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You're gonna have to kill me перевод на португальский

105 параллельный перевод
You go near Amy and you're gonna have that chance to kill me.
Se te aproximas da Amy vais ter oportunidade de me matar.
Vai ter que me matar para ter o bilhete, Greco.
You're gonna have to kill me.
Terá de me matar.
To get that book, you're gonna have to kill me first.
Para obter o livro, terão de me matar primeiro.
You were going to kill me, Khan. You're gonna have to come down here.
Ia matar-me, mas vai ter de vir cá abaixo.
Then you're gonna have to kill me to stop me.
Então terás de me matar para me impedir.
You're gonna have to kill me, Ace.
Vais ter de me matar.
You're just gonna have to kill me.
Vão ter mesmo de me matar.
If that's not enough, I guess you're gonna have to kill me.
Se não for o bastante, acho que terá de matar-me.
You want any of this, you're gonna have to kill me for it.
Se queres algo disto, vais ter de me matar para teres.
You're gonna have to kill me.
Vais ter de me matar.
You're gonna have to kill me to keep me away from Lula.
Tens de me matar para me afastar da Lula.
You're gonna have to kill me.
Então tem de me matar.
Então, vais ter que matar todos nós, e não me parece que sejas esse tipo de homem.
They're not gonna let that guy out and you're gonna have to kill me.
Eles não vão soltar o outro tipo. - Vão ter de me matar.
You're gonna have to kill me, because I'm not dragging those people in that house into this.
Vais ter que me matar, porque não vou arrastar aquelas pessoas para isto.
You're gonna have to kill me!
Vais ter de matar-me!
- You're gonna have to kill me first.
Tinham que me matar primeiro.
You say "Look, you've given me you're money, you've been a good sport... I do apologise but I'm gonna have to kill you."
Dizia-lhes : "Deram-me o vosso dinheiro e comportaram-se bem desculpem mas agora vou ter que vos matar."
You wanna kill Bo, you're gonna have to kill me too.
Quer matar o Bo, vai ter de me matar a mim também.
You're gonna have to kill me.
Vão ter que me matar.
You're gonna have to kill me.
Vão ter de me matar.
Terás que me matar antes que te diga alguma coisa!
That means if anything should go wrong with Angelus you're gonna have to kill me.
Quer dizer se alguma coisa correr mal com o Angelus... - irás ter que me matar. - Ok.
- Because you're gonna have to "Kill Bill" me to get me into that...
Porque vão ter de me Kill Bill para me meter nisso. - Braço. - Sim, senhora.
You wanna kill me, you're gonna have to do it from inside the building.
Se me quiserem matar, terão de fazê-lo a partir do interior do edifício.
You can kill Candace and put your name on the book. But you're gonna have to kill me, too.
pode matar a Candace e pôr o seu nome no livro, mas vai ter de me matar também.
You're gonna have to kill me, Sharp.
Vais ter que me matar, Sharp.
Then you're gonna have to kill me, Lucas.
Então, vais ter de me matar a mim, Lucas.
But you want to fight, you're gonna have to kill me.
Queres lutar? Vais ter de me matar.
You want to take me out of here, you're gonna have to kill me first.
Se quiseres levar-me daqui, vais ter de me matar.
You're gonna have to kill me first, you son of a bitch.
Vais ter que me matar primeiro, filho da puta!
- You're just gonna have to kill me.
- Terá de me matar.
You're gonna have to kill me, Morgan!
Vais ter de matar-me, Morgan!
You're gonna have to fucking kill me, Morgan!
Vais ter de matar-me, Morgan!
You're gonna have to fucking kill me, Morgan!
Terás de matar-me, Morgan!
- No, no more, you kill her, you're gonna have to kill me.
- Não me deixas? - Não, já chega. Para a matares, tens de me matar também.
If you kill her, you're gonna have to kill me first.
Se a matares, terás de me matar primeiro.
So, I guess you're gonna have to kill me.
Portanto, acho que vão ter de me matar.
You're gonna have to kill me here.
Vais ter que me matar aqui.
You're gonna have to kill me!
Vão ter que me matar!
Well, thank you,'cause they're gonna have to kill me, too.
Bem, obrigado, porque vão ter de me matar também.
If you want the Core, you're gonna have to kill me.
Se quer o Núcleo, vai ter de me matar.
You're gonna have to kill me.
Vais ter de matar-me.
Until we find out who's trying to kill us, you're gonna have to stay with me.
Até descobrir quem nos quer matar, ficas comigo.
I do so have a right. If you're gonna come into my house threatening to kill people and lying to me.
Podes crer que tenho direito, já que entras em minha casa a dizer que vais matar pessoas e me mentes.
You're gonna have to kill me.
Vai ter de me matar.
No. You're gonna have to kill me.
Vão ter de me matar.
If you wanna stop me, you're gonna have to kill me.
Se queres deter-me, vais ter que matar-me!
I'm gonna be a witness. I'm gonna be a witness to the murder. You're gonna have to kill me.
Eu vou ser testemunha do assassínio e você terá de matar-me.
I need you to be strong and stay with me because you're the one who's gonna have to kill me.
Quero que sejas forte e que fiques comigo. Porque tu és aquele... que terá que me matar.

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