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Yachts перевод на португальский

102 параллельный перевод
I could have told you playing around yachts.
Era de calcular! Brincadeiras em iates...
- But they're not watching yachts.
- Mas não vigiam os iates.
Did you dream of the yachts on Lake Michigan?
Você sonhou com iates no lago Michigan?
Oh, Georg, how do you feel about yachts?
Georg, que pensas de iates?
There's no money in yachts.
Não há dinheiro em iates.
Jet planes, penthouses, yachts.
Aviões a jacto, apartamentos, iates.
You may be a big man to people that are impressed by yachts and young girls.
Podes ser um grande homem, para quem se impressiona com iates e com miúdas novas.
Sonny Kotero changed his name to Carter... and fronts his mob activities by selling expensive yachts.
O Sonny Kotero muda de nome para Carter e encobre as actividades mafiosas a vender iates caros.
Mansions, yachts, maybe even a new truck.
Mansões, iates e talvez até um camião novo.
I want to see who's in the top ten yachts.
Deixa-me ver quem é que está nos dez mais dos iates.
A countdown to the world's ten best luxury yachts.
Contagem decrescente dos dez melhores iates de luxo do mundo.
How many yachts can you water-ski behind?
Quantos iates e esquis aquáticos faltam?
Just so a bunch of fat cats will have a new place to parc their yachts and party.
Tudo para que uns ricaços tenham lugar para os iates e para dar festas.
But mainly he sold stolen yachts.
Vendia sobretudo iates roubados.
They'll all be running for their yachts.
Vão todos fugir nos seus iates.
I sell quality preowned yachts, you miserable fucking scuzz bucket...
Vendo iates usados de qualidade, seu cretino miserável...
It's from that guy on TV, the millionaire with all the houses and yachts.
É anunciado na TV por aquele ricaço das mansões e iates.
And they spend it on clothes and yachts, and presidential campaigns.
E gastam-no em roupas e iates, e campanhas presidenciais. Meu Deus.
An endless parade of parties and cotillions... yachts and polo matches.
Um desfile interminável de festas e bailes de debutantes, iates e jogos de pólo.
O robusto Coche dos Oceanos é tão longo como é ornado.
This is a novelty for me. I'm used to penthouses and yachts, gorgeous European lovers who... sweep me off my feet. Yet, I find it strangely exciting standing here in a grungy hovel with a myopic insurance clerk
Isto para mim constitui novidade, estou habituada a mansões e iates, a amantes europeus lindos que me arrebatam com prendas, mas é curiosamente excitante estar aqui neste pardieiro com um manga-de-alpaca míope.
Plastic surgeons make money to buy yachts for rearranging nature... in a more pleasing way.
Cirurgiões plásticos ganham fortunas para deixar as formas da natureza... mais agradáveis.
All these yachts look alike these days.
Os iates agora são todos iguais.
Restaurants, stores, slips for luxury yachts.
Restaurantes, lojas, cartões para iates de luxos...
- They don't make good yachts anymore.
- Já não se fazem iates de qualidade.
- With the yachts and big estates?
- Dos iates e grandes propriedades?
Not all of us have cocktail parties to go to on yachts.
Nem todos temos de ir a festas em iates.
He doesn't buy expensive paintings, yachts, nothing.
Não compra quadros caros, iates, nada...
You've got the $ 400 billion... You've gone the charity route, you have this perfect 100-room mansion... With matching his and her yachts and helicopter pads.
Tens $ 400 mil milhões... fizeste caridade, tens uma mansão de 100 quartos... que combinam com seus iates e helicópteros.
You talking to me? - Yes! I'd like to know how long it takes the craft to come by Yachts of me?
A frase, "amo-te"... esta noite, quero dizê-la não uma, mas mil vezes... até encher a tua secretária electrónica.
So I made some calls to see what was out there and I came across this company that charters yachts for sale in Maui.
Então fiz alguns telefonemas para ver como estava o mercado e dei com esta empresa que vende iates a baixo custo em Maui.
Did you sell him a fleet of yachts?
Vendeste mais uma frota de iates?
Did you sell him a fleet of yachts?
Vendeste-lhe uma frota de iates?
Princess Diana sailed out into the Mediterranean in one of Mr. Mohamed Al Fayed's yachts today.
A Princesa Diana velejou ao mediterrâneo... em um dos iates do Sr. Mohamed Al-Fayed, hoje,
Yachts, farms, countryside estates and who the hell knows what else?
lates, herdades, propriedades no campo e sabe-se lá mais o quê.
So did derivatives markets. In fact, every kind of asset market boomed. And so too did the markets for those products that are in demand when the bonuses are big, like vintage Bordeaux and luxury yachts.
Na verdade, todos os mercados de activos cresceram, à semelhança dos mercados daqueles produtos que sofrem grande procura quando os bónus são elevados, como um bom bordeaux e iates de luxo.
And hell, yes, I want me some yachts!
E, com os diabos, sim, quero ter iates!
No. I like yachts.
Não, gosto de iates.
Not a lot of yachts where I'm from.
Não havia muitos iates onde eu vivia.
- Getting drunk on the reg fucking good times on the reg, yachts on the reg, sex on the reg -
- curtir a vida, iates, sexo...
The guy she was watching was on one of those yachts out there.
O fulano que estava a vigiar, estava num daqueles iates.
So this character Gus Boulis comes down from Canada, opens up a chain of sandwich shops in Miami. Then he cashes out, and he goes into the cruise business, buys a fleet full of yachts.
Este tal Gus Boulis vem do Canadá, abre uma cadeia de lojas de sanduíches em Miami, depois trespassa-a, mete-se nos cruzeiros, compra uma frota de iates...
It was really incredible, yachts... it was, like, the deepest harbour in the Mediterranean, and then there was the Sixh Fleet, the Germans were there, all the navy people were there.
Os iates eram incríveis... Era o porto mais fundo do Mediterrâneo, e lá estava a Sexta Frota, os alemães estavam lá, e toda a malta da Marinha andava por lá.
How many yachts can you waterski behind?
A quantos iates é que podes atrelar um ski aquático?
I ran the company for six years while Adam partied and raced yachts.
Dirigi a empresa durante seis anos enquanto o Adam se divertia e andava de iate.
Well, I hope eveyone brought their yachts.
Bem, espero que todos tenham trazido os vossos iates.
So... You're a member? My company insures a number of yachts here.
Então... és sócia aqui?
So... do you have a bunch of houses and yachts and stuff?
Então... tens um monte de casas, iates e coisas assim?
Two houses, no yachts.
Duas casas, nada de iates.
Ah, yachts are pretentious.
Os iates são pretensiosos.
Merchant banks and yachts and...
Bancos e Iates e...

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