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You're getting married перевод на португальский

533 параллельный перевод
After all, you're getting married tomorrow. - Yes, I know we are...
- Mas vocês casam amanhã.
You're taking the sleeper today, then getting married tomorrow?
Logicamente em vagão cama, e não se casam até à manhã.
Say, Hildy, does Walter know you're getting married?
- Que eu saiba, não. Diz-me, Hildy. O Walter já sabe que te vais casar?
I understand you're getting married?
Ouvi dizer que vais casar-te.
You're getting married.
Vais casar.
So you're getting married today.
Você se casa hoje.
We ain't getting married, but you're too bullheaded to listen!
Nós não vamos casar-nos. mas és demasiado teimoso para ouvir!
Tell'em you're getting married.
Que te vais casar.
You're getting married?
- Vais-te casar?
I hear you're getting married next month.
Vais casar para o mês que vem?
You're getting married.
Vais-te casar.
You're getting married, then?
Vais-te mesmo casar, então?
- You're getting married?
- És casado?
If you want to honor us with your presence, we're getting married at Christmas.
Se nos quiser honrar com a sua presença... casaremos no Natal.
You're talking about becoming honest, and getting married.
Estás a falar em te tornares honesto, em ir casar.
- Right. If you're getting married, you need a wedding ring.
Se você vai se casar, precisa de uma aliança.
- You're getting married?
- Vai se casar?
- You're getting married.
- Vais casar.
- We're getting married, what do you think?
- Vamos casar. O que é que acha?
She's waiting for me at the Casa Rojo, you know, in Acapulco. We're, uh, we're getting married tomorrow.
Está à minha espera na Casa Rojo, em Acapulco, onde vou casar-me amanhã.
The ink on your divorce isn't dry yet, and you're getting married?
A tinta do teu divórcio ainda não está seca e tu vais casar?
- So you're not getting married?
- Claro que não.
Now quick, you're giving it up... we're getting married.
Agora fecha o tasco... E casamos já.
- You're getting married again.
- Ides casar-vos de novo?
- You're not getting married are you?
- Será que te vais casar?
They're talking in terms of getting you and Sweety married.
Eles estão a falar em termos de tu e Sweety casarem.
You're getting married!
Vai-se casar!
You're getting married because you think... you're supposed to, not because you want to.
Vocês estão a casar-se porque acham... que é suposto, não porque o querem.
And now you're getting married.
E agora vai casar
- I understand you're getting married, son.
- Ouvi dizer que te vais casar, filho.
We could live there for a while and then... We're not getting married because we could decide that later, you know.
Podemos viver lá um tempo e depois... sem casarmos, porque podemos decidir isso depois.
You're getting married...
Vais casar-te...
So, you're getting married?
Então, vais casar?
I think you're jealous that I'm getting married... And that I'm getting all the attention, hmm?
Tens ciúmes, porque me vou casar e porque sou o centro das atenções.
Getting into training for when you're married?
Estás a treinar para quando fores casado?
We're getting married, can I see you naked just once.
Já que não vamos nos casar, poderia vê-la nua? Só uma vez.
You're getting married?
Vais casar?
Did you tell her we're getting married?
Disseste-lhe que vamos casar?
- Oh, you're getting married, are you?
- Então, vai casar-se?
You're getting married tonight? Married?
- Vão-se casar hoje?
- You're getting married.
- Vais te casar.
No, you're thinking of when Irene was getting married.
Não, está confundindo com o casamento de Irene.
What do you think about people getting married while they're still in college?
Que achas das pessoas se casarem ainda na universidade?
No wonder he'll move anywhere you get a job. You're not getting married.
Não admira que ele se mude para onde arranjares emprego!
My girl I've even got the month of May You're not really getting married?
Não vais mesmo casar, pois não?
DAVID : You're getting married?
Vais casar-te?
You're getting married?
- Vão casar?
You know, Cliff, in a way, I'm a little disappointed that we're not getting married.
Sabes, Cliff, de uma maneira, estou um pouco desapontada por não nos irmos casar.
I mean, you are glad we're getting married, right?
Estás contente por nos casarmos, certo?
Now that you're getting married, I've got something to tell you.
Agora que te vais casar, tenho de te contar uma coisa.
You're not getting married.
Não te vais casar.

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