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Don перевод на английский

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No creo que se sentiría muy cómoda dirigiendo un movimiento para hallar al asesino de la hermana Cathy.
I don't think she would be really comfortable... spearheading a movement to... to find Sister Cathy's killer.
Porque no recuerdo mucho de las otras compañeras.
Because I don't remember a whole lot about the other classmates.
Temo que alguien recuerde algo sobre mí que yo no recuerdo.
I'm afraid someone will remember something about me that I don't remember.
Y todavía hay mucho que no recuerdo.
And there's an awful lot that I still don't remember.
Una persona a la cual no quiero acercarme.
One person I don't wanna go anywhere near.
porque no sé quién es el hermano Bob.
because I don't know who this Brother Bob is.
No recuerdo su rostro.
I don't remember the man's face.
Pero no sabemos quién.
But we don't know who.
Tres días antes de la boda, su hermana llamó y dijo : " No quiero que te cases con mi hermano.
Three days before the wedding actually was to take place, his sister called and she said, " I don't want you to marry my brother.
Hay cosas sobre Ed que no conoces ".
There's things about Ed you don't know. "
Y no sé por qué lo conservé.
And don't know why I kept it.
No tenemos nada que decirles ". Nosotras respetamos eso.
We don't have anything to tell you. " We sort of respected that.
No les levanto la mano.
I don't raise a hand to them.
Dijo : "No te preocupes".
He said, "Don't worry about it."
Los dos, este tipo llamado Skippy y mi cuñado Bill, estaban obsesionados con la Iglesia católica, pero no sé por qué.
The two of them, this guy named Skippy and my brother-in-law Bill, were obsessed with the Catholic Church, but I don't know why.
No conozco a muchas mujeres que tengan grandes bigotes gruesos, pero Skippy sí.
I don't know many women that have big thick mustaches, but Skippy did.
Yo no sé nada.
I don't know nothing.
Él dice : "¿ No la ves?".
He goes, "Don't you see her?"
No sé sobre Skippy.
I don't know about Skippy.
No podría decirte dónde está o si está muerto o no.
I couldn't tell you where he is or if he's dead or not, don't know.
No sé en dónde habría terminado si mi esposo no hubiera llegado a mi vida.
I don't know where I would have ended up if my husband hadn't come into my life.
No sé si está diseñado así o se dobló porque uno va hacia arriba y el otro, hacia abajo.
I don't know if it's designed like that or got bent, you know, in terms of the one going up and the one going down.
Y luego esta pieza es un colgante de estilo antiguo que creo que no han hecho en 30 años.
And then this piece is an old-style pendant thing that I don't even think they've made in 30 years.
LLAMADA GRABADA ENTRE ALAN HORN Y BRIAN SCHMIDT Usted no me conoce, pero su madre sugirió que lo llamara.
You don't know me, but your mother suggested that I call you.
Y sigo diciéndole al tío Bobby : "¿ Por qué no tiran eso aquí?".
And I kept saying to Uncle Bobby, "Why don't they just throw that in here?"
Mire, yo era un niño y no recuerdo que nadie fuera asesinado ni nada.
See, look, I was a kid and I don't remember no one getting murdered or nothing.
Sí. No tengo mi calendario enfrente, pero creo que puedo resolverlo.
I don't have my calendar in front of me, but I think I can work that out.
Pero siempre han sido del tipo anecdótico, o para usar el término "rumores", que no siempre confío como reportero.
But it's always been the kind of anecdotal, to use the term, "scuttlebutt" that I don't always trust as a reporter.
DEPARTAMENTOS CON JARDÍN Pero no los desecho necesariamente.
But I don't necessarily discount them.
Bueno, honestamente, no me conoces.
You know, I mean, because, honestly, you don't know me from Adam.
Quizá se conocen, quizá lo hicieron juntos.
Maybe they know each other, maybe they did it together. I don't know.
No creo que lo hiciera solo, pero fue parte de ello.
I don't think he did it alone, but he was part of it.
No conozco a Edgar y nunca escuché ese nombre, y he visto su foto y no me parece familiar.
I don't know Edgar and I never heard that name, and I've seen his picture and it doesn't look familiar to me.
No tengo idea.
I don't have the slightest idea.
No lo sé.
I don't know.
Hola, Pete, no creo que lo haya conocido, y...
Hi, Pete, I don't think I've ever met you, um, and, um...
Si esta conversación es algo que no quiere tener conmigo, lo entiendo.
If this conversation is something you don't wanna have with me, I'm okay with it.
Solo tiene curiosidad sobre su relación conmigo porque no la entiende, pero eso no tiene nada que ver con esto.
You're just curious about her relationship with me that you don't understand, but that's got nothing to do with this.
No sé de dónde lo sacó.
I don't know where he came up with that.
Parece un sueño o algo que no entiendo.
That sounds like a dream or... or something that I don't understand.
Pudo haber sido la Policía del Condado.
It might've been County. I don't know.
No sé dónde está nada ahora ".
I don't know where anything's at right now. "
Aún no conocemos la autopsia.
I mean, we don't know about the autopsy yet.
" ¿ Por qué no tomas una foto del cadáver así como está?
" Why don't you take a picture of the body as it is here?
No muevas nada.
Don't move anything.
Ni siquiera lo toques.
Don't even touch the body.
"Nancy dijo que no hagas eso porque nosotras saldremos perjudicadas por ello, porque las chicas y yo no te tendremos aquí".
"Nancy said don't do that, you know, because, you know... You know, it will be us who end up being hurt by it because me and the kids won't have you around."
No sé si podría controlarme ahora.
I don't know that I would be able to control myself now.
No se saca a alguien de un edificio, se lo mete en un auto, se lo lleva y no hay ningún registro.
You just don't take somebody out of a building, put him in a car, take him somewhere, and there's no paper trail.
No funciona así.
It don't work that way.
Cuando entregué las cosas, no sé qué pasó.
Once I turned things over... I don't know.

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