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Things перевод на турецкий

241 параллельный перевод
Como si las cosas no fueran complicadas para ti.
lf things aren't complicated for you, you become suspicious.
Cuando pienso en las cosas que hicimos me dan ganas de llorar.
When l think of things we did it makes me wanna cry
Las cosas que tenemos que hacer en estos países paganos.
The things we have to do in these heathen countries.
Y me pregunto por qué se molestan
# # Things go asunder and I wonder why you bother
♪ And things that go with a life of style ♪
# Bir de şıklığa uyanları
♪ They say time can fix things by itself ♪
# Zaman her şeyin ilacıdır derler
♪ Of castles and kings and things ♪
# Şatoların, kralların şarkılarını
Me gustaría saldar cuentas contigo.
I'd like to even things up.
"... walking in a hall with his things and all... "
"... walking in a hall with his things and all... "
# I got a lot of things to share
* Paylaşacak çok şeyim var *
# A lot of things then
* Birçok şeyi o zaman *
# If you won't take the things you make me wanna give
* Vermek istediklerimi almak istemiyorsan eğer *
- En cualquier caso su capacidad operativa es inaudita y por supuesto serviría para despejar esa escotilla pero debo recalcar que está en experimentación
Evet, Sanrım öyle. It's supposed to do a lot of things, and clearing the earth off an escape hatch could certainly be one of them. Vurgulamama izin verin, efendim, Hala deney aşamasındal.
~ But I was gonna change that, I'm not if you keep doing things I don't
But l wasgonna change that, l'm not ifyou keep doing things ldon't
~ But I was gonna change my mind if you keep doing things I don't
But l wasgonna change my mind ifyou keep doing things ldon't
~ All the things I'm missin'
All the things l'm missin'
~ He gave her things that she was needin'
Hegave herthings thatshe wasneedin'
Quiero que tomes tus cosas.
What I want you to do is get your things.
Escucha, quiero que tomes todas tus cosas.
Now listen, what I want you to do is get your things together.
You better hear what I say We do things my way, you rat, you
d Söylediğimi dinlesen iyi olur d d İşer benim istediğim gibi olur seni sıçan d
Do you believe me now when I say We do things my way
d Şimdi bana inanıyorsun değil mi d d Çünkü herşey benim istediğim gibi olur d
We did things... My... My way
d Biz herşeyi... d d Benim - - d d İstediğim gibi yapardık d
The things I ask you to do
# Senden yapmanı istediğim şeylerin
Just anticipatin' The things That she never, never
# Dört gözle bekliyor # daha önce # hiç ama hiç # hiç sahip olmadığı şeyleri
And do all the things I told you
# Ve sana söylediğim herşeyi yapıcam
Por ahí pongo un par de solos, como Coltrane en "Mis cosas favoritas."
Coltrane'nin'My Favorite Things.'de yaptığı gibi uzun solalar atabiliriz.
"This Things I Believe".
"İnandığım Şu Beyler."
Joe, ¿ cómo puede ver todo con esas cosas puestas?
Joe, how can you see anything with those things on?
Es simplemente la forma en que las cosas se dan.
It's just the way things fell out.
Dijo las cosas vienen, y las cosas van
# Said things may come, and things may go #
Dijo las cosas vienen, y las cosas van
# He says, things may come, and things may go #
# # Many Things # #
# # Konuşurken # #
Verad me dijo que usted diría cosas así.
Verad told me that you'd say things like that.
Sabes, a pesar de mis esfuerzos, mis intensos esfuerzos para no hacer nada... las cosas ocurren de todos modos.
Biliyorsun, çabalarıma rağmen, my intense efforts to do nothing... things happen anyway.
# Oh! .. tu eres.. muchas.. cosas... # por las cuales se morirán
~ Oh, you are too many things ~
Tengo mejores cosas que hacer
I have got better things to do
Podrías seguir el compás, o lo demás, por atrás.
I could make things out of clay and lay by the bay, I may.
Sé que te gustan este tipo de cosas. Me pregunté si las querrías.
I know you like these sort of things - wondered if you wanted'em.
Hagan sus apuestas, hagan sus apuestas.
Bahisleri koyun! # The best things in life are free # - Yeni atici geliyor!
La química estaba ahí, pero fue uno de esos momentos que la fortaleció
The chemistry was already there, you know but this was just one of those things that cemented it, you know.
Justo cuando pienso que entiendo lo que ocurre... algo completamente increíble se presenta.
Just when I think I have a handle on things something wholly unbelievable presents itself.
Things keep getting prettier So pretty
¿ No has leído el libro When Bad Things Happen to Good People?
Evet, iyi insanlara kötü şeyler olursa diye bir kitap okumadın mı?
Cuando hay alguien que vio cosas que yo nunca vi y que experimentó cosas con las que sólo soñé me pongo a la defensiva, porque no puedo competir con eso.
- So when somebody comes along who has seen things that Görmediğim, yaşamadığım ve sadece hayalini kurmuş olduğum şeyleri görmüş biri gelince savunmaya geçiyorum çünkü onunla rekabet edemem.
"... todo aquello que nos hace... "
"al the things that make us"
"... todo aquello que nos hace... "
"all the things that make us"
"... todo aquello que nos hace...
" all the things that make us
- Tomaré Cosas Dolorosas por 500.
-'Painful Things'e 500 dolar veririm!
"... and still I'll try to tell him all the things I've done... "
"... and still I'll try to tell him all the things I've done... "
"Purple haze was in my brain."
"Lately things don't seem the same." "I'm acting funny, but I don't know why."
"Lately things don't seem the same."
"Excuse me while I kiss the sky."

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