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Eat перевод на английский

97,140 параллельный перевод
Tal vez sólo puedes comer animales que acaban de morir.
Maybe you can only eat an animal if it's just been killed.
Gracias, policía, pero tú comes todos los días.
Thank you, food police. You eat every day.
- No me pude comer el gallo.
- [sighs] I couldn't eat the rooster.
- Por favor, cómete el pie.
- Please eat the foot.
- Por favor, cómelo.
- Please, eat it.
¡ Come el pie!
Eat the foot!
¡ Cómete el maldito pie!
Eat the foot! Eat the goddamn foot!
Vamos a matar gente para que te la puedas comer.
We're gonna kill people so you can eat them.
Bueno, ¿ cuántos bebés se puede comer una persona?
Well, how many babies can one guy eat?
- Todo lo que diga o coma será usado en su contra en el tribunal de justicia.
- Anything you say or eat will be used against you in the court of law.
Es por eso que tengo que comerlos.
That is why I have to eat them.
Incluso si está diciendo la verdad, qué se supone que hagamos, dejarlo que se coma... ¡ Mierda!
Even if he is telling the truth, what are we supposed to do, let him eat... Oh, crap.
Necesito algo para comer.
Need something to eat.
Quizás se los come o alimenta a sus amigos peludos del bosque.
Maybe he does eat them, or he feeds them to his furry forest friends.
Tú me sostuviste la cabeza y me hiciste comer arena.
You held my head down and you made me eat sand.
Todo lo que siempre como es pescado y verduras.
All I ever eat is fish and vegetables.
Bueno, obsesionarte con lo que vas a comer podría ser estresante.
Well, obsessing over what you're gonna eat could be stressful.
primero, te vamos a matar, y luego te vamos a comer. Luego vamos a ir a ese desfiladero donde tu familia cree que están escondidos y los vamos a matar y también nos los comeremos.
First we're gonna kill you... and then we're gonna eat you... and then we're gonna pay a little visit to that ravine over there where your family thinks they're hiding out and we're gonna kill them
Si no tienes cuidado, se tragará la tuya.
If you aren't careful, it'll eat yours too.
Oí que aquí es legal comer caballo.
I hear that horse is legal to eat here.
Muy bien. Ahora vamos a comer comida.
Okay, and now we get to eat food.
- Tómatela.
- Eat it.
Tómate la sopa.
Eat the soup.
No me las comeré.
I'm not gonna eat that.
Sí. Si le dijese que es lo devoraría todo y pediría más.
If you told him that rava ganavlis was chakapuli, he would eat it up and ask for seconds.
? I'll even eat a bean pie, I don't mind?
♪ I'll even eat a bean pie, I don't mind ♪
¿ Comieron bien?
Did they eat enough dinner?
¿ Comes mucho aquí?
You eat here a lot?
Una vez le vi comer cinta aislante. Directa del rollo.
I once watched him eat electrical tape right off the roll.
- No como una última comida, sólo, la comida final que podrán comer.
- Not like a last meal, just, uh, the final food you might ever eat.
Vamos a comer.
- Let's go get something to eat. - Okay.
¿ Ha comido algo?
Did he eat anything?
Puedes comértelo mientras esté caliente.
You can eat it while it's hot.
No te los comas todos de una.
Don't eat them all at once.
¿ Por qué los comiste todos si eran horribles?
Why did you eat them all if they were terrible?
Tu luz estaba encendida, tengo tu número de placa... nos llevas siete cuadras hasta el hospital... o voy a saltar por esta ventana y hacerte tragar tu maldito monedero.
Your light was on, I got your plate number... you take us seven blocks to the hospital or I'm going to jump through this window and make you eat your fucking coin purse.
Coman esas costillas, chicos.
Eat up those baby backs, guys.
No, quiero pasar el día en la cama en ropa interior y poder comer y pagar la renta.
Wrong, I just wanna spend all day in my undertrunks on my bed and still be able to eat and pay rent.
Dime que la viste comerse ese bicho.
Tell me you saw her eat that bug.
¿ Te sirvió comer papel?
Did it help to eat a bunch of paper?
Solo sabes lo que ceno seis veces por semana.
All you know is what I eat for dinner six nights a week.
¿ Qué comes?
What do you eat?
Cuéntame qué comes.
Tell me what you eat?
Espero que no se los comiera mi gato.
Hope my cat didn't eat them again.
- ¿ Quieres ir a comer?
- Hey, you wanna go eat?
Nos tiraremos en la playa y comeremos piña y estaremos solas juntas.
We'll just lie on the beach and eat pineapple and be alone together.
Me gusta esperar a comerlas con la hamburguesa.
I like to wait, so I can eat them with my burger.
Bueno, Andy, creo que tu postre es una maravilla, y he llegado al lugar donde si como algo más rico que esto, despertaré en medio de la noche y no podré volver a dormir.
Well, Andy, I think your dessert is wonderful, and I've gotten to the place where if I eat anything richer than this, I'll wake up in the middle of the night and I can't get back to sleep.
Voy a por algo para comer y nos vamos.
Gonna grab something to eat and then we'll go.
- No puedo comer esto. - Ni esto, ni esto.
Well, this, I can't eat.
- Correcto.
You can't eat anything, right? - Correct.

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