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Who do you think it was перевод на португальский

59 параллельный перевод
- Who do you think it was?
Em quem pensáveis?
- Who do you think it was?
- Não tens um suspeito?
Who do you think it was?
Quem achas que foi?
Well, who do you think it was?
Bem, quem achas que era?
Who do you think it was?
E quem acham que era?
And who do you think it was who framed you?
E quem é que acha que lhe fez isto?
- So, Lance, who do you think it was?
- Então Lance, quem achas que foi?
Who do you think it was?
Quem pensas que era?
Who do you think it was that convinced me to write books about voodoo?
Quem achas que me convenceu a escrever livros sobre voodoo?
- Who do you think it was?
- Quem achas que foi?
Yeah. Who do you think it was that tried to talk Stephan into changing his life?
Quem é que achas que tentou que o Stephan... mudasse de vida?
Who do you think it was?
Quem acha que era?
Who do you think it was, Carter?
Quem achas que foi, Carter?
Well, then who do you think it was?
- Então, quem é que achas que foi?
Well, who do you think it was? I don't know.
- Quem achas que era?
Who do you think it was?
De quem será?
Who do you think it was that assigned Nigel to go against you in the dissolution talks?
Quem achas que pôs o Nigel contra ti, nas conversações de dissolução?
But if it wasn't him, who do you think it was?
Mas, se não foi ele, quem acham que foi?
Well, who do you think it was?
Quem achas que fez isso?
Who do you think it was?
Quem pensavas que era?
Who do you think it was?
- Quem é que achas que foi?
Who do you think it was?
- Quem achas que foi?
Do you think it was them who stole it?
Então eu te digo, eram cerca de 80 cabeças.
Do you think it was me who killed Roll King?
Você acha que foi eu quem matou Roll King?
Who do you think it was?
Quem pensas que foi?
You don't think it was the friends of the boy who was killed?
Não acha que foram os amigos do rapaz que foi morto?
Do you think it was Shelly who pulled the trigger?
Pensa que foi a Shelly que puxou o gatilho?
Do you think it could be Alex who was that figure you saw at the Archbishop's room?
Achas que pode ter sido o Alex aquela figura que viste no quarto do arcebispo?
Do you think it was odd that he still liked a girl who hadn't shown him any real interest in over two years?
Acha estranho que ele ainda gostasse de uma rapariga... que ao longo de dois anos não demonstrou verdadeiro interesse nele?
Who the hell do you think it was?
Quem achas que foi?
Who do you think killed those girls? It Was them.
Foram eles que mataram as raparigas.
But you could call me A.D.D on account of the fact that I have A.D.D which is Attention Deficit Disorder and you know everyone used to think it was just an addiction to sugar when I was six and my mom used to cry because she thought I would never be like, a fully functioning member of society like my neighbor who has Legionnaire's Disease.
Mas podes tratar-me por A.D.D., porque de facto eu sofro de A.D.D., que é um Distúrbio no Déficit de Atenção. Todos pensavam que eu era apenas viciado em açucar aos seis anos, e a minha mãe costumava chorar porque pensava que eu nunca viria a ser um normal membro da sociedade, como o meu vizinho que tinha a Doença do Legionário.
And you're also blithely unaware of the fact... that in 2002, Oscar de la Renta did a collection of cerulean gowns. And then I think it was Yves Saint Laurent - wasn't it - who showed cerulean military jackets?
E também és cegamente desinformada do facto que em 2002, Oscar de la Renta criou uma colecção de vestidos dessa cor e então, acho que foi Yves Saint Laurent, não foi, que exibiu casacos militares azul celeste?
And when the person who was your mom... suddenly has a heart attack and dies slightly before her time... it just makes you think about everything, you know?
E quando a pessoa que era a tua mãe... subitamente tem um ataque cardíaco e morre um pouco antes do seu tempo... isso faz-te pensar em tudo, sabes?
- Who said it was murder? A worker falls 50 feet off a building site one day after getting death threats, what do you think?
O que poderia causar uma queda de 15 m, um dia depois de ser ameaçado de morte?
Who do you guys think it was?
- Quem é que acham que foi?
Do you think it's possible to be haunted by someone who was never even born?
Achas possível ser assombrado por alguém que não chegou a nascer?
Who do you think I was fixing it for?
Para quem achas que estava a fazê-lo?
"My name's not Lisa, it's Jennifer," or whatever, and I'll do a big apology and I'll say, "I thought you were the Lisa who was mad at me for not calling." And from then on, Jennifer, or whatever her name is, will think that I dated a girl who looked just like her, who I rejected.
E peço desculpa e digo-lhe que pensava que era a Lisa que estava zangada comigo por não voltar a ligar, e depois, a Jennifer ou lá como se chama, vai assumir que eu conheci uma rapariga que se parece com ela
I think it was you who brought up men's penis sizes actually.
Acho que foste tu quem realmente mensionou o tamanho do pénis.
If Papa was here and it was one of us who had gotten killed, do you think he would have said we should all run away?
Se o papá estivesse aqui e se um de nós é que tivesse morrido... achas que ele diria que deviamos fugir todos?
If Papa was here and it was one of us who'd gotten killed, do you think he would have said we should all run away?
Se o papá estivesse aqui e se tivesse sido um de nós a morrer, achas que ele diria que deviamos fugir?
Do you think it was fun growing up with two roving quartet players for parents, who were gone seven months of the year, and I was always taking a backseat to a violin and a viola?
Achas que foi divertido ser filha de dois instrumentistas itinerantes? Que se ausentavam sete meses por ano e que davam sempre prioridade ao violino e à viola? Sempre!
Finally, I think it was David who said, "Nick, do you recognise him?"
No fim, acho que foi o David que falou : "Nick, reconhece-o?"
Do you think, perhaps, it was someone who stood between her and the entirety of the family fortune?
Acha que seria alguém que se encontrava entre ela, e a fortuna inteira da família?
Do you think it was cops who called in those threats?
Achas que foram polícias que fizeram aquelas ameaças?
Who do not know you? I think it was for real.
Quem não o conhecesse, diria que estava a falar a sério.
How do you think the Republic would like to know that it was I who supplied Rush Clovis with all the information he needed to topple the leaders of the bank?
Acha que a República gostaria de saber... que fui eu que dei a Rush Clovis... todas as informações que ele precisava, para derrubar os líderes do Banco?
Um, it's... You know, it's funny, I, I... I didn't think that I was the type of guy who wanted people to feel bad for me, but...
É... sabes, é engraçado, eu... não pensei que fosse do tipo de homem que quisesse que as pessoas sentissem-se mal por mim, mas...
Do you really think it was a good idea for you to tell your friends who you are?
Pensaste mesmo ser uma boa ideia relevar a tua identidade aos teus amigos?
- Who the fuck do you think it was?
- O que raio pensas que isto foi?

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