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You did перевод на португальский

289,325 параллельный перевод
No-one needs to know you did it!
Ninguém tem de saber que foste tu!
You did it, you can't pretend you didn't.
Foste tu. Não podes fazer de conta que não.
Well done! I can't believe you did that!
Não acredito que o apanhaste!
You did the right thing by informing me, but... I'd like this to remain as it is, merely an unfortunate coincidence.
Agiu bem ao vir informar-me, mas vamos deixar isto ser o que é, uma infeliz coincidência.
I couldn't say it before, but thanks to what you did, I haven't lost my job and I didn't have to go back home.
Não te pude dizer isto ontem, mas obrigada pelo que fizeste, não perdi o meu emprego e não tive de voltar para casa.
I'm grateful for what you did, but when I pay my debt- -
Agradeço-te o que fizeste, mas quando pagar a minha dívida...
I didn't say you did, but you do look as guilty as sin.
Não disse isso, mas estás com uma cara de culpado como o pecado.
The main thing is you did, and it's best for all of us.
O importante é que conseguiste e isso é o melhor para todos.
Maybe I should remind you what you did to me.
- Eu pedi desculpa. Talvez te devesse lembrar do que me fizeste.
I did all I could to fix things, and you didn't give me a chance.
Fiz o que podia para corrigir as coisas, mas não me deste outra hipótese.
Did you find it in her things? No.
Encontraste-o nas coisas dela?
I'm the one that told you what he did!
Fui eu que te disse o que ele fez.
You look so much like my wife did when she was younger.
Pareces a minha mulher quando era mais nova.
Why did you bring her?
Por que a trouxeste?
Did you?
Mataste mesmo?
- Did he do anything to you?
Ele magoou-te?
- Did you catch anything? - No, not yet.
- Apanhaste alguma coisa?
Did you think this was just a chat in the changing room?
Achavas que isto ia ficar em águas de bacalhau?
Did you take it?
What did I tell you?
O que te disse?
What did he say? Or what did you say to make him believe you?
Como conseguiste que ele acreditasse em ti?
Did you hear about Lidia? [sniffles]
Soubeste do caso da Lidia?
When did you become a good-for-nothing who only thinks about women and parties? I'm not a good-for-nothing.
Quando te tornaste num inútil que só pensa em mulheres e em festas?
- Did he ask you out? - Well, not exactly.
- Convidou-te para sair?
Did I tell you my favorite sin? I will.
Já te contei o meu pecado favorito?
You've behaved like a real gentleman... - but if you think walking me home- - - Why did you change your mind?
Comportaste-te como um cavalheiro, mas se achas que me acompanhar a casa...
- Did something happen between you?
- Aconteceu algo entre vocês?
What did Miguel say to you?
O que te disse o Miguel?
Did you break up?
Acabaram o namoro?
You know I did.
Sabes bem que sim.
How did you get this job?
Como arranjaste este emprego?
How did you manage to get her to believe you?
Como conseguiste que ela acreditasse em ti?
So I was in the middle of Madrid, with no money and I without the address of the boardinghouse, all because of that man who had stolen my purse. What did you do?
Estava no meio de Madrid, sem dinheiro e sem a morada do lugar onde ia ficar porque um homem me tinha roubado a mala.
You were the star of the party. Did you enjoy it?
Foste a estrela da festa.
Did you know they have penguins there?
Sabias que há lá pinguins?
How the hell did you open the door? [Alba] May I?
Como abriste a porta?
What did you think of Lidia?
- E o amor também. - Exato.
Did you order it? [scoffs]
Deu ordem para isso?
Why did you say you were doing this for me? What does that matter?
Porque disseste que fazias isto por mim?
Why did you say Francisco had lied to you?
- E tu? Porque disseste que o Francisco te mentiu?
Did you see that? Some manners.
Viste aquilo?
If we haven't given you information, it's because we don't have it. - If we did- -
Se não vos damos informações, é porque não as temos.
- Did she ask you to visit me? - No, and she didn't force me to do it.
- Ela pediu-te para me vires visitar?
[Marga ] Lidia, did you manage to do it? - [ Marga and Ángeles gasp ] [ all chuckle] - What do you think?
Lidia, conseguiste?
What did you hear?
O que ouviste?
Ángeles told me what happened. Did you do it on purpose?
A Ángeles contou-me o que aconteceu.
Why do you think I hid it from you? I did it to protect you.
Porque achas que escondi isso de ti?
It's true, at first, I did it to save you, but... now things have changed.
É verdade, no início, fi-lo para te salvar, mas agora, as coisas mudaram.
- Why did you leave like that?
- Porque saíste assim?
- Why did you go back to your old life? It's what's best for all of us.
- Porque voltaste à tua vida antiga?
Did you see where Mr. Cifuentes went?
E viu para onde foi o Sr. Cifuentes?

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