que seria tão fácil?
That wife of his. Who'd have thought she'd have it in her?
Quem diria que a esposa dele faria aquilo?
Who'd have thought it?
Quem diria.
I'd like to welcome back Dr. Sheldon Cooper, who thought he had discovered a new super-heavy element only to have it disproved by my next guest, Dr. Leonard Hofstadter.
Gostava de dar as boas-vindas ao Dr. Sheldon Cooper que pensou ter descoberto um novo elemento super-pesado. O que foi devidamente desmentido pelo outro convidado, Dr. Leonard Hofstadter.
Who'd have thought that the whole of my life's work would be worth less than the room I painted it in.
Quem tinha pensado que toda a obra da minha vida... valeria menos que o quarto que usei para pintá-la.
Who'd have thought it?
Quem teria pensado nisso?
Who'd have thought it.
Pensaste nisso? Boa.
- Who'd have thought it would've come to this, eh, stoick?
Quem diria que isto fosse acontecer, não é, Stoick?
Who'd have thought it, eh?
Quem diria, hein?
- Who'd have thought it? - No.
Quem diria?
Who'd have thought it'd be good to see the Dropship?
Quem diria que seria bom ver a nave?
Who'd have thought it, Philippe... Of all my family... I have a great favour to ask you.
Quem é que poderia pensar, Philippe... de entre toda a minha família... tenho um grande favor a pedir-te.

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