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Never перевод на турецкий

531 параллельный перевод
Never. ( Nunca )
¿ Si te vas como hizo mi padre, quién protegerá a mi hija? ¡ François must never find out.
" Eğer sen de babam gibi böyle gideceksen, kızımı kim koruyacak?
Pero ahora has mordido el anzuelo y nunca te podrás soltar...
# But today you're the sucker for the shiny hook # # And you'll never wriggle off You can bet your bottom fin #
Oh, nunca hubo un hombre como el viejo T.C.
# Oh, there never was a man like old T.C. #
¡ Oh, nunca hubo un hombre como el viejo T. C!
# Oh, there never was a man like old T.C. #
Si no está ya muerto, no podrán encontrarle nunca.
If he ain't dead by this time, they ain't never gonna get him.
Jamás hubo un hombre
# There was never a man # ( # Yok böyle biri # )
Nunca podría encontrar otro como éste.
I could never find another like this one.
Cuando era joven, mucho más joven que hoy. Nunca necesité ayuda de nadie, de ningún modo.
When l was younger, so much younger than today l never needed anybody's help in any way
Pero ahora que me siento tan inseguro. Se que te necesito como nunca antes.
But ev'ry now and then l feel so insecure l know that l just need you like l've never done before
Nunca podré ganar.
l can never win
Ya que nunca sería libre mientras yo estuviese cerca.
For she would never be free When l was around
Te amo todo el tiempo y nunca te dejaré.
Love you all the time and never leave you
Por favor recuerda lo que siento por ti. Realmente nunca podría vivir sin ti.
Please remember how l feel about you l could never really live without you
El radar está estropeado, no importa.
Radar's broken! Never mind.
- Nunca señor.
- Never, sir.
- Nunca se quita el sombrero. - Que maravilla.
He never takes his hat off.
No importa, no importa.
Never mind. Try again.
Así no hay quien haga nada.
No wonder l never get anything done.
Cuando era joven, mucho más joven que hoy. Nunca necesité ayuda de nadie de ningún modo.
When l was younger, so much younger than today l never needed anybody's help in any way
Cuando era joven, mucho más joven que hoy, Nunca necesité la ayuda de nadie de ningún modo.
When l was younger, so much younger than today l never needed anybody's help in any way
Si empiezo a hablar, I never stop.
Konuşmaya bir başlarsam bir daha duramayacağımdan korktum. İçimi tamamen dökeceğimi düşündüm.
No debes quitarme Mi viejo bambú
# # You better never bother with me ol'bamboo
Pero no debes quitarme Mi viejo bambú
# # You better never bother with me ol'bamboo!
Nunca jamás te vayas lejos
# # Never, never, ever go away
Ese error no lo volverás a cometer
- # # That mistake you'll never make again - # # No, sir
No hice mucho por la guerra, Nunca Sonreiré De nuevo por esto pedí ser transferido a Inteligencia.
Svaş sırasında oturup "I'll Never Smile Again" çalmak pek hoşuma gitmedi. Ben de istihbarata geçmeyi talep ettim.
♪ So make your choice and we'll rejoice in never being free ♪
# Öyleyse yapın seçiminizi de Keyif verelim size
♪ I sing the praise of never change ♪
# Bense değişmemeyi öve öve bitiremem
Pero puedo recordar muy bien que nunca soñamos.. ... repartirnos tanto entre todos.
But I can remember when we never dreamed of splitting this much up among the bunch of us.
"I'm going to someplace, where I've never been before."
"I'm going to someplace, where I've never been before."
"'I never died,'said he. "
"I never died,'said he."
"Says Joe,'What they can never kill,"
"Says Joe,'What they can never kill,"
"Well, I never come up alive."
"... with a little help from my friends. " " Well, I never come up alive. "
Se llama "I Never Get Enough."
Adı "I Never Get Enough"
# I never get enough I never get enough
* Hiç doymam * * Hiç doymam *
# I'll never get enough I'll never get enough
* Hiç doymam * * Hiç doymam *
# I'll never get enough of you
* Hiç doymam sana *
# But I could never make it pay
* Ama hiç kazanamadım para *
# I never get enough
* Hiç doymam * - GooGoo, mükemmel şeker...
Never make you blue, I'd be so sweet to you... 0ye, Finn, qué afortunado tener una chica como Lola.
Hey, Finn, Lola gibi müthiş bir kıza sahip olduğun için şanslısın.
No importa.
Never mind.
- No te preocupes.
- Never you mind.
Pero no debes quitarme Mi viejo bambú
# # But you better never bother with me ol'bamboo
Siempre harán todo por mí Un insulto nunca me soltarán
# # They'll always give their all for me, they'll never let me down
Así que, cada vez que Te equivoques, nunca te quejes
# # So every time you stumble, never grumble
Nunca adivinaré qué magia te hizo mío
# # I never will divine what magic made you mine
"At the hop..."
"... we can rock to and fro and never let go, at the hop, hop, hop. "
"... we can rock to and fro and never let go, at the hop, hop, hop. "
"When the records are playing, people eat a lot of chicken..."
"I'll tell, never say it any more."
"I'll tell, never say it any more."

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