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You didn't hear that перевод на португальский

361 параллельный перевод
- I forgot, you didn't hear about that.
- Esqueci-me, não ouviu falar disto.
I reckon you're lucky he didn't hear you say that.
Para teu bem, espero que ele não tenha ouvido isso.
Remember, you said it was funny that I didn't hear any sounds of a struggle?
Lembra-se de dizer que era estranho não ter ouvido sons da luta?
Didn't I hear you call him that yesterday?
Não Ihe chamou assim ontem?
- Didn't you hear that siren?
- Não ouviu a sirene? - Sim.
I guess you didn't hear what I said about stayin'away from that girl.
Penso que não me ouviste quando te disse para não te aproximares da rapariga.
Didn't you hear her say that we'd hear bells?
Não percebeste o que ela disse : Ouvirão o toque dos sinos. Os sinos, quais sinos?
Who? Tim and that girl. Didn't you hear him?
O Tim e a tal rapariga.
Didn't you hear that?
Não ouviu?
How often you hear people say that because of some woe... But you didn't have that in mind, I hope.
Quantas vezes se ouve dizer que por um desgosto... espero que não sejam essas suas intenções!
Now, in case you didn't hear, I run the Double S Ranch now and my first order of business is for you to get that fence down.
No caso de que não saiba que dirijo agora o rancho Sinclair... e minha primeira ordem é que derrube essa cerca.
Didn't you hear the conductor say that I'm English?
Não ouviu o condutor dizer que sou Inglesa?
- Didn't you hear me say that- -
- Não me ouviu dizer que...
Didn't you hear the boss say that I was sober?
Não ouviram aqui o vosso patrão dizer que estou sóbrio?
But what the hell does it mean to be truly honest? Didn't you hear what that big hawk said?
Mas que raio significa ser mesmo sincero?
Qual é o problema? Não ouviu o eco?
I can't believe that you didn't hear about it.
Nem quero acreditar que não tivesses ouvdo sobre isso.
Yes, that's what he told me, but I didn't believe him, and now that I hear you laughing a little too loud, I believe him even less.
Pois, foi o que ele me disse, mas näo acreditei. E agora que a oiço a rir täo alto, acredito ainda menos.
Lucky for you, I didn't hear that.
A tua sorte é eu näo ter ouvido isso.
Isn't is the business that we hear when... the young boy, Jesus, was lost for a matter of three days or so? And they said to him, " Why didn't you follow us?
Não é aquele comércio que ouvimos falar quando... o jovem Jesus desapareceu por uns três dias ou mais... e disseram para ele :
I didn't intend that you should hear that.
Não queria que tivesses ouvido aquilo.
Didn't you hear that?
Não ouviram isso?
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't I hear you say that you were home all day yesterday?
Corrija-me se estiver enganado, mas não disse que ontem esteve em casa o dia todo?
But he said, "That little chick that you put me on to, Paul." Didn't you hear him?
Mas ele disse "aquela garina que me arranjaste, Paul". Não ouviste?
You just make believe that you didn't even hear that, okay?
Faz de contas que não ouviu nada disso, okay?
Didn't you hear that guy?
Não o ouviu?
I didn't come to hear you tell me something that any 10-year-old kid could tell me.
Não vim aqui para me dizerem uma coisa que até um miúdo de dez anos me podia dizer.
And you didn't see or hear anything after that that might help us?
- Não ouviu nada depois disso?
You didn't hear me. We just said that you could go.
Dissemos para irem.
You didn't want to hear that, sorry.
Não querias ouvir isso, desculpa.
I told you I didn't want to hear you calling him that.
Eu já disse que não quero que fales assim dele!
You did hear that, didn't you?
Ouviram, não ouviram?
"l didn't mean to, I forgot." That's all I ever hear from you.
"Foi sem querer. Esqueci-me." É tudo o que ouço de ti.
Guess you didn't hear that last part.
Espero que não ouça esta última parte.
That F wasn't right, didn't you hear it was off-key?
Mas aquele Fá estava correcto, não ouviste como estava desafinado?
Didn't you hear minister telling Shankar that day?
Não ouviu o ministro dizer a Shankar naquele dia?
You didn't hear that, kids.
Não ouviram nada.
You didn't hear that then?
Então não ouviu aquilo?
Didn't you hear about the boat that crashed with all those dead bodies onboard?
Ouviste por causa daquele barco que afundou...
Don't tell me that you didn't hear them.
Não me digas que não os ouves.
I didn't hear you say that.
Vou fingir não ter ouvido.
I didn't hear you say that.
Eu não o ouvi dizer nada.
And when you hear this... then there is definetely something wrong... because that's Chopin... I didn't even know I knew that one.
E entao, ha algo de errado... porque é de Chopin... e eu nem sabia que sabia tocar esta.
I know this is the last thing that you want to hear, and i sure as hell wish i didn't have to be the one to tell you.
Sei que esta é a última coisa que queres ouvir e eu não queria ser a pessoa a contar.
Didn't you hear what that man said?
Não ouviste?
Even so, I didn't hear the rest of you give me the word on that downtown campari. - Come on, that's not fair.
Mesmo assim, não ouvi nenhum de vocês falar nada sobre a nossa comparação.
- Don't tell me you didn't hear that. Untruth, untruth.
- Não digas que não.
You didn't see anything? You didn't see anything. You didn't hear that thing?
Quando tinha cinco anos... meu pai foi comprar sorvete e nunca mais voltou.
I'm surprised to hear you say that. 'Cause I really honestly didn't think you was gonna go with me on this power lines thing.
Nunca pensei que me apoiasse.
Of course you didn't hear the flirtations on the tape that occurred in my office, prior to the examination.
Claro que não ouviram o namorisco na cassete, isso deu-se no meu gabinete, antes do exame.
Didn't you hear that person laughing?
Não ouviram aquela pessoa às gargalhadas?

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