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Extrañó перевод на английский

267 параллельный перевод
- Lamento decepcionarte pero Sergei apenas te extrañó.
- Sorry to disappoint you but your Sergei hardly missed you at all.
No se preocupe, nadie me extrañó.
Don't worry, I wasn't missed.
¿ Por qué te extrañó que se enojara?
So why be surprised she got sore?
Papá escribe que me extrañó.
Dad writes that he misses me.
Me extrañó que me dijera que tenía que matar a un francés,... pero me había dado una orden.
Even though he was still French, he did things.
Tantos deseos tenía de vivir escondido que no me extrañó el no saber de Julio.
I wanted so much to live in hiding that I wasn't surprised I didn't know about Julio.
Me extrañó no verle en el funeral.
I didn't see him at the funeral.
Me extrañó ver al Dr. Serizawa en nuestra salida.
It was surprising to see Dr. Serizawa at our departure.
- ¿ No se extrañó cuando le pidió dinero?
It was no surprise when she asked me for a divorce.
Por eso me extrañó que me llamara el mes pasado.
So I thought it strange you called me last month.
Naturalmente, en esos momentos... me extrañó que estuviera toda vestida de noche, y con pendientes.
You know, in the heat of the moment... I was surprised she was dressed up. She even had her earrings in.
Y me extrañó enormemente.
And you missed me terribly.
¿ No Ie extrañó que muriese 6 semanas después de firmarse... una póliza de seguros de 50 mil dólares? - ¿ Sabe qué es coincidencia?
Didn't it seem even a little odd to you that he died so conveniently six weeks after a $ 50,000 policy was issued?
Mamita te extrañó, cariño.
Mommy missed you, sweetheart.
Mamita te extrañó.
Mommy missed you.
Cuando lo supe, algo más tarde, no me extrañó el desengaño que Fedora se llevó con Alberto.
Even when we came to know about it, later on it didn't surprise me that Fedora had been deluded when she was with Alberto.
Por eso me extrañó tu ausencia en mi recibimiento.
That is why I was surprised to note Your absence at my welcoming.
Y ni siquiera se extrañó de Alegre... y los hay mejores en una tienda de mascotas.
And the count even swallowed Joy Boy, and I can do better than that in a pet shop.
Eso es Io que me extrañó.
That's what struck me, too.
Pero Dios es piadoso, y en su piedad debe haber aceptado a este muchachito en su reino para encontrarse allí con su madre y su padre. ... a los que él amó y extrañó tanto.
But God is merciful, and in his mercy... he would have taken this little boy into his kingdom... there to join the mother and father... that he had loved and missed so much.
A papá no le extrañó que se fuera a París para vivir a su manera sin que nadie la molestara.
Dad was not surprised He left Paris to live their way without anyone bothering her.
Lo que me extrañó fue que volvimos en metro... Me dijo que su Bentley se recalentaba en los atascos.
I was surprised when we took the tube to go home, but he told me his Bentley tended to overheat in traffic jams.
- Extrañó a su mamá.
- She missed her mom.
¿ No te extrañó que no los volvieras a ver?
Did you ask yourself why you haven't seen them lately?
No la extrañó en absoluto?
Did you miss her at all?
Me extrañó.
At first I didn't know why.
Cuando el padrecito de usted se fue al extranjero, ella Io extrañó mucho.
She pined for your father very much when he went abroad.
Casi no había nadie en el entierro, y me extrañó.
Hardly anybody at the funeral. Surprising.
Pues me extrañó porque siempre andas en desacuerdo.
How strange, you never agree with anyone.
Cuando vi por primera vez lo del abuelo, me extrañó que pudiese llevar escondido algo tan grande.
There aren't any paper handkerchiefs Me, too, asked myself during my first night when I saw grandfather's, how this will work...
¿ Me extrañó?
Did he miss me?
Me extrañó... eran más duros...
They were really tough.
A mí también me extrañó en una mujer como ella.
It shook me too, a woman like that.
Por eso me extrañó tanto que se descontrolara en el quirófano y me sujetara, y me empujara.
That's why it struck me funny when you blew up in the operating room... and you grabbed me and pushed me.
- El del revólver de oro no lo extrañó.
I miss him. The Man with the Golden Gun didn't.
Solo me preguntaba si él estaba acostumbrado a que usted contestara en la oficina ¿ cómo no se extrañó cuando contestó desde la casa?
I was just wondering.. if Mr. Stafford was used to having you answer the phone in the office... why wasn't he surprised when you answered the phone in the house?
Nos extrañó mucho, pero así fue.
Well, we were surprised but it's a fact.
Me invitó a una cena de cumpleaños y eso me extrañó.
She gave a birthday dinner. She invited me. That was unusual
Si Héctor lo tenía al día... ¿ No le extrañó que quisiera quedarse y no acompañarle?
If Hector finished the books three days before he was killed, then why didn't you question him when he said... he wanted to stay behind to work on the books?
Nada me extrañó.
I didn't notice anything.
El Dr. Vogel no la extrañó hace 6 meses... cuando me extrajo la muela y no la extrañará ahora.
Well, if Dr. Vogel didn't miss it six months ago when I had my wisdom tooth out, he's not gonna miss it now.
- El no te extrañó.
- He didn't miss you. - Oh, well.
Una cosa más. Cuando llegó, ¿ le extrañó algo de él?
One thing, when he first appeared, did he seem peculiar?
Y esas dos palabras, tan evidentes en una página vacía, por eso me extrañó que no las haya notado.
And those two words just staring up at you from a blank page, that's why I wondered why you didn't notice them.
- ¿ Me extrañó alguien?
- Anybody miss me?
- Sí, Riley te extrañó.
- Yeah, Riley missed you.
Estoy seguro que él también te extrañó, Harold.
I'm sure he missed you, too, Harold.
- Me extrañó que los animales...
I was just surprised that all the animals there were...
Sí, eso me extrañó un poco.
Yes, I did wonder about that bit.
Por eso me extrañó lo de esta mañana.
That's why it was so strange this morning.
¡ Ya me extrañó sacar tan pocas patatas!
Less than half of this No wonder we harvest so few this year

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