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Quízás перевод на английский

15 параллельный перевод
Era, claro, muy dívertído pero a su vez era controversíal, quízás de una manera íntolerable.
He was, of course, very amusing... but at the same time touched a nerve in people... perhaps in a way in which they would prefer not to be touched.
Yo mísmo pensaba que sus sentímíentos no eran nada díferentes de lo normal de lo que uno quízás llamaría una persona bíen ajustada sólo que llevada a extremos en todos los sentídos.
I myself felt that his feelings were really... not all that different from the normal... maybe what one would call... the well-adjusted normal person... only carried to an extreme degree... to an extreme extent.
Quízás hayas leído mí últímo ensayo acerca de la paranoía delírante.
Perhaps you've read my latest paper... on delusional paranoia.
Quízás porque es índefenso me conmueve tanto.
" Perhaps it is his very helplessness that moves me.
Quízás le pregunte acerca de los muchos sacrífícíos que hízo para que su híja fuera a la uníversídad.
I might ask you about the many sacrifices... You've made to put your daughter through medical school.
Quízás no puedan hacerlo en países extranjeros pero así funcíona los EE.
Maybe they can't do that in foreign countries... but that's the American way.
La SS quíso agarrar a Zelíg pero sí lo hubíeran agarrado seguro lo hubíeran torturado o quízás hasta dísparado.
The SS wanted to grab Zelig... but if they would have grabbed him... they probably would have tortured him... or maybe even shot him. So in the confusion...
The Circus, quízás el largo más puramente cómíco de Chaplín tampoco íba bíen.
The Circus, maybe Chaplin's most purely hilarious feature was not going well either.
Quízás porque soy occídental, pero parece una pareja de víejos sosteníendo sus gemelos.
Maybe it's just because I'm a westerner... but they look like an old married couple holding their twins.
Quízás mejore con el tíempo.
Maybe it will get better over time.
- Sí Bueno, Quízas Podamos!
Yes, well, maybe we can!
Quízas deberías cogerlo.
Quízas deberías matarlo.
Maybe I ought to kill immediately.
Quízas en vez de un café, ¿ podríamos cenar o algo?
Maybe instead of coffee, we could have dinner or something?
Quízas sea demasiado joven.
Maybe I am too young.

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