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Trying перевод на турецкий

83 параллельный перевод
Trato de descubrir un poco mas sobre esa flota de invasión, I'm trying to discover a little more about this invasion fleet, querida.
Saldırı filosu hakkında daha fazla şey öğrenmeye çalışıyorum.
♪ Trying to take away the pain ♪
# Acılarımı dindirmek istercesine
Para que vean que no trato de ocultar nada.
I don't want to be accused of trying to hide anything.
Yo no creo que trate de ocultar nada.
Oh, now Mr. Duffy, I hope you understand I don't think you're trying to hide anything.
~ Think about what you're trying to do to me
bana ne yapmaya calistigini düsün.
~ Think about what you're trying to do to me
Thinkabout whatyou're trying to do to me
- What you trying to do to me
- Whatyou trying to do to me
- What you're trying to do to me
- Whatyou're trying to do to me
Nunca imaginé que él moriría mientras intentaba salvarte.
Ben asla hayal edilen o asla hayal edilen trying, sizi kaydedirken ölmeyecekti.
Sabías que Robbie te estaba mintiendo... y sólo estás enojado contigo mismo... por tratar de ignorar sus mentiras.
Now you knew Robbie was giving you a line... and now you're just mad at yourself... for trying so hard not to hear it.
Tu papá intenta matar a la chica que tiene el bebé.
Your father's trying to put a hit on that girl with the baby.
Era como si ella estuviese tratando de empujarme... tan lejos como podía.
lt was as if she were trying to push me... as far as she could.
Yo pienso que Lee ha traído a todo el ejército hasta aquí, e intentará flanquearnos. ... quedando entre Meade y Washington.
I think Lee's turned the whole army headed this way, trying to get around us get between Meade and Washington.
Trataré de ser mas cuidadoso.
I was trying to be careful.
- Intenta confundirte.
- He's just trying to confuse you.
Intenta ponerme en contra de Verad.
You're trying to turn me against Verad.
Nosotros ser trying calcular Cómo hacer él se quedar a.
Onu evden nasıl uzak tutacağımızı bulmaya çalışıyorduk.
Así intentamos unir nuestros brazos alrededor de nosotros mismos intentando empujar- -
So we wrapped our arms around each other Trying to shove- -
Pensé, quizá hay algo más en la vida que deportes de riesgo... e intentar tirarme a alguien.
Extreme sporlardan başka şeyler içinde hayatin olduğunu düşünüyorum... and trying to get laid.
- Sólo intentamos ayudar.
- We're just trying to help.
Y usted, de entre todos debería entender lo que estoy intentando hacer.
And you, of all people, should understand what I'm trying to do.
I'm trying my best
I'm trying my best
- Trying my best
- Trying my best
Trying my best
Trying my best
I'm trying my best, but I...
I'm trying my best, but l...
No hay ninguna escuela así En este pueblo. Pero soy trying atrapar Una transferencia para Delhi.... Donde hay escuelas de educación especial Porque a los niños les gusta Rohit.
- O tür bir okul bu şehirde yok ama, onu Delhiye transfer etmeyi deneyeceğim Rohit, kendisi gibi çocukların okuluna gidecek çalıştığım bankanın müdürü önümüzdeki sene için, bana transfer sözü verdi sadece bu yıl için izin verin...
You're giving up without trying! And it's only our first attempt!
- Denemeden pes etme, ilk girişimimiz bu.
Just keep on trying, keep on flying [Sólo sigue intentado, sigue volando]
And you would have seen some poor stiff who was driving the night shift just trying to get home to his family.
Ve onda gece vardiyasında çalışan, evdeki ailesine gitmekte olan zavallı bir ayyaş görürdünüz.
He had a whole other crowd he was trying to get in with.
Dirk diğer o kalabalığa karışmaya çalışıyordu.
# Y el maldito banco me anda cobrando #
# Mother... uckers at the bank trying to play me #
"game shoppin'I'm trying to holler a little, ma, her booty poppin"
. * Biraz bağırmaya çalışıyorum annne, Onun poposunu zıplatmak için *
"I don't wanna date you I'm trying to bait you" "To the house, we ain't gotta go out" "One more song, I'm takin'you home"
* Seninle buluşmak istemiyorum, Seni rahatsız etmeye çalışıyorum * * evine git, biz çıkmak zorundayız * * bir şarkı sonra, Seni evine bırakırım * * bir dans sonra, pantolonunu çıkarırım * * bir niyet, bir insan, bir efsane *
"I'm trying to holler a little," ma, her booty poppin'
* Biraz bağırmaya çalışıyorum anne, onun poposunu çatlatmak için *
Devon recorre con un dedo perezoso el borde de su copa de vino tratando de no mirar la abultada entrepierna de Trent.
Devon runs a lazy finger around the rim of her wine glass trying not to glance at Trent's bulging crotch.
# I made some bad decisions # and I'm trying to get them right
Bazı yanlış işler yaptım Onları düzeltmeye çalışıyorum.
# Trying not to face that
Yüzleşmek istemiyorum.
I lie awake, trying not to think of you
# Uyuyamam, seni düşünmemeye çalışırım
# Yes, don't care how you trying to live
# Yes, don't care how you trying to live
Equipo alpha, alpha 5 esta tratando de llegar a ti.
Alpha team, alpha 5 is trying to reach you.
Estar en esta habitación, creo, intentando que las personas se abran.
Bu odada olmak, I guess, trying to get people to open up.
Llevaba un tiempo intentando encontrarlo, pero...
She'd been trying to find for a while, but...
Papparazzi's hiding in the bushes Trying to make a dollar
WILDE DÜNYA TURNESİ Paparazziler saklanır çalıların ardına Çalışırlar üstünden para kazanmaya
searching high and low trying every road but if i see your face how will i know, yeah
Ararım her yerde Denerim her yolu Ama yüzünü görürsem nasıl anlayacağım
Oh, my, baby, I'm trying
Bebeğim, deniyorum
Estás intentando obligarme, y eso no funciona conmigo.
You're trying to push me, and it doesn't work on me.
they're trying to track me down, yeah they say they want to bring me in guilty
â ™ ª takip edip izlerimi, yakalamaya çalışıyorlar beni, hee â ™ ª â ™ ª diyorlar ki, istiyorlarmış şuçlu bulmayı beni â ™ ª
No trates de sacarme dinero.
I know you ain't trying to hustle me, man.
"I love you, baby, God knows I do."
"We're going steady, doll, that's what we're trying to do."
yo estaba fuera de lugar.
I was looking all around just a'trying to find a friendly face.
Y yo estoy tratando de entender,
And I'm trying to understand,

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