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Zogo перевод на турецкий

52 параллельный перевод
♪ ♪ Surprised I could get a ZoGo at this crazy hour.
♪ ♪ Bu saatte bir ZoGo bulabildigime sasirdim.
Had a mix-up with ZoGo this morning.
Bu sabah ZoGo'yla bir sorun yasadim.
The last thing Cade did before he died was access the ZoGo app, Right.
Cade'in olmeden once yaptigi son seyler... -... ZoGo uygulamasina girmek...
We do know he ordered a ZoGo at 5 : 17 a.m.
Sabah 5 : 17'de bir ZoGo çagirdigini biliyoruz.
What do we know about his ZoGo driver?
ZoGo şöförü hakkinda ne biliyoruz?
Well, Cade Matthew's ZoGo profile suggests otherwise.
Cade Matthews'ın ZoGo profili aksini söylüyor.
Target turned the ZoGo system into a shell game so he could hide himself.
Zanit ZoGo'yu "bul karayi al parayi" oyununa çevirerek kendini saklamis.
A man is dead, and the last thing he did was use ZoGo.
Bir adam öldü ve son yaptigi şey ZoGo'yu kullanmak oldu.
Oh, well, according to the FBI database, at least a dozen ZoGo drivers have criminal records, including felony convictions for drug dealing.
FBI veritabaniana gore en az bir duzine ZoGo söförünün uyusturucu satmaktan agir hapis cezasi gibi sabikalari var.
Man, I use ZoGo all the time.
Dostum ben hep Zogo kullanıyorum.
He rarely texted or posted, and last night was the first time he'd ever taken a ZoGo.
Nadiren gonderi yapiyormus ve dün gece ZoGo'yu ilk kullanışiymiş.
Spoke to all five ZoGo drivers.
Beş ZoGo şöförüylede konustum.
The ZoGo system was wrong.
ZoGo sistemi hataliydi.
Right before he died, he got a message sent to his ZoGo app saying that his ride was canceled because he was a no-show.
Cade ölmeden once, ZoGo uygulamasmdan arabaya gelmedigi icin seferinin iptal edildigine dair bir bildirim gelmis.
Guys, if he wasn't in a ZoGo, where was he?
Bir ZoGo arabasinda degildiyse, neredeydi bu adam?
Masqueraded as a ZoGo driver.
ZoGo şöförü kılıgında yanaşti.
Cade got in his car thinking it was a real ZoGo.
Cade gercek ZoGo arabasi zannedip araca bindi.
You know, ZoGo has made it socially acceptable to just get in the car with a stranger.
ZoGo yabanci birinin arabasina sorgusuz sualsiz binmeyi normal hale getirdi.
I just see the logo on the car window and I assume it's my ZoGo, so...
Arabanin camındaki logoyu gorünce direk..
Well, the psychology makes sense.
... benim ZoGo'm geldi diye dusunuyorum.
Cade was a first-time ZoGo user.
Bu dusunce mantikli. Cade'in ilk kullanisiymis zaten.
It looked like a ZoGo.
ZoGo'ya benziyordu.
The killer used the ZoGo system as a disguise so he could commit murder.
Katil ZoGo sisteminin ardina gizlenerek cinayet isledi.
Cade happened to be the unlucky victim who climbed into the killer's fake ZoGo during the glitch.
Cade, katilin sahte ZoGo'suna binme talihsizligine sahip bir kurbandi.
Our target is a serial killer using ZoGos to find his prey.
Zanlimiz ZoGo'yu kullanarak avlanan bir seri katil.
So... three days ago, 122 people in Boston ordered a ZoGo pickup between 5 : 10 and 5 : 45 a.m.
5 : 10 ve 5 : 45 arası bir ZoGo araci cagirmis.
Our target's first victim would've ordered a ZoGo.
Zanlimizin ilk kurbani da ZoGo cagirmiş olabilir.
Using the ZoGo passenger database, we can eliminate anyone in Boston who ordered a ZoGo pickup after the glitch was fixed three days ago.
ZoGo yolcu veritabanini kullanarak..... üç gun onceki hatadan sonra tekrar ZoGo cagirmis kisileri eleyebiliriz.
ZoGo patrons'credit cards are linked on the accounts.
ZoGo musterilerinin kredi kartları hesaplarına bagli.
They may not have ordered a ZoGo, but if there was recent activity on their cards, that would suggest that they're alive and well.
ZoGo cagirmamis olabilirler ama... son gunlerde kredi karti kullandilarsa.. ... hayatla olduklarıni varsayabiliriz.
She ordered a ZoGo at the same time Cade Matthews did- - 5 : 17 a.m.
Cade Matthews'la ayni saatte ZoGo cagirmis, 5 : 17.
I figured if I could uncover how the target got into the ZoGo network, I can find the dust to track him. Right.
Zanlının ZoGo agına nasil Sizdıgını bulabilirsem onu takip edecek tozu da bulurum diye dusundüm.
Malware onto the ZoGo network.
ZoGo agına virus yuklendi.
So, our target sent out an e-mail to the ZoGo employees, it spread malware, infected the entire system and allowed the target to pose as a driver and commit two murders?
Zanlımiz ZoGo calisanlarina gonderdigi e-postayla virus bulastirdi..... Tüm sistemi ele geçirdi. ... ve kendini sofor gibi gosterip iki cinayet mi isledi?
Who's tech savvy enough to inject malware into the ZoGo server...?
ZoGo sunucusuna virus yukleyecek kadar bilgili olan adam...
Your motive is your cab company's been hemorrhaging clients to ZoGo.
Taksi sirketinin ZoGo'ya musteri kaybetmesi sana sebep oldu.
I sent e-mails into ZoGo.
ZoGo'ya e-postalar yolladim.
You've been vandalizing ZoGo- - slashing tires, harassing drivers for the past six months.
Alti aydir lastiklerini keserek soforleri tehdit ederek... ZoGo'yu taciz ediyormussun.
I hate ZoGo, okay?
ZoGo'dan nefret ediyorum, tamam mi?
Checked out ZoGo's firewall.
ZoGo'nun guvenlik duvarina baktim.
Wow, that's when ZoGo had its first glitch.
ZoGo'nun ilk cokuşunun oldugu zaman.
No, since he couldn't penetrate the ZoGo firewall, he got into the system, just not remotely.
Hayir, ZoGo'nun guvenlik duvanni asamayınca sisteme baska yoldan girdi, dişardan degil.
It's different than all the others on ZoGo's network.
ZoGo agındaki diger cihazlardan farkli.
Yeah, and according to ZoGo's employee records, five employees are on vacation.
ZoGo'nun personel kayitlarına gore şu an beş kisi izinde.
Let me guess, a ZoGo driver.
Tahmin edeyim, ZoGo soforu.
And the police dismissed the case against ZoGo.
Polis de ZoGo'ya dair suclamalari geri cekmis.
Well, he got kicked off of ZoGo.
ZoGo hesabi kapatildi.
We blew up the target's ZoGo profile.
Zanlinm ZoGo profilini patlattik.
If he ordered a ZoGo, he would need a phone with the app loaded onto it.
ZoGo cagirdiysa uygulamayi telefondan acmis olmasi gerek.
Now let's see what ZoGo driver picked him up.
Hangi ZoGo soforu almis ona bakalim.
Richard Davis is in a ZoGo six blocks south of us heading west.
Richard Davis bizden alti blok guneyde bir ZoGo aracinin icinde batiya gidiyor.

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