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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ Y ] / You're going to be ok

You're going to be ok перевод на португальский

80 параллельный перевод
Ok, you're going to be spending a lot of time alone.
Bom, vai passar muito tempo só.
Oh, you're going to be a party pooper? It's OK.
Vais ser desmancha-prazeres?
- Sure you're going to be OK? - Yeah, fine.
- Tem a certeza que vai ficar bem?
You're going to be OK, Chief.
Vais ficar bom. Vais ficar bom, chefe.
You ´ re going to be OK, Raph.
Vais ficar bem, Raph.
Sam, you're going to be great. OK?
Vais sair-te lindamente.
Oh, baby, hold on. You're going to be OK.
Aguenta, querido.
You're going to be OK.
Há-de chegar alguém. Vais ficar bom.
You're going to be ok, Jake.
Vais ficar bem, Jake.
You're going to be OK.
Vais ficar boa, o táxi já vem.
You're going to be OK.
Vais ficar bom.
You're going to be OK.
Vais ficar bem.
You're going to be OK, Yoshi.
Vais ficar bem, Yoshi.
Ok. So at the end, you're going to show me How good a person i can be,
Portanto, no fim vai mostrar-me a pessoa boa que posso ser?
Hey, you're going to be OK, OK?
Então, vai ficar bem, percebe? Eles vão encontrar-nos.
You're going to be OK.
Vais ficar boa.
- Don't you worry Stanley, you're going to be ok.
Não te preocupes Stanley, vais ficar bem.
Hey, you sure you're going to be ok?
Ei, de certeza que ficas bem?
- You're going to be OK.
- Vais ficar bem.
- You're going to be OK now.
- Vai ficar bem agora.
Okay, I'm probably going to. But you shouldn't automatically expect it... because if we're going to have the kind of relationship... that one day you're going to be making up these fantasies...
Ok, eu provavelmente faça isso mas você não deveria automaticamente contar com isso porque se vamos ter este tipo de relação, um dia você vai estar...
We're going to be a while, okay. You been drinking today, Mr. Lizzio?
Vamos demorar um bocado, ok.
You're going to be OK.
Vai ficar bem.
Well, if you're OK, then I have to be going, but good luck.
Bem, se estás bem, então tenho que ir andando... mas boa sorte
Lex, you're going to be Ok.
Lex, vais ficar bem.
Hey, butt boy, listen... if you don't help me with this... I'm going to tell him you're gay... and then you'll be out on your ass, not me, OK?
Hey, miúdo do cu, ouve... se tu não me ajudares com isto... vou-lhe dizer que és gay... e então quem se lixa és tu, não sou eu, OK?
You're going to have to wait a bit longer. Be patient, OK?
Teremos que esperar um pouco mais, seja paciente, ok?
You're going to be OK.
Tu vais ficar bem.
OK, Anna, we're going to shut off the PCA pump now, which means you'll be in a lot of pain for the duration of...
Pronto, Anna, vamos desligar a bomba agora, o que significa que vais ter muitas dores durante...
Are you sure you're going to be OK? Jacks!
- Tens a certeza de que ficas bem?
You're going to be OK, Harry.
- Vais ficar bem, Harry.
- You're going to be okay. - Okay.
She did mention it. You're going to be OK, you know.
Tudo se vai arrumar, já sabes.
You're going to be ok.
Vais ficar bem.
You're going to be ok.
Está tudo bem.
You're going to be fine. Okay.
- Ok.
I think you're going to be OK.
- Anda cá.
You're going to be OK.
Vai correr tudo bem.
All you need to know is that we're back in the right time and everything is going to be OK.
Só precisas saber que voltamos ao tempo certo e tudo vai ficar bem.
You're going to be kicking yourselves if you don't.
Ou vão ficar desapontados com voçês mesmos se não o fizerem. Ok?
Are you sure you're going to be OK in an ice factory?
Tem certeza que estará bem em uma fábrica de gelo?
Okay, look, I know you're supposed to be going to Kerrys'brother's party or whatever, and I know that I said I'd cover for you, but, please, if you could just do it this
Ok, ei, sei que tens que ir à festa do irmão do Kerrys, e sei que te disse que iria eu, mas por favor, se puderes fazer isto
Ok? If you want to be friends, you're going to have to prove That the Caroline I remember isn't gone.
Se queres ser minha amiga, vais ter de provar que a Caroline que conheço não desapareceu.
- You're going to be OK.
- Vai correr tudo bem.
But it's all going to be ok, because I am going to tell you everything, and you're going to understand why I had to keep it from you, and we're going to be fine.
Mas vai ficar tudo bem, porque eu vou contar-te tudo, e tu vais compreender porque é que eu tinha de te esconder e vamos ficar bem.
You're going to be ok.
Está tudo bem. Vais ficar bem.
You're going to be ok.
Vai ficar bem.
It's kind of like you're almost there and you feel like there's going to be a conclusion, and it's like, "Okay,"
é do género, estamos quase lá e sentes que vai ser a conclusão, e é tipo, "ok", "
You're going to be ok. Ok?
Vais ficar bem, ouves?
You sure you're going to be ok here?
É uma longa viagem. - De certeza que ficas bem aqui?
You're going to be with Tara, all right?
Vais ficar com a Tara, ok?

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