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Billie перевод на английский

2,025 параллельный перевод
- A pesar de lo que penséis el hecho es que es necesario el poder de tres para detener a Billie y a Christy, tanto si os gusta como si no.
- Okay, regardless of what you think, the cold, hard fact is, the power of three is needed to stop Billie and Christy, whether you like it or not.
Nos han echado una poción, Billie.
They threw a potion at us, Billie.
Billie, esto es una locura.
Billie, this is insane.
A mí me tenían que llevar, Billie, para enseñarme el camino y tú tenías que encontrarme, para que yo pudiera enseñártelo.
I was meant to be taken, Billie, to be shown the way, just like you were meant to find me, so I could show you.
¿ Has hablado con Billie?
So did you talk to Billie?
No creo que Billie y Christy lo vean de este modo.
I just don't think Billie and Christy see it that way.
Es Billie.
It's Billie.
Tengo que saber si vamos a tener que luchar contra Billie y Christy para recuperar a Leo.
I need to know if Billie and Christy are the ones we're going to have to fight to get Leo back.
Billie es una amiga.
Billie is a friend.
Ya lo sé, pero por favor oigamos lo que Billie tiene que decir.
I know, but please, let's just listen to what Billie has to say.
Billie, si lo estoy las dejaremos en paz, tal y como te he prometido.
Billie, if I am wrong, we'll leave them alone just like I promised.
Y Billie también.
And so is Billie.
Lo que no entiendo es por qué Billie nos hace esto.
What I don't get is, why would Billie do this to us?
Así que ahora te preocupan Billie y Christy.
Oh, so now you're worried about Billie and Christy.
¿ Qué te ha dicho Billie en el club?
Okay, what did Billie say to you at the club?
Igual tienes que dejar de centrarte en Billie y centrarte en Leo.
Okay, maybe you need to stop focusing on Billie and focus on Leo.
Tú no crees que Billie...
You don't think Billie...
Alguien tiene que pararlas, Billie, antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Somebody's gotta stop them, Billie, before it's too late.
Quizá Billie tenga razón.
Maybe Billie's right.
Creo que, según el punto de vista pervertido de Billie y Christy, lo somos.
Well, I think it does from Billie and Christy's warped point of view.
A Miss Lady Day, Billie Holliday.
Miss Lady Day, Billie Holliday.
porque se llama Christy y Billie.
Yeah, because their names are Christy and Billie.
en serio.
If we need to take down Billie and Christy, I'm there, seriously.
no estamos preparadas para enfrentarnos a Billie y a Christy y no digamos a lo que puede haber tras la puerta número tres.
Look, we're not even ready to deal with Billie and Christy, let alone what may or may not be behind door number three.
¿ Billie sabe algo de esto?
Does Billie know about this?
Billie ya no es asunto tuyo.
Billie's not your concern anymore.
No estoy hablando de Billie y de Christy.
I'm not talking about Billie and Christy.
That's good, that's really good, Billie.
Who are you kidding, Billie?
Look, I didn't seek this out, Billie.
They're not good people, Billie.
- Billie. - Look, if they come after us, fine.
You know what, Billie?
Don't be afraid, Billie.
Anything's possible here, Billie.
I've always been real, Billie.
y sólo tu hermana y tú pueden detenerlo.
Much is at stake, Billie, and only you and your sister can stop it.
Billie, wait.
Hemos subestimado la conexión que tiene Billie con las brujas.
We just underestimated Billie's connection to the witches.
Y Billie es reticente.
And Billie remains reticent.
Hemos convencido tanto a Christy como a Billie de que las Embrujadas son las malas.
We've convinced both Christy and Billie that the Charmed Ones are the evil ones.
Que no nos sirve de nada a menos que Billie sea capaz de matarlas.
Which does us no good unless Billie is able to kill them.
está muy cerca...
Once Billie is fully turned, and believe me, she's close...
Puede que podamos ayudar a Billie a traspasar el último umbral.
We may have just found a way to help Billie cross the final threshold.
lo harán y entonces será demasiado tarde.
But, Billie, they will and then it'll be too late.
por favor.
Do not say the K-word in regards to Billie and Christy, please.
¿ Crees que Billie y Christy han hablado con ellos?
What do you mean, you think Billie and Christy got to them somehow?
Igual es algo que han hecho Billie y Christy y quienes estén detrás.
Maybe it's something Billie and Christy did, or whoever's behind it.
Algo a lo que Billie es propensa.
Which we already know Billie is prone to do.
La misma Billie nos ha proporcionado todo lo que tenemos que saber.
Billie herself has provided us with all we need to know.
Especialmente Billie.
Especially Billie.

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