You've had your chance перевод на португальский
60 параллельный перевод
You've had your last chance.
Tiveste a tua hipótese.
What do you feel, now that you've had your chance?
E o que é que sente agora, que teve a sua oportunidade?
You've had your chance and you failed.
Teve a sua oportunidade e falhou.
No, no, you've had your chance.
Não, não, já tiveste a tua oportunidade.
Besides, you've had your chance.
Além de que tiveste a tua oportunidade.
You've had your chance, kid. I've made other arrangements.
Tiveste a tua oportunidade, miudo.
Agora que tiveram tempo para pensar no assunto, quero uma descrição completa dos líderes da Resistência Comunista.
Well, Captain, you've had your chance.
Bom, Capitão, teve a sua oportunidade.
- You've had your chance.
- Já tiveste essa oportunidade.
Well, you've had your chance, Inspector.
Bem, teve a sua oportunidade, inspector.
You've had your chance.
Já tiveste a tua oportunidade. Sai daí.
You've had your chance, Charles.
- Já tiveste a tua oportunidade.
You may have seen the general in the hallway just now but perhaps, with all your jetting around you've not had chance to peruse today's headlines.
Podem ter visto o General ali à entrada, mas com esta confusão toda, não leram os jornais de hoje.
Mr Barbas, I understand you've had a chance to think about things since your first deposition.
Bom dia, Sr. Barbas, parece que teve oportunidade de pensar no assunto desde que prestou depoimento.
You've had your last chance.
Tiveste a tua última chance.
Damn it, I should've killed you when I had a chance... just like your little friend!
Maldição. Deveria ter-te matado quando tive a oportunidade. Como à tua amiga!
You've had your chance.
Tiveste a tua oportunidade.
So that's what you think about when you're dying - the real value of all that you've done with your life, andall thatyou might have done... if only you'd had a second chance.
Então, é nisto que se pensa, quando se morre. O verdadeiro valor de tudo o que fizemos com a nossa vida. E tudo aquilo que poderíamos ter feito, se tivéssemos uma segunda oportunidade.
Now's your chance. And I've had... a little bit of experience. You know?
É a tua oportunidade e eu tenho... alguma experiência, sabias?
I don't know what you've told him or how much of all this you've orchestrated. But in some twisted way you've got Vaughn carrying your burden, trying to get you closure, by doing the one thing you never had the chance to do :
Não sei o que lhe disseste ou que parte disto orquestraste, mas de uma forma retorcida, puseste o Vaughn a carregar o teu fardo, a tentares obter descanso para ti ao fazer a única coisa que nunca tiveste a hipótese de fazer,
And now that I've had a chance to compare their route... to your ship's logs... it's quite clear that they been following you.
Agora que tive hipótese de comparar a rota deles com os vossos registos, é bastante claro que eles vos têm perseguido.
I think I've had a chance to meet and speak with all of you. But this is my first opportunity as your captain.
Creio que já tive a oportunidade de falar com todos, mas é a primeira vez que o faço como comandante.
- You've had your chance.
Tiveste a tua oportunidade.
I've had a chance to review all the evidence against you, and I've got a strategy to ensure your case never goes to trial.
Eu tive a oportunidade de revisar todas as provas contra si, E eu tenho uma estratégia para assegurar que o seu caso não chega a julgamento.
You've had your chance You've buzzed...
Tiveste a tua oportunidade, já carregaste...
No one should be allowed to take your life away before you've had a chance to live it.
Ninguém te deve roubar a tua vida sem teres hipótese de a viver.
You've had your chance, now it's my turn.
Você teve sua chance, agora é minha vez.
You should've run when you had the chance, but you let your feelings get in the way.
Deviam ter fugido enquando tiveram hipótese. Mas deixaram os vossos sentimentos atravessarem-se no vosso caminho.
You've had your chance to surrender, Leek.
Tiveste oportunidade de te render, Leek.
Now, I'll be happy to answer all of your questions once you've had a chance to read the brief, but for now, why don't we all go back out to the lobby where hot cocoa is waiting?
Ficarei feliz por responder às vossas perguntas assim que lerem o relatório. Mas por agora, porque não regressamos à entrada onde um chocolate quente está à espera.
You've had your chance, Arthur.
Tiveste a tua oportunidade Arthur!
Just hold on the go-order, you know, till I've had a chance to talk to your new friend here.
Fazia-me um favor? Atrase um pouco o ataque, até que eu possa falar com o seu amigo.
Maybe in your car you would've had a chance.
Talvez tivesse tido alguma hipótese no seu carro.
- No, no, you've had your chance.
- Não, você teve a sua chance.
It's the one chance to express the stylistic concepts You've had about yourself your whole life.
É a única hipótese de expor os conceitos que tiveste sobre ti mesmo toda a vida.
Okay, now you've all had a chance to study your charts so we're going to grade them from one through five, one being a low level of coincidence five, being a maximum of correlation.
Agora que tiveram oportunidade de estudar os gráficos, vou pedir que os classifiquem de 1 a 5, sendo que 1 revela fraca coincidência e 5 uma correlação máxima.
Your trigger-happy boyfriend should've gotten rid of you when he had the chance.
O teu feliz namorado deveria ter-se livrado de ti quando teve hipotese.
Now after you've had a chance to work on your own designs,
Agora depois que voce teve uma chance para trabalhar em seus próprios projetos,
So after you've had a chance to work on your own designs,
Entao, depois que voce teve uma chance para trabalhar em seus próprios projetos,
You've had your chance. Now it's my turn to do this... the right way.
Tiveste a tua oportunidade, agora é a minha vez de fazer isto.
You've had your chance.
Já teve a sua oportunidade. Agora acabou.
Look, you've had your chance.
Já tiveste a tua oportunidade.
You've had your chance.
Tiveste a tua hipótese.
You've had your second chance.
Já tiveste a tua segunda oportunidade.
Well, Ms. Schleinman, why don't I call you back after you've had a chance to finish your dinner?
Bom, Sra. Schleinman, porque é que eu não volto a ligar depois de ter terminado o seu jantar?
You've already had your chance. Hendricks, please place Mr. Castle under arrest.
Hendricks, por favor, prende o Sr. Castle.
I'm still waiting for your medical examinations, but as soon as I've had a chance to review them, and you complete a series of psychiatric evaluations, we'll put this one in the books.
Ainda estou à espera dos seus exames médicos, mas assim que tiver oportunidade de analisá-los, e que complete uma série de avaliações psiquiátricas, esta situação será arquivada.
Well, maybe you've had your chance.
Talvez tenhas tido a tua hipótese.
I'm just saying, why give up and make a statement before the press is on your side, before you have some ammunition, before you've had a chance to really make a difference in the landscape of...
Porquê desistir e fazer uma declaração antes da imprensa apoiar, antes de ter munições, e de ter a hipótese de fazer diferença no...
Sir, you've already had your chance to speak.
- Já teve a sua vez de falar!
Just finished up OTAs, so it's really the first time you've had a chance to fully be with your new teammates.
Acabaste a pré-época e foi a primeira vez que te juntaste aos outros jogadores.
you've had enough 82
you've had too much to drink 17
you've had your fun 48
you've had it 35
you've had 46
you've 257
you've got this 65
you've got a point 16
you've seen them 46
you've got mail 34
you've had too much to drink 17
you've had your fun 48
you've had it 35
you've had 46
you've 257
you've got this 65
you've got a point 16
you've seen them 46
you've got mail 34
you've got a friend in me 28
you've been served 82
you've earned it 130
you've done it now 22
you've done enough 157
you've been there before 25
you've got a deal 21
you've got the wrong guy 51
you've done well 111
you've got a lot of nerve 17
you've been served 82
you've earned it 130
you've done it now 22
you've done enough 157
you've been there before 25
you've got a deal 21
you've got the wrong guy 51
you've done well 111
you've got a lot of nerve 17