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You made sure of that перевод на португальский

70 параллельный перевод
You made sure of that, didn't you?
Fez o possível para isso.
Yeah, you made sure of that. Thank you.
Sim, você tratou disso.
I stayed, and you made sure of that, and some things changed.
Tu fizeste por isso. E as coisas mudaram.
You made sure of that.
Já se ocupou que isso.
You made sure of that, didn't you, Walker?
Você certificou-se disso, não foi, Walker? Quando assassinou a mulher que ele amava.
You made sure of that.
Você tratou disso.
You made sure of that.
Tu tomás-te conta desse assunto.
You made sure of that.
- Não posso.
You made sure of that.
Garantiu isso.
- You made sure of that.
Certificaste-te disso.
You made sure of that many years ago, Stefan.
Fizeste com que eu pensasse assim, há muitos anos, Stefan.
- You made sure of that, didn't you?
- Certificou-se disso, não foi?
You made sure of that.
Certificaste-te disso.
You made sure of that.
Tu certificaste-te disso.
You made sure of that.
Tu asseguraste-te disso.
You made sure of that.
Asseguravas-te disso.
Oh, you made sure of that.
Tratou bem do assunto.
But you made sure of that, didn't you?
Mas certificaste-te disso, não foi?
- Of course, you made sure that he saw you.
- Claro, tem a certeza que ele o viu.
You and Jumper sure made a mess out of that. What do you mean?
Tu e a Jumper de certeza que fizeram asneira.
That sort of spirit sure made a hell of a soldier out of you.
Esse espírito o transformou no grande soldado que é.
Ask me, I think you already made sure of that.
Já te certificaste que não a esqueça...
But Lizzy, I am sure that when you first read that letter, you could not have made so light of it as you do now.
Mas Lizzy, tenho certeza que quando leu esta carta da primeira vez, você não conseguiu ver as coisas tão claras quanto vê agora.
Sure, sure. You've made tons of friends... who in the drop of a rupee do anything for you, and that doesn't mean much?
Fizeste montes de amigos... que num ápice fariam tudo por ti e isso não significa muito?
When I made that promise, I sure didn't think that you'd be one of them.
Quando fiz essa promessa, nunca me ocorreu que poderias ser um deles...
The B2 bomber has a piece that is made in every single state. To make sure that if you ever try to face that project out you will get howls from among the most liberal Members of Congress.
O bombardeiro B-2 tem uma peça dele feita em cada um dos estados... para garantir que, se alguém tentar acabar com o projeto... vai receber reclamações veementes... reclamações dos membros mais liberais do Congresso.
Well, I'm sure our atheist liberal friends are looking for a different way to spin it. But if you remember what our President said a couple of weeks ago, how he wished that our fallen soldiers could come back and tell us how they felt about the sacrifice they made in this great cause.
Bem, acho que os nossos amigos liberais estão a tentar dar a volta, mas se te lembrares do que disse o presidente há 2 semanas atrás, como desejávamos que os nossos soldados voltassem e nos dissessem o que sentiam acerca do sacrifício que fizeram por esta causa,
You yourself made sure of that.
Foste tu quem se assegurou de o fazer.
Better you make sure that none of us escape and we count to the world what you have made here.
É melhor assegurares-te que nenhum de nós escape e conte ao mundo o que fizeste aqui.
- You made sure of that.
- Foste tu que fizeste isso.
I hear a peep out of you, I'll make sure the committee reviews... every business deal LuthorCorp has made in the last 20 years. You'll be lucky to keep that fancy shirt on your back.
Basta ouvir um rumor seu, e certificar-me-ei de que o comité reveja todos os negócios que a Luthorcorp fez nos últimos 20 anos, e terá muita sorte se ficar com essa camisa no corpo.
And he made sure that you'll be taken care of for as long as you need.
E ele fez, com que tivesse todo o tratamento que precisasse.
You would have made sure of that, wouldn't you?
Garantiu que assim fosse, não foi?
You know, I made sure of that, just in case Rosie or Max come to visit.
Certifiquei-me disso caso a Rosie ou o Max me vão visitar.
Well, maybe, as the senior fellow, you could have made sure that my doors were closed so that I could be concentrating on the cat instead of looking for the cat.
Talvez como meu assistente mais velho podias certificar-te que a porta fechava para me poder concentrar na gata e não procurar a gata.
I mean, are you sure that you're ready to have all of your intimate details... made into the banner headline?
Tens a certeza que estás pronto para ter os teus pormenores mais íntimos na primeira página de um jornal?
You've made sure of that.
Você assegurou isso.
Well, so would we, but when you came in, we didn't think about that, we just took care of you. Made sure we did whatever you needed to get well.
Quando cá entrou, não pensámos nisso, apenas o tratámos, fizemos de tudo para que ficasse bem.
And I want you to know, .. This decision has been made less difficult to me by the sure knowledge that my brother, with his long training in the public affairs of this country and with his fine qualities will be able to take my place forth with
E eu quero que saibam,... que esta decisão não foi tão dificil para mim por ter a certeza de que meu irmão, com sua formação ao longo da vida pública deste país e suas diversas qualidades será capaz de tomar o meu lugar
Well, I'm sure that you've driven through our lower-income neighborhoods. Or been made aware of the number of households that lack health care?
Decerto que já atravessou alguns dos nossos bairros mais pobres ou já teve conhecimento do número de lares que não têm cuidados médicos adequados.
You made sure of that.
Assegurou-se disso.
Ah, Mr. Risley, you know, I'm sure, that the King has made a secret treaty with the Emperor, the great champion of Catholicism!
Sr. Risley. Certamente sabeis que o Rei fez um tratado secreto com o Imperador, o grande campeão do catolicismo!
So I'm pretty sure it's not OK to be late for the making of medical history, so you need to let me through, OK, to get to that surgery, to get Dr. Sloan his caffeine, to witness medical history being made.
Não é bom chegar atrasada à feitura da história da Medicina, portanto tem de me deixar passar. Para chegar à cirurgia, dar o café ao Dr. Sloan e testemunhar História!
And all of you made sure that he would never grow up to be a man.
E todos fizeram com que... ele nunca crescesse e ficasse um homem.
Well, you made damn sure of that, didn't you, sweetheart?
Certificaste-te disso, não foi, querida?
Kind of proves that you made sure Paxton was at a game where he was murdered.
- Isso só prova que se certificou que o Paxton ia estar onde foi assassinado.
We want to make sure that over the next few days you have a chance to connect with the people who have made Sterisyn Morlanta the crown jewel in the Candent group of companies.
Temos de nos certificar que nos próximos dias têm oportunidade de se ligar aos responsáveis pela Sterisyn Morlanta, a jóia da coroa do grupo empresarial Candent.
The blood of christ made sure of that, for all that accept him you did
O sangue de Cristo é a certeza de que, por tudo ele aceita-o Tu fizeste
And she knew that she couldn't take care of you, so she made sure that you went with the most loving family she could find.
E sabia que não podia cuidar de ti, por isso garantiu que ficavas com a família mais amorosa que pôde encontrar.
They made me come down here just to make sure that this guy who's doing this is not, like, some kind of, you know, cousin or anything.
Eles fizeram-me vir cá para me certificar de que o tipo que está a fazer isto não não é assim algum primo, ou coisa parecida.
Norton made sure of that, for if you had, you would have discovered that there had never been any question of Judith going to London that day.
Norton certificou-se disso, pois se tivesse, teria descoberto que a questão da Judith ir para Londres nesse dia nunca se colocou.

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