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Translate.vc / испанский → английский / Quizâ

Quizâ перевод на английский

95 параллельный перевод
Quizâ sea ésta.
Maybe this is the service entrance.
- Quizâ esto es lo que buscas.
- l have a few little baubles here.
Quizâ sería mejor no ir
Perhaps it would be better not to go
Déjalos irse, nosotros nos quedaremos aquí Tengo miedo. Quizâ nos maten
Let them go, but we'll stay here I'm afraid.
Quizâ cinco para tener el punto de Sowinski.
Maybe just about five to get the point by Sowinski.
Quizâ las noticias que traigo no sean tan bienvenidas.
The news I bring may not be so welcome.
Quizâ deberíamos hablar de ello en otra ocasión.
Perhaps we should talk about it at another time.
Quizâ el tiempo ya se acabó.
Perhaps time has already run out.
- Quizâ aprecie oírlo.
- Yet I might like to hear it.
- Quizâ en otro momento en otro lugar.
- Perhaps in a different time at a different place.
Quizâ debido a que para él no tiene importancia.
Perhaps because, to him, it is of no consequence.
Quizâ él lo ha visto.
Maybe he seen him.
Quizâ podamos hacer algo por ellos.
Perhaps we can do something for them.
Quizâ un día le deje pagar la deuda que su padre le debe a este hombre.
And may perhaps one day permit you to pay the debt your father owed to this man.
- Quizâ uno de esos vagabundos.
- Probably one of those drifters.
Quizâ a algunos se les ocurra pasar a visitarlos esta noche.
Now, some of them might just take it into their heads to pay you a visit tonight.
Quizâ tenga razón.
She's probably right.
Quizâ elegí la profesión equivocada al salirme.
Maybe I went into the wrong business when I came out.
Quizâ deberíamos irnos.
Maybe we should go.
Quizâ deberíamos alentar esta creencia.
Perhaps we should be encouraging them in this belief.
- Quizâ haya maneras...
- Perhaps there are ways...
Quizâ, si me distancio de mi pueblo un tiempo yo pueda oír su palabra y obedecer.
Perhaps if I can distance myself from my people for a while I can hear his word and obey.
Quizâ el amor de Rani por él es el camino hacia la paz entre nuestros dos pueblos.
Perhaps Rani's love for him is the very way towards peace between our two peoples.
Quizâ debería admirarlo por eso.
Perhaps I should admire him for that.
Quizâ no crees en eso.
Perhaps you don't believe in that.
¡ Quizâ no podré escapar a la sombra eterna de los tiempos!
Perhaps I shall not escape the time of eternal darkness!
Quizâ, en la silenciosa colina se erigirá la apacible tumba de Ruslan y las resonantes cuerdas del gusli del bardo no hablarán de él
Perhaps, on the silent hill Ruslan's quiet tombstone will be erected and the resounding strings of the bayan's gusli will not speak of him!
Quizâ descansemos allí y nuestras desgracias pasarán
Perhaps we shall rest there and our grief shall pass
Quizâ usted pueda ayudarnos.
Perhaps you're the man who can help us.
Quizâ sepas que las tribus de Israel decidieron pedirle a Dios un rey.
Perhaps you know that the tribes of Israel have decided to ask God for a king.
Quizâ sea él.
Perhaps he's the one.
Quizâ semejante héroe quiera ser mi yerno desposar a mi hija.
Perhaps such a hero wants to be my son-in-law marry my daughter.
Quizâ es el modo en que la formulaste.
Perhaps it is the way you ask it.
Quizâ nunca vuelva a verlo.
Perhaps I shall never see him again.
Quizâ aquellos a quienes Dios más ama en quienes deposita sus dones es a quienes más severamente castiga.
Perhaps it is those who God loves the most those on whom he lavishes his gifts that he punishes the most severely.
Quizâ encontremos a alguien que simpatice con nosotros.
Maybe we'll find someone who sympathizes with us up there.
- Quizâ te necesite para cerrarlo.
- I may need help shutting it.
Quizâ más.
Maybe more.
Quizâ esto tenga algo que ver con la desaparición del barco.
It may have to do with the reason this ship disappeared when it did.
Quizâ no estás listo para casarte, Greer.
Maybe you're not quite ready to get married, Greer.
Quizâ Santos se apresuró demasiado o no selló bien los empaques.
Maybe Santos rushed the engines, didn't seal up the gaskets right...
¡ Quizâ todavía salgamos de esta!
We may just get out of this yet.
Quizâ tenga suerte ".
Might get lucky. "
Quizâ la más común de ellas la he oído en todas partes, y dice algo así :
Probably the most common theory women have about men I bet I've heard this one in every state, goes something like this :
Quizâ hasta Io disfrute.
You may enjoy that.
- Quizâ tenga razón.
- She's probably right.
Quizâ le ayude a recordar.
Maybe that will help him remember.
Quizâ tome otros cinco minutos.
It'll be maybe five more minutes.
Quizâ tengas un plan.
Maybe you got a plan there.
Quizâ toda esta "falla eréctil" es la forma de Dios de castigarme.
Maybe this whole "erectile misfiring" is God's way of punishing me.
Quizâ ahora esté en el cielo contando mis semillas. 138, 139 140...
- Stop, stop!

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