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Moriarty перевод на английский

708 параллельный перевод
Me corresponde a mí ahora contar por primera vez lo que ocurrió entre el señor Sherlock Holmes y el profesor Moriarty en ese año fatídico.
It lies with me now to tell for the first time what took place between Mr. Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarity in that fateful year.
Estaba satisfecho por haber reconocido a uno de los agentes del profesor Moriarty.
I was satisfied that I had recognized one of. Professor Moriarity's agents.
¿ Moriarty?
Sí, profesor Moriarty.
Yes, Professor Moriarity.
Me ha hecho varios cumplidos, señor Moriarty.
You have paid me several compliments. Mr. Moriarity.
Durante años me he esforzado en atravesar el velo que lo envolvía y por fin he cogido el hilo y lo he seguido hasta el mismo Moriarty.
For years I have endeavored to break through the veil which shrouded him and at last I have seized a thread and followed it to Moriarity himself.
Sí, pero ¿ no tendrá que ocuparse del profesor Moriarty primero?
Yes, but won't we have to dispose of. Professor Moriarity first?
Veo que este expreso conecta con el barco, así que creo que nos hemos deshecho de Moriarty completamente.
I see that this express runs in connection with the boat so I think we've shaken off Moriarity very effectively.
Debemos darle a Moriarty algo que seguir.
We must give Moriarity something to follow.
Toda la banda encerrada, sólo Moriarty escapó a la trama, firmado, Mycroft.
All gang safely secured, only Moriarity escaped the net, signed Mycroft.
Moriarty dedicará todas sus energías a vengarse de mí, y si tengo compañía...
Moriarity will devote all his energies to taking his revenge upon me and if I have a companion...
Mi querido Watson, escribo estas pocas líneas por cortesía del señor Moriarty que espera a que esté dispuesto para la discusión final de esas cuestiones que se interponen entre nosotros.
My Dear Watson, I write these few lines through the courtesy of Mr. Moriarity who awaits my convenience for the final discussion of those questions which lie between us.
"EI fin de Moriarty".
I think I shall entitle my memoirs of these adventures the end of Moriarity.
Un título excelente, Watson... pero hemos de procurar que no sea Moriarty... quien escriba las memorias.
An excellent title, Watson, but we must arrange that it isn't Moriarity who's left to write the memoirs. Huh?
- Buenas noches Profesor Moriarty.
Good evening Professor Moriarity. Welcome, Holmes.
Moriarty, esto no se trata de un simple crimen.
Moriarity, this is no simple crime that you contemplate.
Vamos, este no es el Profesor Moriarty... el rey del crimen que una vez conocí.
Oh, come now. This is not the Professor Moriarity, the master criminal I once knew.
Quería titularla "EI final del Profesor Moriarty".
He intended to call it the end of Professor Moriarity.
Esperaba forzar a Moriarty a llevar a Tobel a otro escondite.
He hopes to frighten Moriarity into rushing Tobel into another hiding place.
Moriarty está muerto, se lo aseguro.
Moriarity's dead, I tell you.
A Moriarty le hubiera encantado.
Moriarity would have been delighted.
¿ EI Profesor Moriarty está vivo?
So Professor Moriarity is alive.
EI Profesor Moriarty también dispone del código... y supongo que con su habilidad podrá descifrarlo.
Professor Moriarity also has the code and we must allow for his ability to decipher it.
Hemos de encontrar a esos tres hombres antes que Moriarty.
We must get to the first three men before Moriarity does.
Este hombre lleva muerto al menos dos horas... y Moriarty no pierde el tiempo.
This man has been dead for at least two hours and Moriarity isn't wasting any time. Hello?
Moriarty ha empezado muy bien y dispone del código.
Moriarity's got a big start and he's got the code?
Naturalmente Moriarty tampoco ha averiguado el cuarto código.
Obviously Moriarity hasn't broken the fourth code either.
Nos llevará a Moriarty y el Sr. Holmes.
Leading us to Moriarity and Mr. Holmes.
Estaré consciente mucho después de su muerte, Moriarty.
I shall be conscious long after you're dead, Moriarity. Ahh.
Si Moriarty oye un tiro, matará a Holmes.
If Moriarity hears a shot he'll kill Holmes. You keep an eye on the boat.
Las habitaciones de Moriarty deben estar arriba.
Moriarity's rooms must be up here.
¿ Sabe? Este caso me recuerda a otro muy similar. Cuando descubrí las fechorías del profesor Moriarty.
You know this rather reminds me of a very similar account when I brought about the undoing of the notorious Professor Moriarty.
Si lo recuerda, el profesor Moriarty era un virtuoso del fagot.
As a matter of fact, the late Professor Moriarity was a virtuoso on the bassoon.
¿ No ser referirá al Profesor Moriarty?
You don't mean Professor Moriarity?
Pero yo juego mi reputación a que Moriarty está vivo aquí y ahora.
But I'll stake my reputation that Moriarity is alive and here.
Profesor Moriarty.
Oh. Professor Moriarity.
Profesor Moriarty.
Professor Moriarity.
Era el mismísimo Profesor Moriarty.
Was Professor Moriarity himself.
¿ Dejó ir a Moriarty por mi culpa?
And you let Moriarity go because of me?
¿ Cómo consigue Moriarty que estén en la escena del crimen?
How does Moriarity get them to the scene of the crime?
Profesor Moriarty y sus asesinos.
Professor Moriarity and his finger murderers.
Uno de la pandilla de Moriarty.
One of Moriarity's gang.
Usted no pensará que Moriarty...
You don't think that Moriarity...
Con Moriarty.
With Moriarity.
Tal vez pueda inducirla para que me lleve con Moriarty.
Perhaps I can induce her to take me to Moriarity.
¡ Profesor Moriarty!
Professor Moriarity!
El coronel Sebastian Moran es el colaborador más siniestro, despiadado y diabólicamente inteligente de nuestro amigo el Profesor Moriarty.
Well then as you know, Colonel Sebastian Moran was the most sinister, ruthless and diabolic, clever henchmen of our late but unlamented friend, Professor Moriarity.
Moriarty nos cogerá allí.
Moriarity will catch us there.
¡ Quieto Moriarty!
Stay still, Moriarity.
Pobre Moriarty.
Poor Moriarity.
En efecto, un Moriarty femenino.
Definitely, a female Moriarity.

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