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You did what you had to перевод на турецкий

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You did what you had to do.
Yapmanı gerekeni yaptın.
You did what you had to, so am I.
Yapmak zorunda olduğunu yaptın. Ben de öyle yapıyorum.
If you carried that bag a million miles, you did what you had to do.
O çantayı bir milyon kilometre taşıdıysan yapman gerekeni yaptın.
You did what you had to do.
Yapman gerekeni yaptın.
- You did what you had to do.
- Yapman gerekeni yaptın.
You did what you had to do.
Yapmak zorunda olduğun şeyi yaptın. - Dargın değiliz.
You did what you had to do.
Yapmak zorunda olduğun şeyi yaptın.
Ampco did what they had to do, you did what you had to do.
Sen yaptın. Şimdi de ben yapacağım.
You did what you had to.
Yapman gerekeni yaptın.
You did what you had to do.
Sen yapman gerekeni yaptın.
You did what you had to do?
Yapman gerekeni mi yaptın?
You did what you had to. What you thought was best.
Mecbur kaldığın şeyi yaptın, senin için doğru olan kararı oydu.
JEAN : You did what you had to do.
Yapman gerekeni yaptın.
According to the fact of psychology that under great emotional stress the mind sees what it has expected to whether the thing is actually there or not is it not possible that you did not see Joseph Wilson but only the image of him your imagination had created in your head?
Psikoloji bilimine göre büyük bir duygusal stres altında zihin insana oyun oynayıp olmayan şeyleri gösterebilir. Acaba Joseph Wilson'ı değil de zihninizin yarattığı bir hayali görmüş olmanız mümkün mü?
What did he tell you about what had happened to him?
Size kendisine ne olduğunu söyledi mi?
When I told them down there that you had spoken with me... you can't imagine what they did to me.
Benimle konuştuğunu onlara söylediğimde bana ne yaptıklarını hayal bile edemezsin.
You could've had me shot for what I did to them canteens.
Siz beni vuracaktınız, mataralara yaptıklarım için.
and what men tonight have had resort to you, for here have been some six or seven who did hide their faces even from darkness.
Kimdir o seni görmeye gelen adamlar bu gece? Altı yedi kişi vardı burada, karanlıkta bile yüzlerini saklayan.
I heard what Dave did to you, and maybe you had good cause but killing's killing.
Dave'in sana yaptıklarını duydum, belki iyi bir nedenin vardı ama cinayet cinayettir.
You did what you morally had to do.
Ahlaken yapman gerekeni yaptın.
Just as she had to do what she did about you.
Tıpkı sana yaptığı şey gibi.
However, since you did survive the crash... had you managed to make your way back down that mountain you might have given knowledge of what you had seen.
Balon kazasından sağ kalmışken dağdan aşağı inmeyi başarıp gördüklerinizi insanlara anlatma riskini göze alamazdım.
You've probably heard this so often that it's boring but I had to say how much I enjoyed what you did.
Sıkıcı gelecek, çünkü çok duymuşsunuzdur ama şovunuzdan çok zevk aldım.
I wanted to reflect on what my father had done, what I've done, and what you did...
Babamın yaptıklarını benim yaptığım şeyi ve senin yaptıklarını düşünmek istedim.
Did you hear what I had to say?
Dediğimi duydun mu?
What, did he think you had something to do with it?
Ne, senin o işte parmağın olduğunu mu sandı?
I know, as factory director, you had to say what you did.
Biliyorum, fabrika müdürü olarak, öyle konuşmak zorundaydınız.
After what you did, I had to quit the textile company.
Yaptığın şeyden sonra işimi bırakmak zorunda kaldım.
My Führer, did you hear what I had to say to you?
Führer'im, az önce size söylediğim şeyi duydunuz mu?
You did what had to be done
Yapılması gerekeni yaptın.
Did you seduce her with the coke, or was it just that she used it to forget... when she realized what you had turned her into?
Onu kokainle mi baştan çıkardın, yoksa unutmak için mi kullanıyordu... onu neye dönüştürdüğünü görmemek için mi?
Before you had to get up, come down here to make a buck, what did you do?
Para kazanmak için sabah erkenden kalkıp buraya gelmezken ne yapıyordun?
I mean, you just did what you had to do, right?
Sen yapman gerekeni yaptın, öyle değil mi?
If you had been there and seen what he did to my mother and me, you wouldn't feel that way.
Orada olup anneme ve bana ne yaptığını görseydin böyle hissetmezdin.
Do you know how much the town folks had to suffer because of what you did?
millet Ne kadar acı yaşadı senin yaptıkların yüzünden biliyormusun?
You did what you felt you had to do.
Sen yapman gerekeni yaptın.
We had a disagreement about who the skull belonged to. - What did you do?
Kurukafanın kime ait olduğu konusunda anlaşamadık.
You did what you had to do between you and you.
Sen, kendin ve kendin arandaki yapman gerekeni yaptın.
You look like the morning after Halloween. Probably had a day like I did. - What happened to you?
Ne oldu sana?
Did what you had to do.
Yapman gerekeni yap.
First of all, you don't got a brother like him, and if you did, you wouldn't know what to do with him because you never had a brother like him.
Olsaydı ne yapardın bilemezsin... O ağabeyim.
Did I ever try to stand in your way or stop you from doing what you had to do?
Sana hiç köstek oldum mu? Seni durdurdum mu?
Why did it take me so long to realize when a simpleton like you knew what I had to do?
Senin gibi bir gerzek bile ne yapmam gerektiğini bilirken benim bunu anlamam neden bu kadar uzun sürdü?
Let's say you had a dream that he did and the dream turned out to be true. What would you do?
Ne yaparsın?
What did you do to me? I had to get in there. It's a deep adjustment.
Derine girmem gerekiyordu.
What did I do that was so bad that you just had to stop talking to me?
Birden benimle konuşmayı kesecek ne yaptım sana?
But if you had seen what he did to this girl...
Ama kıza yaptıklarını görseydin...
If you made a mistake you had to correct it, and you usually did make a mistake, you nearly always forgot what the command was anyway.
Bir hata yaparsanız bunu düzeltmek zorundaydınız ve çoğunlukla da hata yapardınız. O zaman girdiğiniz komutun ne olduğunu neredeyse unuturdunuz.
It was the knowledge that if you did what I did, if you were a clown. And you had passion to tell a particular story something beyond.
Biliyorum ki eğer sen benim yaptığımı yapsaydın, soytarı olurdun ve özel bir hikayeyi kovalayacak sabrın vardı bir şey ötesinde.
You know what it did to Roscoe 1138... and he was the most advanced chimp we ever had!
Roscoe 1138'e neler yaptığını biliyorsun,... üstelik elimizdeki en gelişkin şempanzeydi o.
You know, spritz me and I had to change. So what did I miss?
Su sıçratıyor, her tarafım ıslandı.

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