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Took перевод на русский

149 параллельный перевод
~ He took her down to Chinatown
He took her down to Chinatown
La llevó al médico, le cosió su brazo otra vez.
Took her to the doctor, sewed her arm on again
"Me volví en el lugar equivocado a E no puede ir a casa."
I took a wrong turn and I just can't go home.
"Tomamos lo que había y todo sin envasar."
We took what we had and we ripped it apart.
Una noche se la cortó y la tiró por la ventana.
At night took it right off and threw out the window.
Se marcharon. ¿ Se lo puede creer?
They just took off. Can you believe that?
Era mi última oportunidad de ser feliz.
# He took my last chance of happiness #
Era mi última oportunidad de ser feliz.
# She took my last chance of happiness #
Era mi última oportunidad de ser feliz
# She took my last chance of happiness #
" Tomé un viaje en tren
" I took a trip on a train
It's like someone went into the ape cage and took out the tire swing.
Это похоже на то, как будто кто-то зашел в клетку к обезьяне и вытащил оттуда качели.
La pastilla para dormir que tomé fue una perdida de tiempo...
The sleeping pill I took was just a waste of time
" Yo quiero saber quién es el hijo de puta que tomó este magnífico avión diseñado para bombardear desde 7000 metros y lo bajó y perdí a mi piloto de flanco.
"Goddamn it, I'd like to know who the son of a bitch was что приказал этим великолепным самолётам, разработанным, чтобы бомбить с 23,000 футов... ... that took this magnificent airplane, designed to bomb from 23,000 feet спуститься на 5000 футов, из-за чего, я потерял моего ведомого... ... and he took it down to 5000 feet, and I lost my wingman который был обстрелян и сбит."... he was shot and killed. "
El Servicio Secreto me metió a la casa por atrás.
Служба Безопасности провела меня в Белый Дом со служебного входа. The Secret Service took me in the house by the back way.
Llevamos el cadáver a la Casa Blanca a las 4 : 00 a.m.
Мы привезли тело в Белый Дом около 4-ёх часов утра... We took the body to the White House about whatever it was, 4a.m. и позвонили руководителю Арлингтонского Кладбища.
Se giró hacia mí, me cogió de la mano y dijo...
- And she turned around and took me by the hand and said
# That took me by surprise
# Это берет меня врасплох
I never took that view. I always thought if it was a bad interview it was my fault.
Я всегда считаю, если интервью не удалось, это моя ошибка.
And you took the piss out of my cars too.
А еще ты обсмеиваешь мои машины.
And they took off the thing and it was a Vauxhall Cavalier convertible, which I thought was fine, and all the men with wigs in the audience went "hehehehehehe".
Все поняли прикол, и это был кабриолет Vauxhall Cavalier, который мне казался прекрасным, и все мужики с париками в аудитории "хи-хи-хи-хи-хи-хи".
I took your advice, Balaban.
Я последовал твоему совету, Балабан.
Te estaba tomando el pelo el otro día con lo de que consiguieses un trabajo, pero te lo tomaste en serio.
You know, I-I was ribbing you the other day about getting a job, but you took it seriously.
Dile a Jackson que siento el retraso.
Tell Jackson I'm sorry it took me so long.
Llevó toda una vida, pero sólo quiero decir Que siento haberlo empezado todo. Es sólo que me enfadó muchísimo
Took on a life of its own, but i just want to say что мне жаль, что я начал это в первую очередь.
You took me for everything that I had Me quitaste todo lo que tenía.
* Ты забрала у меня все, что я имел *
* I won't rot * * and I took you by the hand * * and we stood tall * * and remembered our own land * * what we lived for * * there will come a time you'll see * * No mas lagrimas * * y el amor no rompera tu corazón * * pero olvida tus miedos *
* и землю нашу вспоминали * * что мы жили для * * наступит время и ты увидишь * * не будет больше слез * * и любовь не разобьёт твоё сердце * * но отклоняют твои страхи *
Shane, robó tu cepillo y lo llevó al laboratorio para una prueba de paternidad.
Shane, uh, stole your brush and took it to the lab for a paternity test.
Lo llevé a los baños.
I took him to the baths.
Ese idiota grosero ni siquiera apagaba su Bluetooth.
The rude asshole never even took off his Bluetooth.
¡ Ya he tenido bastante de ti! Risin'up, back on the street, did my time, took my chances...
Как ты меня достала! Вали отсюда, ага, давай.
Ella no quería hacer el trabajo, así que tomó un atajo.
She didn't want to put in the work, so she took a shortcut.
* Took me away from sight *
* * * * *
Se hizo cargo cuando nos fuimos.
He took over when we left.
¿ Su ayudante, el chico que se hizo cargo de su ritual
Your helper, the kid that took over your ritual
Yo me hice cargo de él, hice que se desenganchara, le enseñe a distinguir el bien del mal.
I took him in, got him clean, taught him right from wrong.
¿ Se llevaron el cerebro y dejaron la cabeza?
They took the brain and left the head?
Quiere que pensemos que sacó a Julio por la puerta delantera.
He wants us to think that he took Julio out the front door.
Y a katook-took del Yukón.
Ну и, конечно, юконскому эскимосу
Así que, mientras trabajaba ahí, tomé ovulos y polen, los combiné en una semilla, y los puse en mi vid, y bien, seis años después...
в то время когда я там работал, I took ova and pollen, combined them into a seed, placed them on my tetrastigma vine, и вот спустя 6 лет... а, вот и он.
El hospital tomó un panel de la sangre.
The, uh, hospital took a blood panel.
Sí, me llevó a un club nocturno.
Yeah, she took me to an after-hours club.
Ella se separó.
She took off.
Tomamos clases de actuación juntas.
We took an acting class together.
Lo matamos.
We took him out.
Y cuando dejó caer que era la señora Peacock con la tubería de plomo en el salón de baile, bueno, entendí el mensaje y...
And when she suggested it was Mrs. Peacock with the lead pipe in the ballroom, well, I took the hint and... became a man.
Si coges al mismo tío, contando la misma historia, lo pones en la esquina de la calle con un carrito de la compra, sería un viejo loco farfullando.
If you took the same guy, telling the same story, put him on the street corner with a shopping cart, he'd be a babbling old fool.
Un milagro milagroso
God took a Daniel once again
Maravilla de maravillas
God took a tailor by the hand
Pero él hizo los cambios.
He took the B-29s down to 5000 feet и он решил бомбить зажигательными бомбами. But, anyhow, that's what he did.
Took time.
Нужно время.
It took Margaret Thatcher ten years to achieve that level of unpopularity with the youth of society.
— ћ ≈'

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