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Even перевод на турецкий

285 параллельный перевод
Cómo puedo aún intentarlo?
How can l even try?
Incluso estos.
Even these.
Me gustaría saldar cuentas contigo.
I'd like to even things up.
"... but we might even leave the U.S.A. "
"... but we might even leave the U.S.A. "
"Some of you are not even listening."
"Some of you are not even listening."
Tu bolso es la madre Tierra, con todos sus grandes misterios y tesoros en el interior que ella no quiere entregar.
- Çantam - Even çantan dünya Kimseye vermek istemediği gizemli güzellikleri olan dünya
# Even... If we stay together # Our whole lifetime through
* Hatta beraber olsak... * * tüm hayatımız boyunca *
# Even if we stay together
* Beraber olsak bile * - Her an GooGoo anıdır.
# Even if we stay together # Our whole lifetime through
* Hatta beraber olsak... * * tüm hayatımız boyunca *
A mí me parece todo demasiado bonito.
Nothing is missing. I think everything looks even too beautiful
~ I didn't even know you, you couldn't have been too much more than ten ~ I ain't no psychiatrist I ain't no doctor with degree ~ It don't take too much high IQ to see what you're doing to me
ldidn't even knowyou, you couldn't have been too much more than ten lain't nopsychiatrist lain't no doctor with degree lt don't take too much high lQ to see whatyou're doing to me
Ni siquiera sabría cómo rellenar el informe.
I wouldn't even know how to fill out the forms on that.
♫ Cos even the lone stars, they get lonesome,... ♫...
"Çünkü kimsesiz ve yalnız yıldızlar, nerdeyse... "...
♫ Even the lone stars, they get lonesome,... ♫...
"Çünkü kimsesiz ve yalnız yıldızlar, nerdeyse... " Benim gibi yalnız bir adam kadar ıssızdırlar
♫ Even the lone stars, they get lonesome... ♫...
"Çünkü kimsesiz ve yalnız yıldızlar nerdeyse... " Benim gibi yalnız bir adam kadar ıssızdırlar
Oh, si.
No teníamos ni siquiera en la cafetería.
They didn't even have him to the cafe.
Sin embargo es mi raison d'être.
Even so, she is my raison d'être.
Though the snow lay round about deep and crisp and even
Her yerde kar vardı Derin ve çıtır çıtır
Y ni siquiera ellos saben lo que están haciendo
And them not even knowing they're doing it.
Incluso la orden de restricción de mis padres no fue un obstáculo.
Even the restraining order my parents shapped on him was no deterrent.
El rey de los ineptos.
Oscar Mayer even. Foot-long!
Incluso decir, "Wunderbar"
# Even say, "Wunderbar" #
Incluso digo, "Wunderbar"
# Even say, "Wunderbar" #
# # And Before I Even Argue # #
# # Daha ben itiraz bile etmeden # #
- No.
- Even.
- ¿ Aunque signifique perderlo?
- Even if it means losing him?
No puedo hacerlo, aunque quisiera.
I can't do that, even if I wanted to.
Incluso su aspecto es distinto, ¿ verdad?
He even looks different, doesn't he?
¡ Hasta el nombre suena a rebajas!
Adı bile Orbach kokuyor. ( Orbach bir aşağılama ama sözlükte bulamadım ) Even the name reeks of Orbach's!
Más grande que Evel Knievel y el Derby de Kentucky en el mismo día.
Even Knievel'ın ve Kentucky Koşusu'nun aynı günde olmasından bile büyük.
No hacer él even conseguir Tanta carne sobre él.
Yeterince eti bile yok.
Después de que la vez pasada, I no even Quiera conseguir near su puerta principal.
Son seferden beri ön kapısına yaklaşmak bile istemedim.
Even Lord Rama had to lift Lord Shiva's bow, to win Sita.
Tanrı Rama bile Sitay'yı kazanarak Tanrı Shiva'nın boyununu yukarı kaldırdı.
Y ni siquiera tengo una foto de él.
I don't even have a picture of him.
- Apenas puedo levantarlo.
I could barely even lift it now.
Maybe even showing it downstairs this time.
Belki bu sefer alt katta bile olabilir.
You can't even take off the shrink-wrap to play what I gave you.
Sana oynaman için verdiğim şiyin jelatinini bila çıkarmamışsın.
" Deep and crisp and even
" Her yeri kapladığında
Lo que me hace pensar, que si existe algun Dios... si es que hay un castigo para todos nuestros pecados
Kind of makes you wonder if there even is a Lord... if there is ultimate punishment for our so-called sins.
Hasta los jovenes!
Incluso los hombre jovenes se tropiezan y se caen!
l got these from America - they don't even fuckin'work.
Bunnarı America'dan aldım siktiklerim hareket etmiyolar bile.
Ni siquiera su esposa o su abogado conocían los detalles.
Not even his wife or his lawyer know the specifics.
- ¡ Sí! - Escuchen.
Even sonuna geldik artık.
Solo piensan en el dinero.
l sometimes even thought that...
La próxima vez fallarás aún menos
# # Next time you'll bumble even less
¿ Demasiado bonito?
I think everything looks even too beautiful Çok mu fazla güzel?
En el futuro even que no quiere sea bastante.
İleride... o bile yetmeyecek.
Veamos aquí.
We can even check over here.
Feel no shame about shape. Weather changes the phrase. Even mother will show you another way.
* Veda *

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