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Cleave перевод на английский

249 параллельный перевод
¡ Nivélalo, Cleave!
Start heaving, Cleave.
Les daré una paliza a los dos si comienzan un motín.
I'll cleave you to the ground, the both of you. Starting a mutiny around me.
No se me contagiarán.
It shall not cleave to me.
Si aceptas mis planes, llegado el momento tendrás tus honores.
You shall cleave to my consent, when'tis, it shall make honour for you.
¡ Sin compasión!
Cleave him to the brisket!
Le dio una buena tunda.
Cleave him to the brisket!
Ahora finge que me amas.
Now pretend you love my Cleave-To lipstick.
No comerás hasta que se caigan los pantalones.
You're not hungry until your stomach not cleave along Kiem.
Desde Atos podemos forzar sus líneas por ambos lados.
From Athos, we can cleave their lines from either side.
Kermit, ¿ tomas a esta mujer como tu legítima esposa en la salud y en la enfermedad, en la riqueza y en la pobreza en lo bueno y en lo malo, hasta que la muerte os separe?
Do you, Kermit, take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife to love and to cherish, to have and to hold, and forsaking all others will you cleave to her and to her only so long as you both shall live?
- Y tú, Gertrude, ¿ le tomas en la riqueza y en la pobreza, en lo bueno y en lo malo hasta que la muerte os separe?
- I will. - Do you, Gertrude, take this man to be your lawful wedded husband, to love and to cherish to have and to hold, and forsaking all others will you cleave to him and to him only so long as you both shall live?
Trepar un muro que nadie trepe De un dragón deshacerse
Climb a wall no one else can climb Cleave a dragon in record time.
Y Adán dijo : "Porque un hombre abandonará a sus padres, le será fiel a su esposa y serán dos en un solo cuerpo".
And Adam said "Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall be two in one flesh."
por lo tanto, tendrá que dividirse en dos.
It will therefore have to cleave you in twain.
- ¡ Os partirá en dos!
- He will cleave thee in twain.
- Sí, me partirá en dos.
- Yes. Cleave me in twain.
Cleave Morley. ¿ No recibiste mi carta rechazando tu participación?
Cleave Morley. You get a letter from me declining'your entry?
Se le pegará la lengua al paladar. Y hablará como una mujer, si se le presta atención.
His tongue shall cleave to the roof of his upper palate and he shall speak like a woman, if you watch him closely.
"Mátame. No gritaré."
"Cleave me apartl I shall not cry out."
Si estás de mi parte cuando ocurra, podrás ganar honor.
If you shall cleave to my consent, - when'tis it shall make honourforyou.
Déjanos aferrarnos a la gracia de tu resurrección.
Let us cleave to the grace of your resurrection.
Cosa como "la siembra y el cuello." Es una pena tirar. Las chicas?
The way I see it, you guys have got this black market body part transplant business where you take the arms and legs of young studs and you give'em to rich old fucks who can't hack it anymore you know, sort of a love "em and cleave'em"
Gracias, Cleve.
Thanks, Cleave.
Era Maureen Cleave.
It was Maureen Cleave.
¿ Que te mdeje?
I'm gonna cleave you?
¿ Podría el asistente de Presbury tener la habilidad necesaria de partir un diamante grande?
Would Presbury's assistant have the necessary skill to cleave a large diamond?
Su asociado lo ha usado, Winter el no tenía ninguna intención en permitirle dividir la piedra usted sirvió a su propósito.
Your associate has used you, Winter. He had no intention of allowing you to cleave the stone. You'd served your purpose.
¿ Puedo abrir una cabeza con esto?
This could cleave a man's skull.
inundaría de lágrimas la escena atronaría con su horrible recital los oídos del público enloquecería al culpable y horrorizaría al inocente confundiría al ignorante y suspendería, sin duda, la facultad de ver y oír.
He would drown the stage with tears and cleave the general ear with horrid speech make mad the guilty and appall the free confound the ignorant, and amaze indeed the very faculty of eyes and ears.
Y la espada más poderosa no pudo hender la medalla de la rectitud.
And the mightiest sword could not cleave the medal of righteousness.
Desmembrar un cuerpo requiere de mucha fuerza.
- To cleave the trunk.
Es el dinero de los dos, divídelo en dos partes.
It's piece of cake for me to cleave the brick in two.
Ese código de honor tuyo no te permite verlas morir.
That code of honor you cleave to wouldn't let you watch'em burn.
Que Violación y Muerte se queden o llamaré a mi hermano y no buscaré venganza ni a Lucio.
Let Rape and Murder stay with me, or else I'll call my brother back again... and cleave to no revenge but Lucius.
- "En el acto..." - "En el acto surcaría la bóveda celeste,"
- Then... - Then would I cleave the vault of heaven
Un hacha de ceremonias que se usaba hace mil años para matar a los infieles.
It's a ceremonial axe used a thousand years ago to cleave the skulls of unbelievers.
2 segundos antes, estaba tratando de clavar su gancho en tu pecho.
Two seconds earlier he was trying to jam his cleave into your chest.
Carne quemada, heridas de ganchos, todos asesinados por alienígenas.
Burnt flesh, cleave wounds. All of them murdered by aliens.
Los dedos se extienden formando un gancho que utilizan para alimentarse de la fuerza de vida humana.
The fingers extend to form a cleave that is used to feed on human lifeforce.
Los aliens me han atacado con una especie de dedo-gancho.
That asshole alien stab me with... some kind of finger cleave.
Smith se ha retirado de la escena después de su secuestro, pero eso no ha detenido a su creciente legión de fans bombardeando de pedidos a la'Iglesia de la Herencia de la Fe'requiriendo de sus servicios... y el buró turístico de Mayne reportó que Cleave Mills se ha transformado en una atracción turística
Announcer : Smith has retreated from public view since his recent abduction, but that hasn't stopped his growing legion of fans from bombarding the Faith Heritage Alliance with requests for his services. And the Main Tourist Bureau reports that Cleaves Mills is rapidly becoming a vacation destination.
¿ Concurrida? ¿ Cleave Mills?
Cleaves Mills?
Tu corazón está tan marchito como el de una solterona. Tu alma, tan seca como las páginas de Los Libros a Los que tan desesperadamente te pegas.
You may be young in years, but your heart is as shriveled as an old maid's, your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave.
".úãá ÷ ìùåðé ìçéëé "
"let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth,"
Todo el mundo en Cleave Mills sabe que usted...
Everyone in Cleaves Mills knows that you...
Va a inundar Cleave Mills.
It's gonna flood Cleaves Mills.
Marian, hija de sir Reginald Daguerre de Westlake... ¿ juras ante Dios Todopoderoso... Que aceptas a este hombre, Miles Folcanet, caballero de Derby...
Marian, daughter of Sir Reginald Daguerre of Westlake... do you swear before Almighty God... to take this man, Miles Folcanet, knight of Derby... as your lawful wedded husband... to have and to hold, to cleave to in the flesh... to love, honor and obey... for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health?
- Cleave.
Enseñé biología en Cleave Mills.
I used to teach high school biology at Cleaves Mills.
Cleave Mills...
Cleaves Mills.
En el suburbio de Cleave Mills...
- Downtown Cleaves Mills.

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